Sentences with phrase «if a study uses»

Neither HFCS nor diabetes was measured at an individual level, so we can not assume that the link reported at the country level would be found if the study used individual level data — for example, examining individual diet and diabetes diagnosis.
> If a study uses statistical techniques, these should be according to the best practices as determined by that field.
If this study used public funding, the public has finally gotten some useful science from the tree - ringers.
If the study uses some ridiculous sensitivity they would get with ridiculous conclusions.
And should Mr. Pruitt reconsider regulations now in place, this new policy could be a catalyst for the unraveling of existing public health protections if the studies used to justify them could no longer be used by EPA,» McCarthy and McCabe wrote.
We will calculate mean difference (MD) values if all included studies use the same measurement scale, or standardised mean differences (SMDs) if studies use different measurements scales, and 95 % CIs for continuous outcome measures.

Not exact matches

Studies show that visual information, when delivered well during a presentation, can capture and hold your audience's attention much better than if you use no images.
A new study using lab - engineered microtumors allowed doctors to better predict if a cancer drug treatment will work in a patient.
The studies warn, «High inequality can diminish economic growth if it means that the country is not fully using the skills and capabilities of all its citizens or if it undermines social cohesion, leading to increased social tensions.
This is especially true if you use Facebook to get that dopamine hit, as studies have found that excessive use can hurt self - esteem and general well - being.
Furthermore, while Banz used NYSE companies for this study, he concluded that there is evidence that similar, if not better, results could have been obtained by investing in small AMEX or in over-the-counter stocks.
A recent study in Denmark found that if commuting a distance of less than eight kilometres half of the car trips can be replaced with trips using an electric bicycle.
Let's use my food blog as an example (make sure you read my social media strategy case study, if you haven't already).
People Are Facebooking» ing — and - Buying More Than Even, Even if They Don't Realize It Although a Reuters study released last week asserted that 34 % of people believe they are using Facebook less than they were 6 month ago, Nielsen DATA shows that usage is actually up 18 minutes per month.
If you haven't read the Understanding B2B Buyers 2016 Benchmark Study, you may not know that companies who exceed revenue and lead goals are more effective at creating, using, and consistently maintaining personas than those who miss their targets.
If your client does not want to be features under their brand name, you can decide to write the case study and highlight the metrics without using their name and simply say «A Company in [blank] Industry».
Our study, which we shared this week, shows that 66 % of consumers would feel more comfortable sharing their personal information if brands proactively told them how it would be used.
Alberta, which relies on coal to generate about half its power, would see electricity rates rise more slowly in coming decades if use of renewable energy increased, according to a study published today.
If you use a nominal 30 % rate and figure the U.S. population at 300 million you get 90 million victims, which statistically corroborates with the number from other studies citing direct reports.
It offers an oppor - tunity to study systematically the interaction of several copyright issues: including the rights (or lack thereof) of exclusive licensees as plaintiffs in parallel import situations, the distinction between exclusive licensees and assignees, the nature of works of authorship, the characteristics of copy - right infringement, the status of copyrightable works when used as trade - marked logos, the limits (if any) of concurrent copyright and trade - mark protection, and even the distinction between trade - mark, copyright, and patent as autonomous yet related legal regimes.
It's not that I don't feel like I can, I can... but is that in the vocabulary of the one who I worship, if it's not then why would I as His Son want to take on what is not His, my Father's nature... The versions of the Bible I've read seem to think that words are powerful and speaking them is an action and can even change physics if used properly... Again, the scriptures speak for themselves and circumventing the topical study with christiany cliche come - backs doesn't answer or annul anything that the Word has to say on the matter.
people really need to study the bible — not for Christianity sake but for theirs - the athiest would like everyone to understand them and used this phrase — But when I explain that atheism is central to my worldview — that I am in awe of the natural world and that I believe it is up to human beings, instead of a divine force, to strive to address our problems — they often better understand my views, even if we don't agree.
The use of your God - given mind in diligent study is an act of worship, even if you're just memorizing vectors.
(And if the organization in question spent time studying the Bible in depth, they'd would both know, and be able to effectively use the treatment plan outlined in the Torah.)
If you do find a passage that seems to support the church practice in question, you need to do some serious Bible study to make sure it really says what you think it says, and you're not just using it as a proof text.
«The APA has small study samples and if you get down to the definition that they use to classify gays as ok you begin to laugh.
But the answer will be much more satisfying if our study includes careful methods of analysis and interpretation, with due regard to the historical and literary contexts and the genre being used.
I mean, realistically, it's not a happy time to be alive on the earth with so much suffering, but I really don't think a study used to see if christians or atheists are happier can shed any light on reality.
The pastor is a young guy, and besides everyone asking me to come 8 times, I probably would if the people who were nicd to use there, would have had the same demeanor during the rest of the week They're a cute little church w / maybe 200 each service (they have 2 morning services) I tried to have her go to VBS, but they wanted the parents to go to a Bible study instead of with them, so I bowed out of that one.
Paul does not fall into this error, but instead says that if one is to understand spiritual truth, it must be spiritually discerned, which means that it must be studied through the use of the spirit.
Well if I have to become an atheist it won't be because of years of careful study, use of logic reason and the weighing the cost of alienation.
If you go to the book of revelations, read a couple documents and study a little in some documentary's you will find out that the translation is corrupt, infact they destroyed for other reasons, BUT in Tobias you will still learn that the old testomant does not approve of homosexuality, also in Leviticus, as well as Romans, and 2nd Corinthians, and a bit more passages, use google, it might help.
If you study Religion more you'll realize it is inherently violent because it is inherently insecure and is relegated to using threats and violence to keep people from asking too many questions.
Yet if they are to understand the arts significantly, they too must enter so fully into the works they study, by becoming familiar with the possibilities and limitations of the materials used and with the processes of transforming them, that they pass beyond passive receptivity to the practice of virtual recreation, through imaginative participation in the artist's constructive activity.
A free discussion guide is available in the book study kit if you're interested in using it for a class or small group.
So, for instance, if it is not clear to the readers of my work that my writing is done by an Episcopalian Christian, I will have failed to practice this virtue — which, of course, includes my making clear at which points the materials I study or engage seem to me false, noxious, or incomplete; just as it includes my making clear when and in what ways it seems to me that the materials I engage are true, have taught me something I didn't know before, or may be of use to me and my community in its search to apprehend and incarnate the gospel.
If one wanted to defend Thomas Hobbes» description of human life as «nasty, brutish, and short,» he could use these studies as case material.
thus if you were in OT use the Hebrew... BOth OT and NT require same standards of studying..
or a war aginst invaders... if smeone enters ur home and starts taking over it u'll try and get them out by any means possible... Jihad is a war fought if ur country is invaded by outside forces... which is a right for any human being... one again before passing judgement yuou might want to get ur facts straight... don't listen to what u're told... God has given u a brain... use it... study a religion..
One side effect of the research I've done in writing the book, is that when somebody presents 10K verses to support their claim, I can write a short reply: «Thank you for providing so much scriptural support that conclusively proves my position, and demonstrates that your position has no basis in scripture», and, if challenged, go through each cited verse, and, using one or more specific techniques / methods of Bible study, show how the cited verse either refutes the position they present, or supports the position I present.
Or, if you want to kick it up a notch, check out the free Book Study Kit, which includes the discussion guide, a poster, and images for Web use.
I don't know how it will evolve, so am not sure if it could be used as a Lectio Devina study or not.
If her training eventually pulls her back into her professional role so that she is able to study her reactions, she may notice that she has been led to picture the story of humankind as being played out solely by males: inventing language, passing it on to the next generation of sons, inventing pottery for use as containers, fashioning needles in order to make better clothing.
If you take a little time and dig a little deeper into the story, using a concordance to look up the words (all the words) and studying what is known of the culture of the place and time, one would find that John is closer to the truth than you would imagine.
I used to have a sign that hung in my study which said, «If grace is free, why are Christian books so expensive?»
Whatever may be the case with the new theologians who are influenced by «secularization», by «the death of God», or the existentialist conceptuality provided by Heidegger — and here John Macquarrie is an exception, since his Principles of Christian Theology does include a consideration of the subject — not many theologians who prefer to approach the re-conception of Christian theology with the use of «process thought» have published extended studies of «the last things»; or, if they have, I have not come across them.
Also, please contact me if you are a small group leader interested in using Evolving in Monkey Town as part of a book study... or if you write for an online / print publication and would like a copy for review....
If their Bible study consists of nothing but reading the Bible, then my recommendation is: * Use FaithLife or Persue Journal, or the app that your church has; * Install an eBook reader and obtain a Bible in the format used by the eBook reader.
the huge gap is extremely pronounced if u ever studied the bible, and using phrases like «blinded by hatred and satan» sound like u are writing from the 1500's.
If you have used Logos Bible Study Software before as I have, then let me tell you a bit about the changes in Logos 6, and if you have never used Logos at all, you will be amazed at what it does for your Bible study and theology researcIf you have used Logos Bible Study Software before as I have, then let me tell you a bit about the changes in Logos 6, and if you have never used Logos at all, you will be amazed at what it does for your Bible study and theology reseStudy Software before as I have, then let me tell you a bit about the changes in Logos 6, and if you have never used Logos at all, you will be amazed at what it does for your Bible study and theology researcif you have never used Logos at all, you will be amazed at what it does for your Bible study and theology resestudy and theology research.
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