Sentences with phrase «if urea»

If Urea doesn't catch on as a fuel, well, you are stuck with fertilizer or animal feed supplement, damn the bad luck.
Alternatively if the urea decreases I consider that the protein intake is inadequate.

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If one depletes glycogen stores it absolutely will come from fat, but remember that blood glucose doesn't got to zero and that then not only puts a huge load on the liver for gluconeogenesis, but also on the renal system disposing of all the urea from amino acid metabolism.
In terms of biochem adjustments; this differs on the patients co-morbidities of course and needs to be assessed on an individual patient bases, but in general if i note that the urea has elevated above the normal range since I increased the protein intake and the patient does not have renal disease or an acute kidney injury but is suffering from ureamic symptoms then perhaps the protein intake is to high.
In other words, every gram of protein that is taken up by the body will result in x grams of ammonia to be converted into urea, no matter if you use the amino acids for muscle repair / building, glucose production or peeing out?
«However if your skin is dry and you don't want to use products with oil, look for formulas with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and urea for skin hydration.
If the BMW Group is to enter the American market with a diesel product, it will be with one that offers a truly sustainable solution such as the exhaust treatment by SCR technology — which is the drastic reduction of NOx content by use of urea.
Protein in the urine can be caused by a variety of different conditions; if you are looking for non or minimal invasive procedures then ultrasound isn't invasive and can tell your Veterinarian a lot about the internal structure of the kidney's and any abnormalities, also a regular blood test (just taken with a needle from the fore leg) with biochemistry will give a good indication about protein levels in the blood more importantly the albumin to globulin ratio as well as creatinine and urea which will help to determine Sebastian's internal health.
Urease breaks down urinary urea into ammonium ions thereby increasing urinary pH. If the conditions are right, stones may precipitate.
Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels are the prime way veterinarians decide if their treatment of kidney disease in your pet is working.
So, if a dog were to eat too much high - protein cat food, overtime, it could develop kidney problems due to excessive urea accumulation in the body.
If you suspect that your cat is drinking more water than usual, or is urinating a larger volume, you should have your cat examined by your veterinarian who will perform blood tests, especially BUN (blood urea nitrogen), creatinine, calcium and phosphorus levels, along with a concurrent urinalysis.
For example, if your dog's BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) results are high, that might be a sign of kidney disease... or it might just mean your dog was dehydrated when the test was done, because BUN rises with dehydration.
The objective was to determine if cats eating diets high in protein will have higher serum urea nitrogen (UN) and creatinine values without a detectable change in kidney function, as assessed by urinalysis.
«I would feel safe if my backup battery in my house is made of urea with little chance of causing fire.»
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