Sentences with phrase «i peace movement»

The program — which was mandated to find proof that foreign elements supported the American peace movement (any kind of support, even «encouragement,» «casual contacts» or «mutual interest»)-- was not halted until March 1974.
But few Africans share the same concerns of the peace movement in the Euro - American community.
from Union Theological Semianry, has been active in peace movements throughout the world, and is a Fellow of the Jesus Seminar.
A peace movement arising out of terror is as idolatrous as peace based on the bomb.
Out of this came a genuine peace movement.
We must construct new models, new pageantry, new hymns, new forms of prayer, new anthems of praise, new dramatizations, in which, for example, the labor movement may be caught up in the embrace of religion, the peace movement, the civic conscience, the community spirit, the family and every great aspiration of our time.
The struggle for a new spirituality in the peace movement, for example, shows that we are committed to the Reformation for the balance of our lives.
Local pastors, where enabling leadership is concerned, may be at a better and more advantageous position to build a more effective peace movement than any other group in the world.
- The denuclearisation, demilitarisation and peace working area: the peace movements of the 1970s and 1980s have run out of steam.
Peace movements thrive, an English writer has observed, when there is both optimism and pessimism: optimism, because there must be hope that shooting can be averted, that steps can be taken toward a more peaceful world; pessimism, because there must be clouds of war to spur interest in peace issues, to move us out of...
Reinhold Niebuhr's Moral Man and Immoral Society14 was a very sophisticated development of this thesis, which had devastating effects on the post — World War I peace movement in the United States and was widely used to justify U.S. participation in World War II.
As the reality of the nuclear threat has come home to me and I have been caught up in the peace movement, the biblical ambiguity has continued to haunt me.
Peace movements all over Europe and North America have done great work to expose the arms race, militarism and militarization which in the final analysis is a profit - earning enterprise that feed directly on human blood and human greed.
For many women in the peace movements of the «60s, feminist consciousness was sparked by increasing recognition of the sexism of the male leadership in the peace movement itself.
Thus the women's peace movement was left with an implied doctrine of split natures and split ethics between men and women.
Consciousness of sexism in the peace movement caused women to form networks and caucuses among themselves; many woman split with these peace organizations and joined the feminist movement.
Jesus» predictions of wars have been troublesome to those who wish to claim him for the peace movement.
The fast - growing peace movements in Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia and elsewhere have assumed a legal sanction in human rights law.
But in spite of the leadership of Martin Luther King and the martyrdom of divinity students in the civil rights movement, and in spite of the leadership of the Berrigans and William Sloane Coffin in the peace movement, those movements as a whole remained indifferent if not hostile to religion.
The ecological movements became peace movements as well.
He became a pacifist and was active in the Christian peace movement and in opposition to nuclear weapons.
In 1965, as the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations were beginning to peak, a young member of the Catholic Peace Fellowship burned himself alive, causing Merton to observe that both the country and the peace movement had an air of absurdity and frenzy.
The priestly task of a religious peace movement is to call both Israelis and Palestinians to suffer the amputation of part of their collective, symbolic bodies and agree to two independent states alongside each other in our common homeland.
Then, rather suddenly in our day, the opinion has changed, and there is a popular cry («popular» in the peace movement, that is) for us to withhold taxes.
It is a land that I, along with members of Israel's large peace movement, believe must be shared.
Very generally, among our forerunners in all segments of the Christian peace movement, the policy was to use all legal avenues for protesting war and expenditures for war (and to speak much more respectfully of government than we are inclined to do).
I am active in the religious peace movement Oz veShalom, «Strength and Peace,» a name taken from the last verse of Psalm 29: «May the Lord give strength [oz] to His people!
Just as peace movements need both optimism and pessimism to thrive, it is inevitable that in their appeals fear will be mixed with hope.
Peace movements thrive, an English writer has observed, when there is both optimism and pessimism: optimism, because there must be hope that shooting can be averted, that steps can be taken toward a more peaceful world; pessimism, because there must be clouds of war to spur interest in peace issues, to move us out of our normal preoccupation with more pleasant topics.
If the present peace movement follows the pattern of past peace movements, this one will affect some policies and will move some people, but it will ultimately fail to avert war or to build a broad peace.
Some problems facing national, peace movements, I would argue, are unavoidable and thus not worth much attention.
All are cause and effect of the minority status of peace movements.
The pre-1914 German peace movement, when it was noticed at all, was attacked as a stooge for the English.
So assume for the moment that current conditions allow the peace movement here to become prominent, to be heard.
The pre-1914 French, German and American peace movements all possessed an unduly legalistic notion of what peace involved.
Peace movements fail because they fail to bridge class and ideological divisions.
Peace movements, of the 20th century generally have been unable to achieve their immediate objectives, and have had even less impact on long - term public policy.
And we might see a reinvigorated peace movement in the United States.
Nonetheless, a study of the history of peace movements challenges one's ability to be optimistic.
Peace movements fail because they become identified with threatening symbols unrelated to peace.
Wars ultimately end, but rarely because of the work of peace movements.
Peace movements fail because they focus on the past, the present or the distant future, rather than the intermediate future.
A look at seven possibly avoidable causes for the failure of peace movements might suggest new approaches for the future.
Peace movements fail because they are unable, or unwilling, to convince people that wars hurt economies.
What will become of this prospering American peace movement?
Peace movements fail because they dwell on fear rather than hope.
In the peace movement there is promise.
In political ideology (except for pre-1914 America), peace movements have drawn disproportionately from the radical left.
Other flaws in peace movements can be evaluated only subjectively.
The American peace movement of the 1930s benefited from a retrospective distaste for the Great War of 1914 - 1918.
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