Sentences with phrase «if getting a degree»

The poll also found that 77 percent of kids want to attend a university in the future, but half of them worried about getting a job later in life even if they get a degree.
«If they got a degree at a diploma mill, that will be revealed in a respectable background check; if they didn't work at an employer they listed, or didn't have the job title they said they had, that will come out,» said Les Rosen, former California deputy district attorney; president of Employment Screening Resources of Novato, Calif.; and founding member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners.
Choose training that has an end - goal in mind, and be sure that you know what kind of work you will be doing if you get the degree you are after.
If you get a degree from an unaccredited school, and use that degree to get a job, depending on the state, you may be committing a crime.
If you get a degree, though, you'll be more likely to be promoted to managerial roles, and it will be easier for you to go back to school to get a nursing degree or other more advanced credential.
Especially if you get a degree in a field that will mesh with RE Investment.

Not exact matches

Anecdotally, you could see this bias come in to play if you hear one millennial homeowner talk about how they've achieved some degree of financial success due to their own hard work, and another millennial blame their inability to buy a home on a housing market that was destroyed before they got there.
If you're dedicated enough to get into U of T's MPP program as well as their JD program (law school), you can combine the degrees and complete them simultaneously for a well - rounded law and public policy education.
If you're considering getting more education, the U.S. Department of Labor has helpful information, including which master's degrees pay off best, certificate programs that lead to good jobs and data on the fastest - growing occupations.
«Why go get a degree in something if you're not going to be able to get a job in it?»
Those are questions that perplex and confound many who are deciding whether to get the degree and, if so, where to get it from.
With recent drops in college enrollment, degrees getting more and more expensive, and with Mark Zuckerberg and other young entrepreneurs dropping out of college and getting rich before their 30th birthdays, it makes one wonder if degrees are truly necessary anymore.
But regardless of how successful Greplin is, say, even if we go public someday, my parents won't be satisfied unless I get a degree.
If you get a chemical engineering degree, you'll focus on the chemical processes and equipment used in the manufacturing of everything from plastics to fertilizers.
Computer coding schools across the country have been touted as a quick way for those without college degrees to get high - paying jobs, but only if they're available.
«You'll work for us [during those four years]; we believe you'll stay longer because of what we did; and even if you leave the day after you get your degree, we believe you're going to be a lifelong customer of Starbucks.
So, what salary can you expect if you get an MBA or business master's degree?
Can I become a property manager or a residential manager without a degree, although Im working on getting one in the future, I already collect rent for a few units, deal with leases and property issues, I have been asked by several property owners now if I could do it for them and I do want to pursue this and make more money.
If Trump gets his way — and let's be clear, it's going to be an uphill fight — U.S. corporate taxes will decline from being the highest among fellow Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) economies to just a few degrees north of Ireland's highly favorable 12.5 percent.
If you got your bachelor's, master's or other higher degree in the past 10 years there's a good chance a chunk of student loan debt graduated alongside with you.
If getting a college degree or helping your spouse or child obtain one is part of your early retirement plan, you can avoid that withdrawal tax by rolling your 401k into an IRA.
If a young person completes a degree in music, they can always get to work in a different field.
And frankly I think it's a good trend in the sense that if you want to legitimize a new form of money it has to be regulated to some degree so that people won't get ripped off by fraud, like people selling Bitcoin they don't actually own or you know this kind of thing.
The new world order is basically a social change that is happening right now because of: the advent of networking and networking communications, the degree of inequality that is starting to surface across the developed worlds, the richer getting richer and the poorer getting poorer, and a number of other factors that we'll get into, but it's changing the forms governance, it is going to change the forms of institutions that haven't changed since the Breton Woods at the end of the Second World War which were predominantly US - based institutions if you would: IMF, World Bank in Washington, the United Nations in New York.
If foreign investors get a whiff of how the pro traders are ripping them off it could lead to a much larger exodus from Canadian stocks and an even larger degree of distrust of the Canadian market place.
The get the degrees from OTHER people who got their degrees in a book, in schools where they teach the book as if it were reality, taught by more people who got degrees in a book.
All this video proves is that anyone who wants a medical degree can get one if they work hard.
But I doubt this guy would've spent all those years getting a master's degree in order to be an SDA pastor and subsequently devote decades of his life to the religion if he didn't honestly believe in it for a long time.
if Israel can't manage its borders from its side, that's an Israel issue... and if Israel fixes its problems with the Palestinians,, i think all the region issues with terrorism will get solved to a great degree...
Not just priests in training, but most college students, in fact, can «get away» with few if any science requirements in order to get an undergraduate degree.
So whether you are interested in getting an online Bible college degree, or if you just want to get the information that an online Bible college offers, check out the list of schools near the end of this post.
If a person went to school and got a degree from say, BC, and it's well known that they are jesuit and don't believe in birth control, all the hospital needs to do is reject them based on experience and not religion and they'll find a more qualified candidate for the job.
If greed is getting more and more and more, then repenting, turning 180 degrees from greed, is giving more and more and more.
If you believe getting a theological collage degree qualifies you to lead Christians in some kind of official capacity, you might be a red neck, oops, legalist.
He writes «Our society tells us that if and when we get «there» — the job or position or degree we've always wanted, the notoriety we've always dreamed of — that's when all the important stuff will start happening.
By the same token, we've got to understand that we can be much more effective in getting our point across and realizing our goals if that prophetic language comes with a degree of understanding and respect.
What if someone has a masters in nuclear engineering but someone else got a theology degree?
Snow, I know, I know, you are so educated that you are..., money is your god, that's alright for this world, and if you are young, I am 53, and I still want to think that I am young, and I can get a degree just like yours, I can get people to follow me just like many leaders, but my fate was just what it is.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
I'm pretty weird myself... I mean... you try a few 120 - degree summers and see if your brain doesn't get broiled.
If you went to seminary, did you get a degree?
RCIA, if the brain washing has not taken hold you can get an advanced degree at the RCIA.
Cuddle up with your spouse and take turns reading a good translation of Song of Solomon and see if the room doesn't suddenly get several degrees warmer.
You did not get a very good education with your degrees then if you think creationism belongs in a science class.
Not sure where he got his so called engineering degree from, but I would not be surprised if he got it from a slot machine or a copy machine.
If, on occasion, Konstan seems to press this argument too far, bypassing a little too quickly the sense one sometimes gets that classical thinkers did have tendencies to ground friendship in utility, his argument nonetheless makes a strong case for a significant degree of overlap between ancient and modern views of friendship.
If extremely hot temperatures are desired, increase the heat to full high for another five to 10 minutes (the block will get up to 500 degrees F. so be careful handling it).
And if you're replacing all of the butter with avocado, it's best to reduce your oven temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent your baked goods from getting too browned.
Now, if it would just get warm enough (60 degrees right now) to grill without wearing a coat!!!!
Since it is generally pre-cooked, there is a pretty broad margin for error, but it will look and taste best if you do a full smoke and get it up to 160 degrees or so (you do have a decent meat thermometer with a remote probe for smoking, don't you?).
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