Sentences with phrase «if omitted»

Have another look, and I hope you'll agree — to put it another way, it would be hard to argue your investing would actually improve if you omitted any of the following:
The active - class and playback - active - class metadata properties are optional, and if omitted, Reading System behavior is implementation - specific.
These might be a wee bit scary for my kids but I bet if I omitted the «blood» they'd love these.
If you omitted the mushrooms or added them into the hot broth raw, you could in theory make the whole thing just by using the microwave.
Hitting a muscle group again before it has a chance to fully recover may sound counterintuitive but, if omitted, your muscles have a chance to return to stasis, which is a death knell for hypertrophy.
Would it be a big deal if I omitted the greek yogurt?
It will be a firmer and dryer ganache and you will want a pinch of salt if omitted.
I'd like to know if you omitted the xanthum gum as well!
If I omitted the oil and used maple syrup in place of sugar would that work?
Would it be terrible if I omitted it?
Do you know if these would work if I omitted the oil / butter completely, and maybe add some non dairy milk instead to maintain the texture?
What do you think th outcome would be if I omitted the peanut butter?
If you omitted the peanut butter all together, it may not hold its shape as well.
If you omitted the water and kept adding peanut butter, I'm sure it would make a rawesome dough ball.
Can anyone report on how strong the shallot flavour is in this bread and whether I would lose flavour complexity if I omitted them?
Do you think it would really change the recipe if I omitted it?
In sum, in the argument that a PVS patient ought to be sustained as long as possible I see the unhappy fruits of the three technological seductions I described above: death by «starvation» has now become our fault, not nature's, if we omit treatment; the distinction between omission and commission is erased in the insistence that the stopping of artificial feeding is the same as killing the patient and, as too often happens, a new technology gets legitimated and routinized by an invocation of the sanctity of life.
If you omit these other 2 things, you subtract half of the Apostolic pronouncement you deem is the content to saving faith.
Winternitz, indeed, says, «We can scarcely be mistaken in saying that far more than one half of all the Jatakas, if we omit the commentary, is not of Buddhist origin.
Will this work if I omit sundries tomatoes?
Hi Jasmine, yes the nutritional yeast adds extra flavour but it will still work if you omit it ella x
I'm allergic to sunflower seeds, Will there be any problem if I omit them or is there something I could substitute?
If omitting oil, you will need to use a spreader or spatula to spread the chocolate over oat mixture, as it will not flow easily enough on its own.
They won't be as sweet if you omit sugar, but will still be a delightful little snack.
Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes (less, if omitting egg) or until toasty and set.
If I omit it, will it mess the recipe up?
Will this work if you omit the peppermint essential oil?
This recipe is gluten free, vegetarian and can be vegan if you omit the cheese.
Hi Kim, I've never frozen it but I imagine it would freeze well if you omit the olive oil.
If omitting the coconut milk, you will need an extra 400 ml of water.
This is a great main dish for those who observe Lent, if you omit the prosciutto.
If I omit the artichokes completely, will I need to reduce the amount of water?
If you omit it, I would reduce the amount of oats you use by 1/2 -2 / 3 cup so that they don't turn out dry.
Would this work if I omit the breadcrumbs?
Do you suggest another herb or do you still think it will be good if I omit the herbs and just put salt pepper and garlic
Adults like the extra added chives; children will be grateful if you omit them so they don't have to pick off the little green things.
However, good results aren't guaranteed if you omit the maple syrup; it helps feed the yeast and makes the bread rise.
If omitting meat, just saute onion and garlic in olive oil.
It may affect the consistency if you omit the egg.
I'd like to attempt to make these Gluten Free, but wondering if I omit the Whole Wheat pastry flour and use GF flour for all of the flour called for would change the texture too much?
I was wondering, though, what would happen if I omited the zuchinni?
If I omit the cocoa powder should I add more flour or anything?
Increase the amount to 1 1/2 cups if omitting the pecans)
They are low carb, keto, and paleo - friendly if you omit the cheese, and so delicious!
The baking stone is not essential for loaf pan breads; if you omit it the preheat may be as short as 5 minutes.
Do you know the points plus value for a serving if you omit the bacon from the recipe?
Will this recipe still work if I omit the sugar or is it absolutely necessary?
I; ve never heard of the powder and never used cornstarch in anything, so just wondering if it will still turn out okay if I omit it?
If you omit that step the taste will be fine, but the texture of the cashew cream will likely be grainy.
It's vegan if you omit the cheese, really tasty and fresh and it tastes sort of creamy the way the almonds / tomato blend together.
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