Sentences with phrase «isn takes»

ISN takes pride in its approach to really getting to know its customers over the years — who they are, what they do, why they do it, and most importantly, what's not working for them.
ISN takes pride in its approach to really getting to know its customers over the years — who they are, what they do, why they do it, and most importantly, what's not working for them.

Not exact matches

Anyway, simply stated, the policy - that - isn't permits all salaried staff to take off whenever they want for as long as they want.
Though the original comic series isn «treally a comedy (though let's all concede that the premise is completely ridiculous, even for a comic book), the movie is being directed and co-written by Edgar Wright (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead), so don't expect it to take itself too seriously.
I often hear the complaint that real food takes too much time and isn t doable for moms everyday.
I already asked my endo about possible adrenal fatigue, but he said there is no such diagnosis, only Morbus Addison which I don't have, so I should do more sport and maybe take an anti depressant... He is supposed to be one of the best endos, but isn» really helpful... My blood levels of cortisol and ACTH are in the norm range, (he don't see any need for saliva tests) but in the lower area.
I always have to take a hiatus because I live in Arizona, and using your oven when it is 110 degrees outside just isn» an option.
I'm not sure I'm going to take the fashion advice — I'm much more a what - isn't - laying - dirty - on - my - floor kinda gal, but I'm definitely going to adopt the last photo on the right's pose.
Even though the publisher who asked for my novel - and took four months to reject it - isn't a major publishing house, they do have a presence in bookstores, with libraries and with major review journals.
Men she loved have betrayed her in the past, and she isn t prepared to take that risk again.
There isn» t a need for someone else to take over the job, but if it makes you more comfy than by all means.
I \ \ \'m at a loss because lulu just isn \ \ \» t taking to him.
I'm thinking of taking business courses online at University of Phoenix, just because 4 yr isn; t an option right now.
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