Sentences with phrase «if baby has»

If your baby has mild pain or is feverish, paracetamol or ibuprofen in liquid form may be suitable.
If your baby has a sensitivity to cow's milk, once you've eliminated all the dairy and your child is feeling better, you can wait a while to then slowly start to reintroduce some dairy products back into your diet.
It isn't abnormal at all if your baby has diaper rash.
Even if your baby has trouble going to sleep, it doesn't mean that you can't do anything about it.
If the baby has developed an aversion to the breast, Smillie usually recommends that the mother express milk for a few feedings or days, while gradually making the breast a comfortable place again.
If your baby has a strong family history of asthma or allergies, it may still be safe to introduce allergenic foods, but check with the doctor first.
You can also use Nistatin powder (without a diaper liner) if your baby has a yeast rash instead of the cream Nistatin.
But if your baby has slept well until now, continue with your bedtime routine as normal and remind yourself it's just a phase which will pass like all the others.
I sometimes will include a few drops of tea tree oil, especially if baby has a rash.
If your baby has a sibling or a parent with an allergic condition (including hay fever, eczema, allergic asthma, or food allergy), he's more likely to have a food allergy.
If your baby has jaundice, he may sleep more and not nurse as often, which can decrease your milk supply.
If your baby has these symptoms, call his doctor right away.
If baby has fed until they are full and you still feel your breasts are not soft you should need to manually remove the milk.
If your baby has ever had a latch issue, you already know how frustrating and painful it can be for both you and your baby.
Also check with the doctor before starting solids or introducing new foods if your baby has any of these risk factors:
Cut your beard to avoid if your baby has sensitive skin and if you need more information about this then find out more.
However, if your baby has had a virus or bacterial infection, it's always best to consult with your pediatrician to find out if your cloth diapers will need further disinfection.
This way you'll know the culprit if your baby has an allergic reaction.
If your baby has started on solids, bring only as much baby food as you'll need for the trip.
If your baby has started on solids you could try giving them an unsweetened teething rusk or a piece of raw carrot or apple.
If your baby has a very sensitive gag reflex, lumpy or stringy foods can trigger his gag reflex.
If your baby hasn't yet arrived, ask the technician to use a doll as an example.
If your baby hasn't rolled over by 6 months or sat up by 9 months, don't worry.
But if your baby has moderate to severe eczema, has had an allergic reaction to a food or has a known food allergy, or has a sibling with a peanut allergy, your child's doctor may have specific recommendations about which solids to start with and when.
If your baby has been napping for more than two hours, wake baby for a feeding.
If your baby has Spina Bifida it's likely this will be identified at your 20 week anomaly scan.
«If your baby has been regularly crying for extended periods and nothing you do seems to help, the first thing to know is that you are not alone.
If your baby has been breastfeeding exclusively and you now want to try giving him meat, the AAP suggests starting with a very thin puree.
If your baby has no routines yet, pick a time that is convenient for yourself and your spouse if you plan to go together.
Consult your doctor if your baby has these signs:
If your baby has been weaning for a long time, you may be met with the unexpected challenge of strong dislikes for food and a lot of messy eating.
This cereal is perfect if you baby has just started feeding on cereals other than rice cereal.
How to tell if your baby has chicken pox, whether it might be dangerous, and what you can do to ease the symptoms.
If your baby has an aversion to breastmilk with high lipase, it may only be temporary.
On the other hand, if your baby has been weaning for a while already, there will be some important milestones to reach at this point.
It's possible your care provider may offer alternative advice if your baby has special needs; always adhere your care provider's instructions.
If your baby has a reliably sound nap and you have a caring helper, consider a short run right from your front door.
If your baby hasn't chosen one yet and you want to have a say, introduce one that you like, think is safe and that can be washed again and again...
If your baby has eczema, asthma, or intolerance for most dairy products, give cheese only under the supervision of a doctor.
If your baby is nursing properly, then you should not feel teeth, even if baby has all of his teeth.
Warning: You should visit your doctor anytime the rash gets worse or if your baby has a temperature of 100.4 Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) and is less than three months or 102.2 Fahrenheit (39 Celsius) and is three to six months.
You can find more symptoms of urinary tract infections in infants here and see if your baby has other signs of illness too.
If your baby has started with solid baby food (including cereal), you can find additional, helpful tips in these posts:
If your baby has never been worn in any inward - facing baby carrier, know that some personalities get frustrated by their new viewpoint.
While they can be signs of teething in some babies, if your baby has symptoms that could also be related to illness, you should contact your baby's doctor to rule out anything else.
Call your doctor if your baby has difficult...
You don't mention if your baby has started to refuse formula / breast milk too.
Up until this point, you might have been doing most of the work, especially if your baby has been consistently sleeping on the same side of the bed as you every night.
If your baby has shown no signs of intolerance to dairy (via your diet) while breastfeeding, it's actually BEST to introduce dairy sooner rather than later to protect against the development of allergies.
Keep in mind, if your baby has had too much playtime, she may become overstimulated and start to fuss.
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