Sentences with phrase «if dangerous conditions»

If dangerous conditions are found on the place of the accident, then property owners will be held accountable.
If a dangerous condition existed, did the other party cause it to exist or know it existed?
Dangerous roads can cause car accidents, and if the dangerous condition resulted from negligence on the part of a government roads agency or a private construction company, then the accident victim may have the legal right to file claims for compensation.
If a dangerous condition is not readily apparent, the homeowner has a duty to warn the licensee of the danger.
The occupier or mall owner must have regular maintenance procedures in place so that if a dangerous condition has been present for any extended length of time, the occupier should know about it and make amends.
A paticulalry absurd notion in Ohio law is that if the dangerous condition was open and obvious then there is no duty on the part of the property owner to fix the problem.

Not exact matches

The world divided into two parts is in a more dangerous condition than if it were divided into many parts.
If your child is playing or practicing in less than ideal weather conditions, you need to be aware of the possible hazards and have a plan worked out ahead of time to avoid the kind of potentially dangerous situation that developed at the lacrosse game.
Did you know that infant gastroesophageal reflux, while not a dangerous medical condition, could lead to unintended consequences if it gets severe due to late detection?
This condition can be very dangerous for you and your baby, so don't hesitate to contact your caregiver if you experience any of these symptoms.
Caudill said this will become a greater concern if the program is expanded to include the cold weather months, because they don't want students rushing back to campus when driving conditions are dangerous.
Babies are born with a permeable gut lining, which colostrum coats and seals.12, 13 This is particularly important if your baby is premature, as she'll be more at risk from the dangerous gut condition necrotising enterocolitis (NEC).13
When you are carrying for 38 weeks and bleeding during pregnancy, it could be due to a rupture in your uterinen This could be dangerous as bleeding occurs due to a disrupted surgical scar in your uterinen In some cases when you are 38 weeks pregnant and bleeding it could be due to placenta previai This is a condition wherein the placenta is positioned in such a way that it covers your birth canala In your 38 weeks pregnant period, this condition could cause you painless bleeding from your vaginan Sometimes cervical problems could lead to 38 weeks fetus bleedingn This type of bleeding could be due to various problems such as cervical infection, cervical incompetence, cervical growths and other such infectionsn At 38 weeks implantation bleeding does not occuru This type of bleeding generally occurs in the first two weeks of your pregnancyc If bleeding occurs when you are 38 weeks pregnant there is no need to panici However, this does not mean that you neglect any bleeding that occursr Always consult your health care providere
If we don't have this three - step approach in place (registry, psychiatric evaluation and banning them from ever owning an animal) then these individuals will just keep on hoarding, creating dangerous health conditions in these neighborhoods and leading to animal cruelty, abuse and neglect.»
Referring to poles no longer in use, the zombies are eyesores and can become dangerous if their conditions degrade, Skoufis said.
This can be a potentially dangerous condition, but if treated correctly, it is usually just fine for mom and baby.
IF may also be dangerous for anyone with a medical condition, such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, low blood pressure, pregnant or breastfeeding, someone who is underweight, someone taking medications, someone with a history of eating disorders, or females trying to conceive or with a history of menstrual irregularities.
Too high can cause hyperglycemia and too low can cause hypoglycemia, both of which can be dangerous conditions if left untreated.
You should not begin the program if you are severely obese, or if you have a physical condition that makes intense exercise dangerous.
Therefore, if you add normal, healthy doses of wheat germ to your diet, you will reduce the levels of homocysteine in your body, and reduce your chances of contracting these dangerous or lethal conditions.
A keto diet can be dangerous if you have certain health conditions (that you may not be aware of) such as
Fasting can also be very dangerous if you have any medical conditions, such as diabetes or hypoglycemia.
I would heartily endorse your statement that the accumulation of expert knowledge in one — or for that matter many — areas is dangerous if not grounded in a broad, deep and humane understanding of the human condition and a well - grounded moral sensibility.
They used the Dangerous Driving law which actually meant you could be prosecuted even at 20mph if it were judged to be excessive in the conditions prevailing.
If there is a dangerous electrical or plumbing condition, the landlord can be required to fix them and comply with codes.
If there are certain dangerous conditions requiring you to leave your apartment, the deposit may need to be returned to you within three calendar days.
This can be a dangerous condition, so watch your pup carefully and contact a vet immediately if you notice symptoms like excessive salivation, lethargy and a distended stomach.
But it's the vet's experience that tells us how long we need to treat for, what medication is best, whether or not there are ear mites, whether we need to treat one ear or both, whether there is possibly a resistant type of bacteria present, whether the ear drum is intact (because if not, then regular ear medications could be dangerous) and whether there is an underlying problem such as allergies or a thyroid condition.
If digestion becomes sluggish, it can become a dangerous condition called caecal hypomotility.
This is an extremely dangerous condition that can cause shock and death if not treated properly.
Get the jacket even if your dog is a strong swimmer, just in case you run into bad weather or other dangerous conditions.
If not treated, it can lead to dangerous health conditions such as lung, kidney, or heart disease.
Unfortunately, some dogs with OCD can cause dangerous physical damage to themselves or to property if the condition is not brought under control.
Continued constipation can be dangerous to your kitten's life, so make sure to get help if a day passes and the cat's condition doesn't change.
While this condition is not very dangerous to humans, it can be fatal for your dog if untreated.
If your cat eats large amounts of plant foods, their urine may become alkaline This can encourage dangerous bacterial growth in the bladder, which can result in painful infections, crystals, and other unpleasant (and expensive) conditions.
If your cat suffers from an unknown medical condition, or is not healthy enough to reduce calorie intake (possibly dangerous for diabetic cats, for example), you'll risk your cat's health.
If I wanted to, I could drive around any city in the US, or outside the US, and find dogs left in dangerous and inhumane conditions.
If you see a dog living in dangerous and neglectful conditions, document the situation by writing down all the pertinent details (where, when, the temperature, the conditions, etc.) and use your phone to video the scene.
Aqua Surf School, Inc. reserves the right to cancel any service if we believe ocean conditions are too dangerous.
If a hurricane is active nearby conditions worsen and can be dangerous, so be sure to check the weather forecast before you book a last - minute holiday to the Riviera Maya in the wet season.
However, the typically breezy conditions, riptides and sometimes rough currents can make swimming dangerous, so be cautious if you decide to go swimming.
Humans can overheat if core body temperatures much above 98.6 ° F (37 ° C) are sustained.16 Normally, when skin temperatures is somewhat cooler than 98.6 ° F (37 ° C), the body loses its metabolically generated heat by conducting that heat outward from the core.7 Extremely hot and humid conditions, however, can make it difficult to keep this heat balance maintained.16 Extreme heat can be particularly dangerous to old, young, or frail people; to those suffering from cardiovascular, respiratory, or diabetic disease; and to lower - income people who do not have well - insulated homes or air - conditioning.17, 18
The dangerous effects of heat waves, including death, occur as a result of both temperature and humidity — especially if those conditions persist for more than two days.
«It shall be unlawful for any owner of personal property to fail or refuse to comply with the orders of the manager of housing and code enforcement to remove from the premises abandoned vehicles, appliances, vehicle parts and / or any other piece or pieces of personal property if such personal property is dangerous to the public health, safety or welfare; or creates an unsightly condition upon such property tending to reduce the value thereof; or is a nuisance; or invites plundering; or promotes urban blight and deterioration in the community; or creates a fire hazard; or violates the zoning regulations of the city.»
As if aggressive drivers, dangerous road conditions, and limited bike lanes weren't enough to worry about, cyclists in Cyprus may soon risk 15 - day jail terms for riding on the sidewalk.
It is important to understand that if a person slips, trips or falls as a result of a dangerous condition, the property owner could be held liable for any injuries.
If you were injured by a dangerous condition on someone's property, our lawyers can explain your legal options.
You should document and locate any witnesses to your injury accident and if possible take photographs of the dangerous condition.
If you need advice about your rights following a severe fall due to dangerous property conditions, contact a lawyer at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., for a free consultation in Pikeville, Hazard or Lexington.
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