Sentences with phrase «if brain regions»

If brain regions are like self - contained computers, then the brain as a whole is a computer network.
«While neuroimaging studies can tell us a great deal about the brain's response to complex events, it's only by studying patients with brain injury that we can see if a brain region is actually needed to perform a given task,» said Dr Clark.

Not exact matches

«We quantify it... looking into regions of the brain to make much more accurate predictions if you will develop Alzheimer's and the likelihood of phases as you age,» Venter said.
This kind of experience would not be what Cobb's model would lead us to expect at all, for if the fully conscious, regnant occasions totally encompassed the region of the brain, inheriting from every part, how could the content of some of the brain occasions have remained hidden from me?
If the human stream of occasions of dominating awareness is to be influenced by many regions of the brain at once, and is in turn to exercise control over many such regions, it must be directly in touch (both spatially and temporally) with large portions of the brain.
I could easily show you these regions if I had here a picture of the brain.1 Moreover, the diminished or exaggerated associations of what this author calls the Köperfühlshäre with the other regions, accounts, according to him, for the complexion of our emotional life, and eventually decides whether one shall be a callous brute or criminal, an unbalanced sentimentalist, or a character accessible to feeling, and yet well poised.
If it occurs in the motor region of the brain, they become weak on one side of the body.
Even if a scan shows abnormal activity in a brain region associated with impulse control or regulation of emotions, such imaging provides no more than probabilistic information, Hyman said.
«If you've ever looked at a newborn primate's brain or a baby's brain, it's surprising that they work at all,» says Jon Kaas, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, who previously investigated the brain region responsible for hand - to - mouth motions in non-human primates.
«Because you've associated things over time, you're going to associate a certain triggering point in the frontal lobe or the basal forebrain and tell certain regions of the brain stem to adopt a state of activity as if it were receiving signals from the body that were consonant with emotion x.
If it is true that epigenetic changes to genes active in certain regions of the brain underlie our emotional and intellectual intelligence — our tendency to be calm or fearful, our ability to learn or to forget — then the question arises: Why can't we just take a drug to rinse away the unwanted methyl groups like a bar of epigenetic Irish Spring?
He and Cox are conducting tests of brain bank tissue to see if the ALS patients in these regions do in fact have elevated levels of BMAA.
For instance, knowing if there is a simple increase or decrease in connectivity between brain regions compared to healthy individuals, or whether those with autism use entirely different brain regions to implement cognitive flexibility will enable researchers to better design interventions to improve cognitive flexibility skills.
When she realized they were focused on the same brain region, she wondered: What if fibromyalgia came down to a problem with the brain's ability to medicate itself?
Implanted electrodes might also be dangerous if they penetrate sensitive regions of the brain like the speech centers, where damage could lead to speech loss, or the motor cortex, where paralysis is a risk.
If individual brain regions are too isolated from one another or are interconnected at random, will be low.
Using non-invasive brain imaging, the researchers found that people at - risk for anxiety were less likely to develop the disorder if they had higher activity in a region of the brain responsible for complex mental operations.
Because women are less specialized, their brains seem to be more resilient — they recover faster and more easily from the effects of strokes — and better at compensating if one region is damaged.
Offering up what he concedes is a «science fiction kind of idea,» Silva wonders if physicians treating patients with Alzheimer's «could direct memories to those regions of the brain that remain strong.
In an interconnected network of billions of neurons, it is unlikely that any single brain region is responsible for an experience — even if media coverage touting the «love center of the brain» suggests otherwise.
«They could be distressed by the election, but did not show psychological symptoms of depression if they have either strong family support or robust activity in these brain regions,» Tashjian said.
If «Will» is correct then people who choose to act honestly should exhibit heightened activity in brain regions responsible for cognitive control (presumably resulting from the struggle to ignore immediate desires).
If you're improving connectivity in a brain region involved in working memory, then you should get transfer to other tasks to the extent that they rely on that same brain region,» said Trumbo.
However, it's unclear whether less grey matter causes female addictive behaviours, or if addiction might shrink these brain regions.
imagine By Jonah Lehrer Inspiration may seem as if it comes out of nowhere, but researchers have found that certain brain regions signal they have arrived at a eureka moment a full eight seconds before that feeling hits.
Black said the researchers will aim to replicate these findings in additional patients and determine if and how the brain regions they identified may contribute to Tourette's syndrome, with a goal of developing more effective therapies.
And if you don't believe any of this, you may have decreased activiy in your inferior supra - credulus, a brain region involved in making people gullible.
«We wanted to find out if lorcaserin was acting on these brain regions and, if so, where and how.
«My lab works on the neural bases of learning and memory,» says Pozzo - Miller, «so we decided to test if LM22A - 4 was able to improve spatial discrimination deficits by enhancing synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, the brain region responsible for spatial learning and memory.»
«The enormous outgrowth of axons to many regions of the spinal cord and even deeply into the brain raises questions of possible harmful side effects if axons are mistargeted.
Even when each component of a brain works well, if the connections between regions are missing a crucial protein or chemical messenger, autism could result.
However, they do not allow us to know whether this information was used to perform the task, or if it reflects the consequences of this task — in other words, spreading information in our brain,» continues Valérian Chambon, researcher at the Departement d'études cognitives at the ENS.. The mapped regions outside of the posterior superior temporal lobe are thus false positives, in a way.
Cells in the targeted brain regions fired when researchers asked subjects about their own views; they would also activate if such questions were followed by queries about the character with whom the volunteer most identified.
Similarly, getting a fair offer — even if it was small in absolute terms — activated regions in the brain such as the ventral striatum and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex that are involved in automatic and intuitive reward processing.
Subjects would indicate to researchers when they were planning the movement, so the researchers could see what part of the cerebral cortex — the outermost region of the brain, which plays a key role in functions from movement to attention to learning — responded if a button - push was or was not executed.
In each case, whenever the location of a sound was modified, the subjects showed increased activity in their planum temporales; if the sound moved to more locations, heightened activity was elicited from the brain region.
In another experiment, Aoki et al. show that if this region of the brain is removed, the fish are able to learn the avoidance behavior, remember it short - term, but can not form any long - term memory of it.
Subramaniam and his colleagues also found lesions and damaged neurons in the cerebellum, confirming Rhes is sufficient to promote toxicity and showing that even those regions of the brain normally impervious to damage can become vulnerable if Rhes is overexpressed.
«We're also looking to see if optogenetically stimulating other brain regions after a stroke might be equally or more effective,» he said.
«If this region is overactive, it hinders other brain areas that are involved in the initiation and termination of movements.
If you have a greater density of grey matter in the cortex, it is likely that brain region will have a greater volume as well.»
Monkeys typically find other monkeys impossible to ignore, and this experiment was no exception: the monkeys often failed at the reward task because they looked at the faces, especially if the faces depicted emotion.When humans are torn between paying attention to two different things, it triggers a «conflict» circuit in a brain region called the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) which is part of a larger brain structure controlling rational thought and emotions.Using a tiny sensor implanted in the dACCs of the monkeys, Platt's group was able to measure the electrical activity of single neurons.
«I'm inclined to think that happens because the brain begins to transition into sleep, and some local brain regions become drowsy even if you force yourself to stay awake,» Lewis says.
«If the region in which the meaning of language is processed is impaired, the so - called left angular gyrus, our brain is able to balance it well.
New York, NY (February 1, 2012)-- For decades, researchers have debated whether Alzheimer's disease starts independently in vulnerable brain regions at different times, or if it begins in one region and then spreads to neuroanatomically connected areas.
If two regions of the brain â $ œlight upâ $ at the same time, and do so in a consistent enough pattern, that indicates that those two regions are connected.
However if you are taking CJC - 1295 injection (a long lasting hGH secretagogue steroidal injection), or taking an hGH supplement in pills form that you have taken for at least a week, so it has built in your system, these secretagogues will remain in your brain region, so as to continually giving signals to your pituitary gland to produce more hGH.
When a secretagogue of GH, the kinds of as GHRH, Ghrelin, Hexarelin, or CJC - 1295, alerts the GHSR (a region in the brain) it triggers the pituitary to produce HGH, IF, Somatostatin levels are reduced adequately making it possible for it.
Intrigued by recent findings that neuron firing rates in the regions of mouse and fly brains associated with visual processing increase during physical activity, UC Santa Barbara psychologists Barry Giesbrecht and Tom Bullock wanted to know if the same might be true for the human brain.
If the electrical activity stays in one region of the brain, only a portion of the body will be affected, such as focal facial seizures.
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