Sentences with phrase «if ps»

If PS Vita users have a retail copy, the patch will be saved on the memory card.
If PS Vita users have the digital version, it will take up extra space in the system / memory card.
«If the PS Vita only sees two or three out of six, for example, it remembers where the other cards are in relation to those ones.
If your PS Plus membership is expired, a PS Plus icon with a lock shows up next to your game so you know which games you can play if you re-subscribe.
Actually if a PS Vita Mincraft edition also included crossbuy for PS3 - 4 then even more parents will buy it....
You just implied as if PS VR is a lightweight device, while it's the bulkier and heavier of them all.
There's no way to know if PS Plus actually hurts Indie sales, or if the people weren't going to buy the games any way and are just scapegoating because they want more Retail titles.
As if the PS, I Love You panel wasn't apparent enough.
Definitely picking up at least five of those GTA titles, too; if my PS + subscription didn't already pay for itself in January, that sale would do it.
I love the complaints that are hollering for PS + to give out games that any hard - core gamer would already have in his collection... if PS + started giving those games out, we'd hear a lot more «ah man, I already have that game and spent $ 60 on it as well, when are we gonna get a game I don't own»... it was there for the Borderlands game, only it got a pass because it was one of the first «big game» names released.
Booster packs for free - to - play games, numerous PSN indie games and games with middling to poor reviews are not what I want out if PS Plus, especially when Microsoft is rolling out lots of highly rated games on their Games With Gold and tons of backwards compatibility.
I'm now starting to doubt if the PS + version will ever see the light of day.
If the PS Eye camera can't read the Move's location at any point, it will more times than not result in a missed swing opportunity.
Like others have said, if PS NOW isn't an option you should just get a ps3.
Still, though, if PS Vita owners want physical games, the time to collect cartridges may be drawing to a close.
I am pretty sure if the PS Vita released before the mobile and tablets got hugely popular in gaming, it would have done way better.
If ps games and hardware don't score 9s and 10s the reviewers have to be biased.
If my PS + wasn't required I'd cancel it immediately.
I saw the release, and waited, just to see if PS just fizzled....
But if PS does this again next month with the next DLC for naruto, they are gonna get sue or badly fine.
However, there is a game share feature offered on the PlayStation 4 platform which allows two users to link accounts and share digitally downloaded games (not sure if PS + is required though).
If my PS + account is on my master account / PS3 & my sub account (which is what I normally use since I made it before I was 18) that's tied to the master account is on my Vita, can I still take advantage of PS + content on the Vita the same way I've been able to get PS + games / discounts on my PS3?
Does anyone know if PS + subscription codes from Amazon will work on an Australian PS account, I'd rather pay $ 30 than $ 70 haha.
I swear to God if PS Now was FREE, i still would not use it.
IF PS Now doesn't get a subscription option like Netflix, it will fail.
If the PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS don't cut it for you anymore and you have to have Android with your gaming, then you may be interested in the Magic Media i5 console.
And that's only likely if PS Vita fails in its current form...
Sony would be pretty close to bankruptcy, if PS 4 wouldn't be going good for them.
I'm now starting to doubt if the PS + version will ever see the light of day.
Timmer: Yeah, so that's really the critical element because when you look at the market's history, if P / Es need to come down, more often than not, that means the market comes down as well.
So if p is the total amount Alma paid to the cashier and x is the original price of the laptop, the equation reads as follows:
You may also want to look at its price - to - earnings ratio — if its P / E is low, that indicates that it's selling for a relatively cheap price — forward - looking earnings and current price relative to its 52 - week high and low.
Add these factors together, and investors face a long term total return of 7 % annually if P / E multiples remain fixed at record highs, and earnings grow along the peak of their long - term growth channel.
If the P / E ratio of a company substantially outstrips its return on invested capital, do you take a pass on recommending the stock?
(8) But since God can not bring it about that P go right with respect to A if P is significantly free with respect to A, if God knows that P will go wrong with respect to A if actualized and made free with respect to A, then God can not actualize a world in which P is made free with respect to A and performs the right action although this latter state of affairs is itself consistent (possible).
(7) An omniscient God knows with respect to any P exactly what P would do if P were made free with respect to any A.
For, if P is a unit interval, then P is, by the meaning of «unit interval,» bounded by an antecedent interval prior to P and an interval posterior to P. And since the interval prior to P is a unit interval (or a moment of eternal duration, which automatically grants our case), then it too has its antecedent unit interval, and so on ad infinitum.
if p divides past from future, it divides what does not exist from what does not exist.
And their r e l i g i o u s o r g a n i z a t i o n s just continue the t r a d i t i o n of keeping the b l i n d e rs on because if their p r a c t i t i o n e r s realized the truth, then they would be truly e n l i g h t e n e d and stop p r a y i n g for their miracles and start seeking modern medicine and education.
If the P stratum has its dull genealogies (e.g., 6:14 ff.)
[25] However, under US federal organic standards, if pests and weeds are not controllable through management practices, nor via organic pesticides and herbicides, «a substance included on the National List of synthetic substances allowed for use in organic crop production may be applied to prevent, suppress, or control pests, weeds, or diseases.»
If a pest infestation is present in your restaurant or store, you will want to take immediate action to remedy the problem.
A public health inspector can issue huge fines and possibly shut down the business if pests are present in the building.
Coolibah uses copper and oil sprays if pest attack is a significant problem.
If the P Cech rumour is true well then Arsene does truly mean business.
If pests are a real concern in your area, you can add a few cedar chips, which are available at most general merchandise outlets.
On the downside, if P = NP, «basically all the crypto systems that are used every day would all be broken», Lipton says.
Jacob Aron explains why it matters if P = NP
If P = NP, computers may eventually be able to solve a host of complex problems, from protein folding to factorising very large numbers.
«If p - wave superconductivity is indeed being created in graphene, graphene could be used as a scaffold for the creation and exploration of a whole new spectrum of superconducting devices for fundamental and applied research areas,» Robinson said.
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