Sentences with phrase «if deaf parents»

Not exact matches

If your communication with your child feels like it is falling on deaf ears or if you struggle to be a more mindful parent, then this talk is for yoIf your communication with your child feels like it is falling on deaf ears or if you struggle to be a more mindful parent, then this talk is for yoif you struggle to be a more mindful parent, then this talk is for you!
«Arguments for vaccination will fall on deaf ears if parents feel unable to make an informed choice»
In England, deaf activists protested a 2007 bill that allowed for genetic selection only against certain diseases and disabilities, and prohibit selection for them, claiming deaf parents should have the right to select a deaf child if hearing parents have the right to select a hearing child [source: TimesOnline].
Solomon asserts that a certain level of acceptance and compassion needs to be extended to these parents - that having a child who is seriously disturbed in this way can be as «accidental» as having one who's deaf - and that if we can accept that some children are born with innate qualities they didn't inherit from their parents, we can then focus on how to help these kids before they ruin their own lives, instead of demonizing them and their families after the fact.
This is possible if the «merle» gene is present in both parents, resulting in double «merle» dogs that can be stillborn, deaf, blind and genetically flawed.
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