Sentences with phrase «is occupied territory»

I have argued elsewhere that what is happening in IS occupied territory is attempted genocide.
There may be similar questions about how air strikes have been affecting non-combatants in IS occupied territory, but I wish to consider the air campaign from a different angle.

Not exact matches

Airbnb is under fire for property listings that critics say promote illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory.
Both sides have staked out nearly identical corners of the Bitcoin space, with one group occupying, Bitcointalk and / r / Bitcoin, while the Cash upstarts are squatting on the barely - distinguishable territories of, @bitcoin and / r / btc.
It says: «As referred to in UN Security Council Resolutions 446 and 465, Israeli settlements in the occupied territories are a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
5 a: a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory; especially: one that is sovereign b: the political organization of such a body of people c: a government or politically organized society having a particular character
@ momoya: It's a kinder version of taking over an occupied territory.
Under international law it is clear that they can not claim self defense when they are occupying the Palestinian territory
(these are the same people setting up camps on the illegally occupied pallestinian territories)
These are nothing but AIPAC required talking points and lend support to the notion, as Pat Buchanan so accurately noted, that Washington DC is indeed Israeli Occupied Territory.
I figured that Capitol Hill was Isaeli - occupied territory; now they've taken Iowa and moved it to Tel Aviv!
Beyond that into the distance is the land known as the West Bank, the Occupied Territories, or simply Palestine.
It occupies a territory 150 miles long and 80 miles wide, about the size of the state of Vermont, and is in nearly the same latitude north of the equator as our state of Georgia.
The system is «designed to allow Israel to control every aspect of Palestinian life in the occupied territories while lowering Israel's military profile in order to give the impression to the outside world that what Palestinians refer to as «occupation» is merely proper administration, and that Israel has a «duty» to defend itself and the status quo, Halper says.
The Romans were usually tolerant in religion but they sometimes persecuted Christians (a religion that arose in an occupied territory (Judea), a sect of a religion (Judaism) that the Romans had allowed to stay after their conquest].
Commerce was often followed by territorial conquest and this by the conversion of the inhabitants of the occupied territory.
The more obvious answer is, of course, that life in Eastern Mediterranean occupied territory, in a simple, leisurely, prescientific age, among a small minority having no political power, was very different from the conditions of today.
Its cities lay in ruins, foreign armies divided and occupied its territories, millions of people were in flight and without shelter; the entire population faced starvation.
«The Palestinian sites of al - Haram, al - Ibrahimi / Tomb of the Patriarchs in al - Khalil / Hebron and the Bilal bin Rabah Mosque / Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem: the Board voted 44 to one (12 abstentions) to reaffirm that the two sites are an integral part of the occupied Palestinian Territories and that any unilateral action by the Israeli authorities is to be considered a violation of international law...»
German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong - points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country.»
I think drones are the way to go 1) cheaper 2) Cuts down on the loss of servicemen 3) less injuries to servicemen mean less cost to the taxpayer 4) The enemy can't say «we're occupying» their territory 5) Instant response 6) keep enemy off guard Last but not least 7) THEY WORK!
The influx of cheap Arab labor from the occupied territories has undermined one of the most basic concepts of mainstream Zionism, avodah ivrit — the sacredness of Jewish labor, the idea that Jews must stop being middlemen, as they were so often forced to be in the Diaspora, and do their own dirty work.
Reared in a Jewish tradition that prided itself on being the chosen people of God, living in occupied territory where Roman superiority and Jewish superiority were always in uneasy tension, he lived on a plane that made a Roman centurion say of him, «Truly this was a son of God!»
A valid answer must take into account the fact that Judea was then occupied territory.
But 61 percent of respondents opposed any compromise on Jerusalem, and 75 percent agreed with the statement, «The goal of the Arabs is not the return of occupied territories but rather the destruction of Israel.»
C. S. Lewis wrote in his book Mere Christianity that this world is enemy - occupied territory and that Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage.
Together the occupied territories hold about 1.3 million people, mostly Palestinians, whose existence has been largely invisible to the West.
The people in Palestine still occupied their own territory and continued to live by their own traditions; but for that very reason they were not obliged to cut themselves off so completely from the rest of the world as were the Jewish people later, when it became necessary for their self - preservation, exiled as they were from their land and scattered among the nations of the world.
Thus, Israel's repressive policy toward Palestinians in the occupied territories is designed to keep the non-Jewish populace in the status of noncitizens, and to force many of them to emigrate.
When Israeli soldiers killed a woman and her six children on Lebanese territory, which they have occupied in violation of all UN resolutions, this is not called terrorism.
The real reason for the raid was probably the fact that the Alternative Information Center was collecting data on the torture of Palestinian prisoners in the occupied territories.
Israel has the structures of a Western democracy, with a representative government and courts, but the non-Israeli residents of the occupied territories are ruled by the military government.
It is estimated that 90 per cent of the schoolchildren between 12 and 20 in the occupied territories have been arrested at least once.
For example, the water from the Sea of Galilee has been diverted for Israeli agricultural use in the Negev while West Bank residents now rely for some 60 per cent of their water on supplies controlled by Israel, which has prevented the digging or repairing of wells by residents in the occupied territories.
As such, the West Bank and Gaza are often referred to as Palestine, or Palestinian Territories (or Occupied Palestine, or the Occupied Palestinian territoTerritories (or Occupied Palestine, or the Occupied Palestinian territoriesterritories, etc).
Your assumptions that someone is or isn't «illegally occupying» territory, or that something is or is not illegal under international law, isn't really how international law works.
«It can not be force used against the territorial integrity or political independence of another State because the actor State is merely occupying its own territory
It was a clear anti-Jewish insinuation,» recalls Kaufman who is one of Parliament's sternest critics of Israeli policy in the occupied territories.
The territory that you mention, Israeli occupied Joulan a.k.a. the Golan Heights, was seized from Syria during the Six Day War with Israel in 1967, and annexed by Israel in accordance with its domestic law in 1981 (37 years ago).
Therefore, what the question comes down to is whether a state has the right to try to recapture part of its territory occupied by another state.
The article's main claim - that Israel is planning to occupy Syrian territory to create a «safe zone» - didn't realize so far, 3 months after it was made.
A redistribution of resources demands rethinking who is included and who is excluded by «Israel 2011»; whether the young couples who can not afford a flat in Rothschild Boulevard should move to Ariel instead; or rather, whether resources from the occupied territories should be redirected towards those who have been carrying the burden of the occupation on their backs for years.
One interesting part of the question that hasn't been addressed is why a Palestinian state wasn't created in 1948 - 1967 when Arabs hold the now occupied territories.
However we judge that if the Palestinians were to build on this resolution by pursuing ICC jurisdiction over the occupied territories at this stage it could make a return to negotiations impossible.
They were technically «occupied territories» at the time, I believe.
On the first, polling evidence suggested that concern about economic issues (unemployment, poverty) outweighed the government's discourse of standing up to Russia and regaining occupied territories, and their hollow claims to be building the Nice or the Singapore of the Black Sea.
It happened again in Palestine in 2006, when Hamas sleep - walked into shouldering a responsibility it did not want and was not prepared for, for governing the Occupied Territories, also with unwelcome consequences for everybody.
The fact that large swathes of Chinese territory were invaded and occupied was enormously disruptive.
My question is to what extent is Israel (mainland not referring to occupied disputed territories) a liberal democracy?
Can you quote any a source that claims the contrary (and not about the occupied territories or a generic «Israel is the devil» site)?
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