Sentences with phrase «if work history»

This format will work better if your work history doesn't directly align with the job you're applying for or if you're someone without a lot of experience.
But I'm wondering if a skills section don't carry real weight with interviewers, or if the work history section totally overshadows it.
If your work history includes predominantly bartender or service industry work, provide this information in chronological order.
This format works well if your work history is varied or has large gaps between jobs.
If your work history is solid and shows progression, this is an added benefit.
This is especially true if your work history indicates that you started in a lower position, and earned promotions through hard work and dedication to your field.
If your work history is impressive, then you don't have to worry about education because your accomplishments speak for themselves.
However, if your work history section will be short, then you can put it further at the top.
If the work history gap occurred for an extended period of time, a job seeker should consider using a Functional Resume format.
However, if your work history has been spotty or if it has been stagnant you shouldn't use a chronological resume.
Try to impress with these pointers, even if your work history is not perfect.
So what can you do if your work history isn't consistent with the jobs you want to apply for?
By grouping your skills together, the employer can more easily see that you have the right skills for the job, even if your work history is less than stellar (or less related to the job at hand).
But if your work history is spotty overall, employers are likely to worry that you're a flight risk.
If work history or examples do not directly speak to your value to perform well within the role at hand, keep it off.
Use a resume objective if your work history is full of holes.
If your work history is fractured, pull together more general career themes (such as customer service, marketing and so on) which are relevant to the job you're applying for.
Some other situations in which you MIGHT consider a functional format include if your work history presented in a chronological format would make you look overqualified, if you are a recent graduate with little - to - no work experience in the field you are targeting, or if you have a very diverse work history without a clear career path.
Use it if your work history is like a freshly demoed living room.
If your work history is gapless, if your skills and experience are obvious from your resume, and if the job you're applying to is an obvious move for someone in your position, maybe you don't need a cover letter.
If your work history is especially long, it may be acceptable however.
Waiting at least 6 to 9 months may help you get approved if your work history is too short.
If your work history has fewer than 35 years, the missing years will be counted as zeros.
If your work history has fewer than 35 years, the missing years will be counted as zeros.

Not exact matches

You can tell immediately if a team has a history of working together.
If an individual impresses, he or she gets a job — without ever having to say a word about their work history or educational background.
If you're familiar with the works of Steven Pinker, you'll recognize the incredible importance that language has played in human history in the preservation of information (stories being used to because they were... * SURPRISE!
If years spent out of the workforce in the past means you don't have 35 years of earnings history, those extra years of even part - time work could help increase your Social Security check, too.
It helps if the team has had a history of working together, but what is essential is mutual respect.
If Dr. Mike Dunne of the National Ignition Facility in San Francisco allows himself a moment to ponder the fact his work might... umm... change the course of human history, he won't admit it.
But if you have bad credit or other red flags in your financial history, many lenders won't want to work with you.
A host of restructuring advisers have already been hired to help the various parties work through what could be one of the biggest bankruptcies in US history, if it goes down that route.
updated april 30, 2018 — If you have a bad credit history or very little (or no) credit history, banks may approve you for a secured credit card that requires a refundable security deposit but otherwise works just like any other credit card (meaning you pay your balance each month, payments are NOT taken from your deposit).
If you do not have a solid credit history, the first step towards reducing your interest rate via student loan refinancing should be to work on improving your credit rating.
If you have fewer than 35 years in your work history, you'll receive a zero for each of those years, which will lower your potential benefit.
If birth year, income and work history are equal, a retired worker who waits to take benefits at age 70 will earn up to 76 percent more than the same worker taking benefits at age 62.
I find it amazing that almost every organized religion during that time was at least partially, if not fully involved in bigotry toward blacks, including outright banning them from their membership and congretations altogether (which Mormans have never done), but only Mormons are still chided constantly about their history with blacks, despite the fact that black members have had full benefits for almost four decades, and despite the fact that Mormons have been actively proselyting and doing charitable missionary work in Africa for over 160 years.
... If someone works hard in school and develops good financial habits, they're more likely to do reasonably well financially than most people were for most of human history
So if you're a soldier, or if you're working for a company that has a history of exploiting workers, well there may come a point when you might lose your job.
Our task is to work hard, master the arguments (scientific, ethical, philosophical, social), understand the history of how we arrived here, defy the temptation to give up through boredom, build a coherent movement of defiance, and thereby prepare if not ourselves, then at least the next generation, for the moment when the revolution collapses under the weight of its own delusions and contradictions.
But if the Messiah has already cleft the skin of human history, then the world is at this moment transfigured into a holy site, and we need only stand still; already redeemed, we do God's work unawares, and even the most unlikely vessels inherit the divine redemption.»
If you set your personal bias aside for two seconds and research the personal histories of both, it's pretty easy to see whether they are truly following Christ, who even as He performed his miracles, still made the recipients do some work for it that, for some, though the requests were simple, required too much of them.
Similar confusion seems to have characterized some other periods of the Church's history but we shall derive more help toward understanding our situation and its possibilities if we attend to those times when a definite conception of the ministry gave to both those who filled the office and those who prepared them for it a standard by which to judge their work.
Please don't listen to these people on here they have so many different views and ideas of their own but don't listen to them they have closed their heart to God and are doing Satans work of misleading people away from the Almighty they look for men who like to have their ears tickled so don't take mine our anyone else's word for it look it up for your self history attests to the bible as true and The writings of Moses is far older than anything they have ever found thats right Moses wrote the first parts in the bible 3,500 years ago The scriptures weren't inspired by Pagan stories Pagan stories was inspired by actual events just like those in the bible because if you notice that a lot of the stories found in the bible have a lot to do about people worshipping false Gods.
Yet if God's work were completely concealed, human history and individual life would be random and rudderless, the chaotic product of an accidental universe.
If you properly engage in this work, you will be interested in arriving at a position on whatever it is that interests you (philosophy, critical theory, history, philology, literary criticism, or whatever) that is preferable to any other that you know of on that question, and you will concomitantly want to be clear as to what the position that you construct and defend is, what it excludes, how best to show that its competitors are less adequate than the one you want to defend, and in what sense this is true.
If we take seriously the idea that God is the creator and Lord of history, it is natural to infer from this that the structure of life is favorable to the continuation of his creative work.
We need not recall here the history of what led up to the declaration of Humani Generis (which is doctrinal in character, even if it does not constitute a dogmatic definition), starting with the pronouncement of the local synod at Cologne in 1860 rejecting evolution in any form, the censure passed on the works of theologians favourable to evolution, such as M. D. Leroy (1895) and P. Zahm (1899), the decree of the Biblical Commission in 1909, the tacit toleration of works favourable to evolution by theologians such as Ruschkamp (1935), Messenger (1931), Perier (1938), down to Pius XII's Allocution to the Papal Academy of Sciences in 1941.
These people would not allow any religion but Christianity to be seen in a good light if taught in classes in the USA, when history proves that, Christianity is the reason so many people in the USA have been motivated to lynch black people, make gays second class citizens, fought against woman being allowed to vote, hunted down and killed others from different denominations, force all other's to pay for their «work» whether in the USA or around the world through tax exempt status, gifts or «Faith - based initiatives».
This visceral authentication of the relevance of the history of doctrine would be merely humorous were it not symptomatic of something that is not humorous; and one could be patient with phases of development marked by fascinated picking away at the gossamer peculiarities of one's own insides if the damage wrought were not so extensive.
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