Sentences with phrase «if wearing it»

And if wearing white doesn't describe me enough... I don't know what will!
If you are wearing clothes that suit your body, age, lifestyle, and personality then it does nt matter if youre wearing the latest trend.
If wearing heels, you should try to extend the foot when at rest to give it a break from the plantar flexed position and extend the calf muscle naturally.
If wearing orthotics is not actually helping my feet, then I was wondering how I can alleviate pain and address my over pronation without them?
Just put your arms through the pillow as if wearing it like a backpack.
Buying a larger size than needed is only recommended if wearing over long sleeved clothing.
We don't want to minimise blood flow or circulation in those crucial areas even if wearing a set of hip hugging briefs can make us feel slimmer or more toned in that moment.
Or flip it: If wearing a tighter top, add a looser, flared skirt or a wide - leg pant to balance out the proportions.»
Hill and Barton don't know if wearing red affects female athletes.
«If wearing a glove for a few minutes can reverse our decisions about what's good and bad, maybe the mind is more malleable than we thought» says Casasanto.
When starting out you don't know if wearing in a wrap will be right for you and although you have... Continue Reading Babylonia Champagne
Others noted the straps irritated their child's bare legs, particularly if wearing dresses or onesies.
That's a fun project if wearing a tie - dyed shirt isn't their fashion choice.
I don't really like lugging a stroller and was wondering if wearing a hiking type of carrier makes sense or a hassle?
If your wearing a costume, any woman will hug you.
If wearing bold clothes, adopting a goofy mascot or singing at your meetings fits the personality of your team, go for it.
So, if wearing the same clothes / same kind of clothes every day doesn't quite cut it for you, here are some apps to the rescue:
Your feet will love you if you wear the second pair on your second day.
While no longer in force today, there are still regulations governing moustaches and, if worn, they can grow no further than the upper lip.
While $ 200 might seem like a lot to spend on one item of clothing, if you wear it regularly, the cost becomes more reasonable quickly.
If you wear contacts but still want the blue light coating, you can also just buy your favorite pair without a prescription.
(Color choices are similarly impacted by the «Kate Effect»: If she wears a green dress, green dress sales have been known to suddenly skyrocket on eBay).
As it turns out, it doesn't matter if you wear socks with sandals, because if your kid thinks that you're cool, then you're cool.
I like the pair's slim fit and honestly wouldn't be surprised if I wore these in public this fall.
If worn at the appropriate times, it helps men blend in; the rest of the time, it's an easy way to stand out.
If you wear makeup, you should make sure it doesn't draw attention to itself, but is used to highlight your features.
If you wore them in a race today, you'd think you were wearing street shoes.»
Some are great for a pre-night out boost, while others work better if you wear them before you go to bed, so the serum can soak in and you can wake up with glowing skin.
Extras, on the other hand, make about $ 150 a day, but make $ 200 if they work in rain, smoke or if they wear a hairpiece, the report said.
If you wear one, you risk being labelled as «that fellow who wears novelty ties,» a sort of office oddity akin to «that lady with the Chihuahua pictures» or «the gentleman with the Tardis on his desk.»
What we're going to do with the subscription product is have a questionnaire asking clients what styles and colours they like and hate, what colour suits they usually wear, if they wear them casually or at the office, what colour their shirts and ties are etcetera.
«I looked around, did some reading, and the men's accessories market seemed like the obvious place to invest because there has just been so much of growth,» says Barclay, joking, «I remember when if you wore a pink shirt, everyone assumed you were gay.»
To be sure, this is a travesty of economic reality inasmuch as it reflects a distorted set of tax laws that permit absentee investors to depreciate buildings again and again, as if they wear out and lose value through lack of upkeep (despite landlords being legally required to maintain rental properties intact), or by obsolescence (even as construction standards cheapen).
If they wear the uniform, I see no reason why they should not be elected to office.
Some of the same churches I've been to, You left some out, tho... only if she wears a head covering... as long as she doesn't wear makeup or jewelry (wedding ring and denominational pin excepted)... no peep toe shoes, especially with toenail polish... if what she is doing gets bigger than what the men are doing, she's out (Thats a real big one)... only if she'll do it on a volunteer basis and never expects an honorarium, even if she speaks at the main Sunday service.
Even though his opponent was so arch-conservative I'd be surprised if he wore underwear.
So I guess now you can only be Christian and be considered as a Christian is if we wear huge crosses on your backs, tattoo a cross across my face and scream loudly to everyone that you are a Christian.
If you wore mormon underooze AND danced with big rattle snakes now that would be cool... wait I think Im on to something I smell a hit here!
People who have never been to church, or read a bible call themselves christain if they wear a cross neckless.
It's unclear from the picture if he wore the green jacket to the Waffle House dinner, but we think it's safe to assume he did...
They explained to him how, if he wore certain magic underwear, he would be protected from evil spirits in this life and in the end times.
If they wear ashes in the debate they will be a laughing stock.
What if the worn out, scared, exhausted, I - can't - do - this feelings are exactly the place where real transformation begins?
At St. Luke's, no one's going to look down their nose at me if I wear jeans one Sunday, and no one's going to freak out if a little kid shouts, «NEXT COMES THE BLOOD!»
My grandparents knew better than to believe that if they wore their seatbelts, avoided smoking and ate a high - protein diet, they could avoid death.
I wonder if he wears them?
11:6 - 8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
If I wore a bow tie I would make sure it could spin, because life is too short not to be goofy sometimes.
If you wear your label too proudly, when you come across a new idea you might ask «what do we think about that?»
Its not like you need to remember if he wore a blue robe or a green one.
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