Sentences with phrase «if objective»

If your objective doesn't meet all five, tweak or rewrite it until it does.
If your objective is to get the job you've applied for, there's no need to spell that out on your resume with its own heading.
If your objective or profile does not clearly state which position you wish to be considered for and it can not be clearly determined by reviewing your job history, your resume will likely be filed away and not pursued.
If your objective is a career in logistics and your military experience includes logistics work, emphasize that aspect of your military career over other areas.
If your objective statement is too short, too vague or general, it'll appear as if you're really not focused on the job vacancy.
If your objective is vague, like «I seek to return to the world of cheerleading,» skip the statement altogether.
In addition, if your objective is vague or consists primarily of cliches, employers might doubt your qualifications.
If your objective fits the job you are applying to them the employer movies ahead to go through the rest of your resume.
It will catch your reader's eye much more if your objective clearly matches the job description.
If your objective is to transition into another field, configure your cover letter to encompass the elements highlighted above, slanting the content so that it will be attractive to hiring managers in different markets.
If the objective is highlighted properly, then the chances of the individual getting the job increase.
That is, if the objective is written the way it should be.
If your objective statement has no structure, it has no cohesion.
If your objective statement is too long — say, half a page — the hiring manager is going to be flabbergasted, and they're going to chuck your resume straight into the already full «no» pile.
If the objective is lame and typical or non employer centered, it will definitely not generate the required interest of the prospective employer your resume.
If the objective is engaging, chances are that the employer will read through your resume.
A resume objective helps a candidate to grab the attention of the employer, as the latter has to go through so many resumes daily, and if the objective stands out, he tends to remember the applicant too.
If your objective starts with strong adjectives, relevant keywords and relevant skills, it will most likely grab the interest of the reader and motivate them to read your whole resume.
If you are on this page because you want to know if an objective should be included in a videographer resume, then you are on the right place!
If the objective is irrelevant to the employer's demands or is candidate centered, the employer will probably not bother to waste further time by reading the complete resume.
On the other hand, if your objective statement is weak or generic, the rest of the resume can not make up for it.
So if your objective is clear, concise and attractive, your chances of an interview will double!
If your objective is unclear and nonspecific, you will be appeared an uncertain person who is not able to make decisions and set goals.
If the objective is appealing and promising, the employer will read on with great interest.
If your objective is a well - written one, you will have no problem in communicating your worth to a prospective employer.
If your objective is not strong, there is a pretty good chance that the entire resume will be rejected.
Mostly, a resume objective is sufficient to convince a hiring manager that your resume is worthy of a read — that is, if the objective that you have written is something to write home about!
If your objective statement sounds too conventional and you feel the need of modernizing it a bit, try using the layout of a performance summary.
Since an objective is typically the foremost section of the resume, if the objective is catchy, it will naturally buy the candidate a winning first impression which will subsequently play an important role in short listing of the candidate.
If the objective of the question is to understand your pattern of logic, the interviewer will accept your reframe of the question as long as it achieves the assumed objective.
If your objective does not match the role you're applying for EXACTLY, that's a reason for your recruiter to screen it out.
When hiring managers review this section they are looking to see if your objective statement is exclusive to your resume, or if it is the typical objective statement that can be found on free resume templates online.
I've also added some resume tips to help you choose the right action words, keywords, and decide if an objective or summary statement is going to work for you.
Third, if an objective review of your skills shows a much stronger match - say 90 % - and you're in the right area, right education, everything else looks good - than take a hard look at your resume.
If your objective was to cut manufacturing costs by 10 percent, make it clear that you exceeded the goal.
If your objective is written in a profound manner, there is a great possibility that your resume will receive its due consideration.
If the objective isn't interesting, or if it lacks the oomph that is required to impress a hiring manager, your resume is doomed.
If the objective isn't interesting, or if it... Read More»
Hiring managers may feel that a resume is out of sync if an objective is not added.
If an objective is not present, the hiring manager may decide to keep reading or not.
But if an objective is present but isn't up to standards, there is a huge chance that the resume will be trashed.
But if an objective is... Read More»
This is only true if your objective is a star.
If your objective was to cut manufacturing costs by 10 %, make it clear that you exceeded the goal.»
If an objective has been written only with scanty words that do not fulfill the requirements of job description and focuses more on the candidate, it would fall short of meeting the needs of the employer, and such a resume might even get rejected in the very initial stage.
If the objective is to switch careers, the functional format may be a better choice.
If the objective is bubbly and spot on, the employer carries on reading the rest of the resume.
If your objective is weird, be sure that nobody is going to read the rest of your resume.
Your employer will be encouraged to continue going through your resume if your objective is effective.
Additionally, your resume might get tossed if your objective doesn't align exactly with what the position calls for.
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