Sentences with phrase «if mealtime»

If every mealtime becomes a struggle to get the grandkids to eat, there won't be an opportunity to emphasize those other niceties dear to grandparents» hearts, such as manners and good dinner conversation.
If mealtime challenges are growing due to breast milk production / concerns, I highly recommend you seek help from a Lactation Consultant.
If mealtimes are constantly this way, your child will start coming to the table already on edge, or immediately start meltdowns or tantrums when it's time to eat.
If mealtimes are more laid back, this creates an environment where your child feels safe and will likely be more open to trying foods.
If you have a child between 3 and 4, don't despair if your mealtimes feel particularly crazy - making.
If mealtimes are usually pretty hectic, doing the dishes together is also a chance to chat about the details of their day.
In addition, if your mealtimes coincide with your dog's, prepare his food first, but place it out of reach.

Not exact matches

As I for one would miss being made very very hungry outside of my normal mealtime; ¬) On the other had, if ever you were to publish a recipe book, with the backstory of the provenance, it would be on my shelves pdq!
If I'd not make myself eat some vegetables and salad, I'd be eating muesli for all the mealtimes.
We fully understand that you should only serve the best to your friends and family at mealtime, which is why we'd love it if you could rate and review our chocolate cake with Greek yogurt recipe.
As noted above, this recipe makes three pies if using standard 9 ″ pie pans, which is handy for freezing some for future mealtimes.
This ingenious creation eliminates the need for packing a bowl, so if you're on the go with baby and know you'll have a mealtime in there, just fill your spoon — or spoons — and go.
And don't give snacks close to mealtime — your child is more likely to eat if she's hungry.
If fussiness occurs at mealtimes, this may be a great sign that your child is ready to get started on the weaning process.
If a baby has trouble with solids, you may start to pressure your baby mealtime (without even realizing it), spoon - feeding in a way that doesn't support baby's natural feeding cues (e.g. putting a spoonful of food into baby's mouth when he isn't ready or willing to take it).
I'm doing my best to keep my own issues out of mealtimes, but when they combine with the mom - voice («I KNOW you're hungry and if you would just FOCUS instead of smearing that in your hair or chewing on your high chair WECOULDALLBEHAVINGABETTERTIMEHERE»), I'm struggling to keep mealtimes fun, lighthearted, and issue - free.
If at all possible, try to schedule your baby's dinnertime with the rest of the family's mealtime.
And mealtimes in your baby's first year certainly won't fun if you're worried or nervous about your baby's safety or whether or not you're dong things «right.»
If the baby is disinclined to eat, do not force him or turn mealtime into a game.
If all of your baby's mealtimes are rushed, that's a red flag that you may need to look at your family's schedule and do some shifting.
He even took on his daddy duties at mealtimes, even if he was starving after a day's work, letting his food grow cold while I ate first.
Mealtime essentials for a newborn can be easy, especially if you breastfeed.
If your party doesn't happen at mealtime, you don't have to worry much about food — a small snack and some drinks are plenty.
If your child has started teething by now, you may notice some hurdles that need to be addressed in terms of your baby's tooth and gum pain when mealtime rolls around.
If you're sticking to purees and working toward more solid food, it may be challenging to shift your baby to more lumps and solids at mealtimes around this stage.
If you haven't already, you may start to feel sad at this stage, as your baby is much more independent when it comes to mealtime by now.
If this doesn't happen, end mealtime rather than coaxing or bargaining for one more bite.
Mealtime doesn't have to be a battle of wills between you and your preschooler, says child psychologist Penelope Leach — if yo...
Your baby will soon start to take notice of family mealtimes, especially if you're allowing him or her to sit at the table with everyone else (in a high chair, of course!).
Take the time to explain crucial things like mealtimes, bath times, bedtimes and food allergies if any.
If you do offer juices, only offer them at mealtimes — and always make sure they are well diluted with water — use at least 10 parts water to 1 part juice.
The reality is that even if you have set mealtimes, you are likely to have a snack or drink in - between.
If you do offer sugary foods, only do so at mealtimes.
Observer, if you read you will see that for mothers who are exclusively formula feeding for whatever reason, we will give them a few bottles and artificial nipples at a time, to ensure that they don't have to go looking for a nurse at each mealtime.
Don't withhold breast milk or formula because it isn't mealtime, yet, if your baby sends obvious signals she is hungry.
If your school is already doing well in this area, express your gratitude to the principal and school board for making mealtime a priority.
If they're not eating that well at mealtimes then healthy snacks will help keep their diet on track: a few cubes of cheese and a couple of cherry tomatoes have lots of good protein and calcium and count as one of their five a day of fruit and veg.
If you want to raise a healthy eater, keep mealtimes positive, and don't use sweets as a reward.
«One more bite and you get a cookie,» or, «No story time if you don't eat your peas,» makes mealtime into a power struggle.
What works for us is giving two choices - take it or leave it; setting the example (it's «normal» for us to eat veggies, all the kids do it at mealtimes); and letting our kids choose 1 item that they never have to eat if they don't want to (my 11 yo chooses to never have to eat lentils!).
Invest in a padded insert if you decide to buy a wooden high chair so that younger babies in particular have enough comfort at mealtimes.
Then at mealtimes encourage your child to cut their food at the beginning of their meal, but offer to help finish the task if they look tired of it.
If your child wants a snack, try distracting her with something else and her «hunger» may vanish until mealtime.
Monica Gulisano, a Chapel Hill - based registered dietician and mother of three, agrees, saying, «Even if it means bringing your fast food home and serving it on a plate instead of on the go in the car, prioritizing mealtime together is at the core of healthy family habits.
If your child is having difficulty with eating, is uncomfortable during eating, has a very limited diet, difficulty chewing / swallowing or chokes, gags or vomits at mealtimes seek the advice of your pediatrician, a pediatric feeding program or your local early intervention agency.
If I am missing any great mealtime ideas feel free to share them in the comments below.
If you want to provide your toddler with more independence but want to avoid the mess that comes along with mealtime, then the Happy Mat may be for you.
On those days, be flexible if your child wants an extra snack or eats more at mealtime.
Encourage your child to stay at the table for the designated mealtime — even if he or she doesn't eat.
If your toddler won't eat at mealtimes, don't despair!
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