Sentences with phrase «if you studied science»

If you studied science, including evolution theory yourself, it would be much easier for you to believe in it.
PE does NOT decimate darwinian gradualism, as you would know if you studied the science of PE and the various arguments by scientists that deal with it..

Not exact matches

If you think super high achievers are running around like maniacs all day and sleeping five hours a night, you couldn't be further from the truth, reports UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center which studies positive psychology and recently laid out the relevant sScience Center which studies positive psychology and recently laid out the relevant sciencescience:
If you're willing to take a hard look at this issue, UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center, which studies positive psychology, has the self - assessment for you.
People are less likely to be dissatisfied with market volatility if they feel in control of their financial life, according to a study published last month in the Journal of Behavioral Science, entitled, Market Volatility and Financial Satisfaction: The Role of Financial Self - Efficacy.
Alex Halderman, a computer science professor who has studied voting machine security, told Politico that he believes there will be consequences if the U.S. voting system isn't fixed.
As he prodded the prime minister, Nye, best known as the host of the 1990s PBS show «Bill Nye the Science Guy,» and more recently for the Netflix series «Bill Nye Saves the World,» cited a study by a group called The Solutions Project that concluded Canada could live entirely without fossil fuels if it fully embraced renewable energy sources.
So his team at IBM's Healthcare and Life Science division began studying chess players to see if they could find a correlation between their brain activity and their proficiency.
But, according to a new study from researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the University of Texas, people who identify as women are less likely to experience regret after casual sex if they are the ones to initiate it.
But according to a new study looking at the effects of PC language on mixed gender teams and published in Administrative Science Quarterly, watching your language also appears to work — at least if you're aiming to work constructively with a diverse group.
The anxiety people feel making investment decisions may have more to do with the traffic they dealt with earlier than the potential consequences they face with the investment, but not if the decision - maker has high emotional intelligence a recent study published in Psychological Science suggests.
If he had asked the question you're posing, then yes, I would agree that «creationism» should be taught under Religious Education or Religious Studies as it obviously does not fall under Science.
So if a child has to concentrate on studies common to all children (math, science, English, etc.) for their school day and is not allowed to openly pray, they lose their connection to God?
Being in science, I'm sure you are familar with the need to standardize terms to mean the same thing for all, especially if conducting empirical studies.
The fact that this study is in a biology journal, when it is a social science study, makes me wonder if it was rejected from journals where a rigorous and learned peer review would have taken place.
«If Nye wants to debate, he's got a week to study theology and hermeneutics so he can address Ham's unexamined and faulty premises that allow him to handle science as he does.»
If you think that your life is exclusively founded on rational grounds then you have, at the very least, failed to study those sciences that would suggest otherwise.
If you want to know study some science you might, maybe, find the answer..
If anyone is doubting science's integrity, for instance, we could say, well science has to be as precise and complex as the (supposed) God who created the world it studies.
Rufus, maybe if you actually studied Creationism or the theory of «Creation Science» you'd understand what it really is before you attack it.
Even if said explanations are arrived at through study and science?
Now, one could of course say that interreligious studies (or, if you prefer, comparative theology) should not be considered a science, so that this canon does not apply.
You can read Tomas Reese's site «Epiphenom» if you are interested in the science (he reviews articles that study religion): here is one of hundreds: Religion is halfway between fact and opinion.
The reason for this is that such a position can itself be held in good faith, as far as it goes: one can, without logical inconsistency, maintain that the laws of nature (if completely understood) do (or could) explain the phenomena studied in the sciences.
All religions provide answers, but if you go back and reread the texts of any religion, they don't make sense in this day and age, but science, and academic study has shown much of it to be wrong.
Here we have the blind spot of creationism, for if we define science as the study of nature, then to offer an opinion concerning what lies outside of it is to step entirely outside of the scientific realm.
We do not know if the universe is or is not designed, but we do know that the best way to understand the «design» of the universe is to study it unbiasedly and make the most accurate models that fit reality in the most precise ways that cause the best predictions — in a word, science.
Now if you said the more you study science the more you believe in religious dogma, I would be surprised.
If you want to bring science into it there appears to be a neurological brain study about it: Generally speaking, at this time I'm not sure how much stock I put into the results of these various neurological studies since while they seem to show brain activity under certain controlled situations, I don't necessarily find the situations conducive to what I consider proof.
WORLD: Nothing if you include the study / formulations of philosophy and psychological benefits of religious ritual, along with other social sciences, as part of science... instead of classifying them as belonging to just a bunch of crazy loonies with no cause for their actions.
If I were choosing recent books in this area which most deserve to be read outside the country, I would start with Oliver O'Donovan's political theology in The Desire of the Nations; John Milbank's critique of the social sciences in Theology and Social Theory; Timothy Gorringe's provocative political reading of Karl Barth in Karl Barth: Against Hegemony; Peter Sedgwick's The Market Economy and Christian Ethics; Michael Banner's Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems; Duncan Forrester's Christian Justice and Public Policy; and Timothy Jenkins's Religion in Everyday Life: An Ethnographic Approach, which argues with a dense interweaving of theory and empirical study for a social anthropological approach to English religion which has learned much from theology.
If evolutionists wish to preserve their science as «knowledge,» while they might describe their method as concerned with the collection, comparison, and ordering of apparently coincidental mutations and events, they can never give chaos as the final explanation of the reality studied.
Even if what you say is true, and the jury is still out on all the science part (I have yet to see a real study) Should the gay lifestyle be promoted and publicly endorsed is equivalent in social good?
Personally, I count it a mark in favor of the scientific approach that all the science textbooks I studied in college made their cases without having to resort to any variation on the phrase»... And if you don't believe this, you're an idiot.»
As far as fearing that your baby will somehow be less than perfectly healthy if you supplement with formula, a study in Social Science & Medicine found that many of the health benefits attributed to breastfeeding have been overstated.
«The overarching issue is that when kids are hungry they can't focus on math, music, science, social studies, or art, if they are thinking about when they are going to eat,» he continued.
«The overarching issue is that when kids are hungry they can't focus on math, music, science, social studies, or art, if they are thinking about when they are going to eat.
They never analyze anything on its own merits (very hard to do if you don't bother to read the study in question and if you don't understand science and statistics).
Unless you're an academic, you'll probably find research studies to not be the easiest material to digest, but if the science behind parenting matters to you, it's important to check out studies you learn about through the media.
One study from the Public Library if Science found that the result of frequent waking and short hours of sleep lead to excessive daytime sleepiness in the 33 women they studied over the first 18 weeks postpartum.
«Maybe the baby cries less if the mom and dad are happier,» said Kristen Kjerulff, professor of public health sciences and senior study author.
But there's also a secondary benefit: If you find out that your child is worried about basketball tryouts or an upcoming science test, you can be sensitive to that area and offer more encouragement — and devote more time to helping him practice or study.
Basically it means the government is saying that if you study anything that isn't medicine or a practical science, you can f**k off.
A woman applying for a tenure - track faculty position in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) at a U.S. university is twice as likely to be hired as an equally qualified man, if both candidates are highly qualified, according to a new study.
If you're like me, you're thinking, «But I went into science because I want to study quasars,» or «because I'm obsessed with migratory birds,» or «because I was too nerdy for a Ph.D. in anthropology but not nerdy enough for a Ph.D. in engineering.»
«If you have an overwash event, all of a sudden, you're salinating that fresh water; you basically kill the agriculture due to salt loading, and if you get [salt concentrations] over a few parts per thousand, it's no longer fit for human consumption,» said Curt Storlazzi, a research oceanographer at the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center and lead author of the studIf you have an overwash event, all of a sudden, you're salinating that fresh water; you basically kill the agriculture due to salt loading, and if you get [salt concentrations] over a few parts per thousand, it's no longer fit for human consumption,» said Curt Storlazzi, a research oceanographer at the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center and lead author of the studif you get [salt concentrations] over a few parts per thousand, it's no longer fit for human consumption,» said Curt Storlazzi, a research oceanographer at the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center and lead author of the study.
I admire and envy people who have a passionate interest in a specific area of science; I could see myself in that situation, but not in the field I chose to study (if I could start again, I'd study palaeoanthropology, but that's another story!).
«Our results demonstrate that if we find the right molecular context, more appropriate therapies can be chosen that improve outcomes,» says John Carpten, Ph.D., TGen deputy director of basic science and director of TGen's Integrated Cancer Genomics Division, and the study's senior author.
Skop's parents didn't know much about science, she says, but adds: «They knew that if I got a work study in a science lab, it would lead to something.»
In a 2008 Science study, marketing professor Lawrence Williams and social psychologist John Bargh found that people were more likely to pick out a treat for themselves if they had recently held something cold.
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