Sentences with phrase «if you study ancient»

And if we study ancient history we find that today America mirror Rome right before it's fall.
If you study ancient and even recent history you will find this is certainly not the case.

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And if we are allowed to pursue our «liberal» studies undistracted by what does not belong to them, we may thank the survival of an ancient tradition of education for our good fortune.
But if you wish, please feel free to go back and study those ancient Scriptures, but if you do, don't be surprised to find that it leads to even more confusion for you in the future.
As a Christian, I absolutely believe God began the human race in the Garden of Eden... as a discerning intelligent human being, I can not deny the facts found in carbon dating studies of ancient fossil remains... if God can creat man, he can also allow for investigation and confirmation of planet plant and animal life, the upheaval of mountains, and history of the sea.
Hey, maybe if Darwin or Hawking had a Hebrew lexicon in * their * writings you guys could study ancient languages, but alas, i guess you'll just have to leave that entire field of academia to the religious.
Ancient - Future Bible Study: Women of the Torah and Women of the Gospels by Stephen J. Binz — I've been asked on several occasions if I could recommend material for a women's Bible study that isn't either a) Beth Moore, or b) terrStudy: Women of the Torah and Women of the Gospels by Stephen J. Binz — I've been asked on several occasions if I could recommend material for a women's Bible study that isn't either a) Beth Moore, or b) terrstudy that isn't either a) Beth Moore, or b) terrible.
the average ancient believed that the body was a container of the thoughts which made you... call a soul if you wish, i have studied all i can of all ancient cultures i can find... the most ancient egpytians had the closest thing you could argue is a soul but even they don't call it nor treat it like those of the followers of jesus.
Intended to study the past 100 years of propaganda, with WW1 being the turning - point for the subject, the exhibition actually begins with ancient Greek coins and a 2 - metre tall portrait of Napoleon — propaganda has always existed in substance, if not by name.
Intended to study the past 100 years of propaganda, with WW1 being the turning - point for the subject, the exhibition actually begins with ancient Greek coins and a 2 - metre tall portrait of Napoleon — it seems propaganda has always existed in substance, if not by name.
Karen Hardy at the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies in Barcelona, Spain, says she would not be surprised if ancient peoples «knew how to select plant food that benefited their health».
In the genetic studies, researchers noticed that some sections of ancient steppe bison genomes seemed out of place, as if they belonged to another species.
«We wanted to test if the conquest of Alexander the Great and other foreign powers has left a genetic imprint on the ancient Egyptian population,» explains Verena Schuenemann, group leader at the University of Tuebingen and one of the lead authors of this study.
If we simplify, the scientists did for these proteins what the scientists in Jurassic Park did for dinosaurs: bring ancient forms back to life, so that they can be studied to better understand how complexity in species comes about.
The team wanted to determine if the investigated ancient populations were affected at the genetic level by foreign conquest and domination during the time period under study, and compared these populations to modern Egyptian comparative populations.
Our goal was to fingerprint the source of methane in the Arctic Ocean to determine if ancient methane was being liberated from the seafloor and if it survives to be emitted to the atmosphere,» says Sparrow, who conducted the study, published in Science Advances, as part of her doctoral research at the University of Rochester.
If you're studying ancient climate trends then you should be aware of the many intricacies of our planets ecosystem, making this question narrow in scope.
Wynne can't say for sure whether the domestication process happened at multiple villages at different times, or if it happened just once, as indicated by another recent study that looked at DNA from ancient dog fossils.
:) For the moment, I like to stick to myself studying how to be as healthy as possible, and when chatting with others, I look for those to discuss the finer points of nutrition, ancient or otherwise, like for instance if we said x number of servings of vegetables a day, which ones should they be, quantity and frequency.
If your students simply aren't in the mood for another discussion on Ancient Greece, have them write and perform a play that illustrates the time period being studied.
If you are studying Ancient Greece as a topic, this play is for you!
If you look around our school on a typical afternoon, you will see sixth graders studying botany and history by planting tomatoes in our garden and building models of ancient aqueduct systems, third graders using research to design proposals for more diverse books in our libraries, and kindergartners buzzing as they return from interviewing local business owners in downtown Durham.
Based on current trends, the study predicts that global e-waste rates will jump by a third in the next four years: an annual volume of 65.4 million tons — the weight equivalent of 200 Empire State Buildings or (if your interest runs more toward ancient history) 11 Great Pyramids of Giza.
If you speak more than one language, have expertise in ancient literature, study other cultures or have any other experience where you could be considered an expert, this is the section to list those traits in.
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