Sentences with phrase «if citizen action»

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«Brand trust can only come if you are consistent as a great product - maker and if your actions as a local and global citizen are trusted and admired,» Jay says.
And it would help if EVERY religious shaman and political leader, especially those leading the muslim cults and countries, banned their members and citizens from waging terror, and took action to stop them.
But if such reshaping of national fertility patterns is to be set in motion by government action, there would obviously have to be direct, far - reaching, and even forcible state interventions into the daily lives of the overwhelming majority of the citizens of these two countries — as well as others with similar «targets.»
Many persons who are not likely to join groups in churches and schools may do so if they're made available in family counseling agencies» mental health services, youth organizations, business and industry, fraternal groups, self - help groups (such as A.A., P.W.P., Alanon, etc.), and in the many organizations devoted to special needs of the handicapped, ex-prisoners, ex-patients, unwed parents, minority groups of all kinds, senior citizens, community action groups, ethnic organizations.
There is no instance in all my memory, where the ARI has blatantly said that torture is the right course of action, but always have stated basically «in war, if a method works to either defeat the enemy or prevent our civilians or soldiers from being killed, then it is completely moral, since the government's moral duty is to protect the individual rights of its citizens
Governments are incapable of carrying out this Biblical mandate if the citizens fail to report the alleged criminal actions.
At the same time, the candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the government upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal.
If world leaders and climate advocates really want to improve the chances of mobilising political will and citizen action behind a new deal, they will need to think carefully about what sort of key messages actually work.
And your super-activists, those who take action frequently and have become educated about the issues, often make excellent citizen representatives locally or on the Hill (if you can get them to town or catch them here — how many of your list members happen to have a vacation trip to the Nation's Capital planned for this year?).
John Gromada of the Rockland Citizens Action Network says, «We've been burned by Senator Carlucci before when he promised to return to the Democratic Caucus in 2014 if we didn't run a primary.
I'm not sure about legal actions a citizen should take if they disagreed with the economic help, but you could write the members of House Foreign Affairs Committee.
The NDC is a political party and can not use its subordinate constitution to gag citizens from the exercise of their constitutional rights to speak against unconstitutional conduct and actions of a Government even if it supported it to come to power.
Adeyeye also said that the proposed action of the Federal Government would be a great injustice to the citizens now and in the future if they were plunged back into debt.
Rumore said if Paladino is defending himself against actions taken as a private citizen, he should not be able to use district money to do so.
Yet the use of chemical weapons against a country's own citizens surely requires a forceful act of intervention, even if that includes limited military action.
Dadey, with Citizens Union, says that over one year since the commission was signed into law, the probe of the Assembly speaker's actions, if it is indeed occurring, is the first true test of the new ethics commission.
Dadey, with Citizens Union says that over one year since the commission was signed into law, the probe of the Assembly Speaker's actions, if it is indeed occurring, is the first true test of the new ethics commission.
Historian Peter Galie of Buffalo's Canisius College said if citizens were required to read the state constitution — which is six times longer than the U.S. Constitution — they would react with everything from puzzlement and anger to a call for action.
According to the piece, public employee union leaders and community organizations gathered in Washington, D.C. in 2014 and came up with a 3 - point plan: use the bargaining process as a way to challenge the relationships between government and the private - sector; work with community allies to create new, shared goals that help advance both worker and citizen power; and recognize militancy and collective action will likely be necessary if workers and citizens are to reduce inequality and strengthen democracy.
If we expect students to practice being - and ultimately become - engaged democratic citizens in school and society, we must show them democracy in action.
If Twitter UK can be embarrassed into acting quickly, recently ridding itself (this week in fact) of cyber bullies and other assorted trolls by the British news media, backed by the government, plus have them arrested and publically exposed to the nation, then why hasn't the head office of Amazon in the United States been forced to take the same action when it comes to attacks by trolls on Indie writers who are ordinary law abiding citizens like you and I?
Must be a member of the uniformed services on active duty or absent from that duty due to sickness, wounds, leave, or other lawful cause; OR a U.S. citizen serving with a U.S. ally force in the prosecution of a war or military action, if such service is similar to «military service» as defined under the SCRA.
ALDF has drafted a Model Law for a Private Right of Action, based on North Carolina's unique provision that, if passed in other states, would greatly reduce the burden on local prosecutors and allow concerned citizens and animal protection groups to stop the tragedy of hoarding in their own communities throughout the country.
If the new forecast of a decade of cooler temperatures in North America and Europe pans out, it will pose a substantial challenge to climate campaigners, politicians, and citizens: Can they produce meaningful action to limit the long - term warming that scientists still say is clearly ahead under a building greenhouse blanket even when it's cooling outside?
«There really needs to be cost - effective action,» Mazmanian said, «especially if we're going to ask citizens, businesses, and communities to invest in adaptation strategies.»
The campaign is based on a recent survey which shows that a majority of people globally are optimistic about our ability to address climate change, with 64 % of global citizens believing it is solvable if we take action now.
If we focus our EcoChallenge teams not only on people who are already committed, and strive to include those who are just beginning on that path, we are not only taking actions that make a difference, we are adding to the population of committed citizens who will go on to take new actions in the future.
What Article 28 (3) with its omission of public policy grounds seems to suggest in my view is that — to a certain extent — the mere fact of a 10 years residence has created a link between the EU citizen and the host Member State that is similar to the link between a national and its state; as a consequence expulsion can only be a valid means if this link is deliberately destroyed by the EU citizen; this would be the case of a serious security threat, i.e. an individual determined to engage in actions that jeopardize the security of the host Member State's society at large, which could indeed be the case of organized crime.
However, if it was all about ensuring the effectiveness of EU environmental law and the Member States» compliance with it, citizens and environmental organisations could and can play a vital role in challenging Member State behaviour in other ways than the Commission by means of an infringement action.
At the same time, the candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the Government upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their Government into the hands of that eminent tribunal.
Individual citizens have no right to take action - they must report it to the regulator who will investigate and take action if they deem it appropriate.
Some countries can prosecute their citizens for crimes committed abroad, even if they aren't crimes in the country where such actions occurred.
However, if the Initiative does generate popular support, then in combination with institutional proposals such as the creation of «associate citizenship» then it may form part of a holistic package of Union action which may provide «a new hope» for UK nationals who wish to continue to rely on their soon to be rescinded status as EU citizens.
If the Union were to vindicate the dignity of those EU citizens who will lose their citizenship by continuing to provide them with the offer to participate in European integration, then it would prove that these statements are not merely rhetoric and instead are guides for political action.
In accordance with Article 10 of Regulation 211/2011, this consists of receiving the organisers at an appropriate level to allow them to explain in detail the matters raised by the Initiative (Article 10 (1)(b)-RRB-, and consequently within three months setting out in a communication its legal and political conclusions on the citizens» initiative, the action it intends to take, if any, and its reasons for taking or not taking that action (Article 10 (1)(c)-RRB-.
In contrast, the court opined that qualified or conditional privilege applies where one «communicat [es] information of public interest to a public officer or private citizen authorized to take action if the information is true.»
«When it comes to the knowledge of any one that a crime has been committed, a duty is laid on that person, as a citizen of the country, to state to the authorities what he knows respecting the commission of the crime, and if he states only what he knows and honestly believes he can not be subjected to an action of damages merely because it turns out that the person as to whom we has given the information is, after all, no guilty of the crime.
If you are the surviving spouse of a U.S. citizen who died before the second anniversary of your marriage, (or included in your parent's deferred action grant letter), you must file Form I - 131 with a copy of the order notice, or document placing you in deferred action.
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