Sentences with phrase «if bullying»

Avoid denying access if the bullying is taking place online — Young people use technology every day for communicating with friends as well as learning and discovering.
If the bullying behaviour is extreme, there might also be reasons to look for help outside the school system.
If the bullying is happening at school, the school might offer counselling or refer you to someone else.
If the bullying doesn't stop even after you've spoken to the classroom teacher, it's still safest to work through the school.
If your child is being bullied, along with understandable emotions like anger, sorrow and maybe even revenge, you may initially feel powerless, particularly if the bullying is happening at school where you can't be around to protect them.
If the bullying is happening at school ask to see a teacher.
It is difficult to figure out, then, if bullying aggressors are intentionally hurtful towards others, or their bullying behavior is simply an unhealthy byproduct of the fact that they are possibly severely emotionally disturbed (see the bullet - pointed characteristics above).
If bullying is involved, it is one of many factors.
If the bullying involved online communication, keep the messages / emails / texts / images etc..
Generally speaking, if bullying continues in the workplace, it is because it is tolerated at the highest levels of the organization,» notes executive career coach Cheryl Palmer, based in Silver Spring, Md. «If employers realize the toll that bullying takes on the organization, not just specific individuals, they should make it absolutely clear that bullying will not be tolerated.»
If bullying or cyberbullying is happening at school then Ontario's Education Act prohibits repeated, aggressive behaviour that causes harm, fear or distress to another student.
However, if the bullying is severe (e.g. a serious assault), or if it persists despite efforts to deal with it, incidents should be referred to the Kennel Club in «responding to suspicions or allegations» above.
If bullying at meal times is a problem, try feeding different cats in different rooms.
You hit the nail squarely when you said, this was more of a school yard tussle, if the bullying did not have far reaching financial repercussions.
There's data on 786 schools — district and charter — that includes whether students feel safe, if bullying is a problem and if teachers feel like their disciplinary practices are effective.
«It's important to guard against any precedent that would allow a school district to be found deliberately indifferent if bullying or harassment by others continues, despite a district's efforts to address reported misconduct,» said Thomas J. Gentzel, Executive Director, National School Boards Association.
If a bullying incident happens, it's essential that school staff work with all the students involved, providing the bully with appropriate discipline and guidance, and providing the victim with emotional support and help with developing coping skills to deal with future incidents.
Even if the bullying has stopped, you still might want to provide him with guidance, particularly if he is isolated from his peers.
Also, check with the student after a couple of days and then periodically after that to find out if the bullying has stopped.
He and colleagues are examining myriad factors, including looking at financial and educational outcomes, and even if bullying or being victimized is associated with genetic biomarkers.
«If the bullying occurs at home and at school the risk for psychotic disorder is even higher.
Asked if bullying could've happened without his knowledge Paul Davies says «perhaps but then party should suspend individuals not whole CLP»
Even if the bullying has stopped, being around the bully may still cause your tween or teen anxiety.
Talk to your child about ways in which he can defend himself against bullies, especially if the bullying is physical.
As kids get older, says Dr. Ostrov, it's often so covert that parents and teachers may not be able to see it, especially if the bullying is relational (gossiping about someone, excluding someone, and so on).
To find out if bullying is at the root of your child's fear, ask indirect questions that will create opportunities for your child to share their experiences.
If bullying behavior, harassment or misuse is identified, notify the website or application's administration immediately to see if they can help launch an investigation into the incident.
Nevertheless serious bullying can so damage self - esteem that a bullied child may need several months learning at home before (perhaps) returning to the school environment, even if the bullying problem is resolved.
If the bullying has not been resolved, or if the coach is not taking the situation seriously, you may want to consider going above the coach's head.
If the bullying is overt, physically aggressive, or constant, there is a good chance your child's teachers are well aware of the problem.
This lack of healing and closure is especially true if the bullying was never resolved or addressed when you were younger.
You also want to contact school officials if the bullying is continuing or escalating.
Even if the bullying is limited to the home, sibling bullying should be addressed because it has significant consequences.
And if the bullying was reported to the school, work with administrators to enforce any disciplinary action that your child receives.
And if bullying is related to cliques, help your child develop healthy friendships.
If bullying were to happen — and Lemon says he's only seen it once in his career — the offending camper is sent home.
If bullying means anything, it means harm or mistreatment by others; bullying oneself doesn't count.
David wrote once «what came first the thug or the theology» saying if someone is spouting out bad theology «please stop» and if bullying «stop now».
If bullying means that what is taught is: You will spend eternity in one of two places.
If the bully will not give up, confront them.
Finally, if any bully pastors or leaders are reading this, I implore you to really absorb how you are negatively impacting the kingdom of God.
That can be difficult if the bully is our boss at work and we can't find another job.
Don't be surprised if the bully pretends that they are not a bully and that you are imagining things.
If the bully has done his job well, those being bullied will have been taught that confronting the bully is akin to punching God in the nose: God's going to get really mad if you punch him, and if you confront a church bully.
If some bully like this Perce idiot went up to you and started saying nasty things about your wife with her standing there, and then you punched his lights out, should he be able to hide behind the first amendment?
The heat on the WWE brand if the bully wins would be sky high, and not necessarily good press in this day and age.
I know that I would be very upset with him if he bullied me away from a pass and then called me «sorry» on national TV.
For example, a child might carry a baseball bat to school for protection especially if a bully threatened him with a baseball bat.
People can't bully me because they know even though I don't like football I can stand up for myself now, because I know how, because I know that if they bully me they know that they're not going to get a boy who stood there, take it.
Regardless, at least in some places, bullying appears to be celebrated if the bully is a coach.
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