Sentences with phrase «in centuries»

The first two Foremen, the Apostles and Prophets, led the way in centuries past by writing Scripture.
This was its intentional meaning in the centuries of its circulation before J employed it.
In the centuries after Constantine, church attendance came to be required and profane activity to be banned on Sundays, though in fact these rules were often ignored. Dispute if you wish, but your belief in the centuries old zombie deity is based on hearsay and fables.
This theory of Aristotle's puts him in the precarious position that Bertrand Russell found himself in centuries later, namely, being theoretically committed to the existence of «unreal objects» or «pseudo-objects.»
As I grew, the Nativity story seemed fixed in centuries long past and spoke to realities that I assumed were long gone from the face of the earth.
Think of the coronations in the United Kingdom, where the civil head of state is crowned in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of Canterbury attended by all the prelates of the church, in a centuries - old religious ceremony replete with choirs, trumpet fanfares and processionals, seen and heard worldwide by millions on radio and television.
In the southwestern United States in the centuries after the Spanish came, it was the practice of the church to send European priests to the Indian pueblos.
She was called «La Popessa,» depicted as the iron lady of the Vatican, and said to have wielded more power in Rome than any woman in centuries.
You see this in the centuries - old temples and samurai tales, the highly sought - after ski resorts and their post-workout natural hot spring soaking tubs.
This project is one of several synagogues being excavated near the epicenter of Jesus» ministry, providing new insights into worship communities in the centuries after Jesus.
The most ready - to - hand sources of ideas for dealing with such questions are no doubt to be found in the centuries - long Western debate about «civil society.»
In centuries past, science's boundaries were continually threatened with invasion by the forces of institutionalized religion.
This is the thesis developed by Philippe Aries in Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life (New York: Random House, 1962).
[53] In the centuries immediately following, the issues under debate were more oriented to the understanding of Jesus as the Christ, [54] and then the question of the Trinity, [55] which led to the great ecumenical councils, to say nothing of the «conversion» of Constantine.
There have been thousands of incidents in the centuries before that.
In place of that hope, we must now think of creating a new global spirituality that will serve us in the centuries to come.
It was a simple, but powerful, formula, novel in its day, but widely imitated in the centuries tofollow.
Only after this judgement was fulfilled one finds John describing the vision of the New Heavens and New Earth — which John Lightfoot and others pointed out in centuries past was the prophetic imagery of the New Testament dispensation.
Before I know it, I am in full flow with a young mum, who tells me her 12 - year - old son can't wait to follow in her footsteps in the centuries - old art of bell - ringing.
Basically, the Catholic Church has not changed in centuries.
In centuries past, even as a tribe or village overreached itself and destroyed the integrity of its immediate environment, its people could move on, seeking virgin territories and fresh resources.
In the centuries since the Book of Concord was adopted, some claiming the name Lutheran have diminished the importance of the Lutheran Confessions.
In the centuries that followed there were swings to and from fanatical exclusivity and tolerant acceptance.
The tension creates difficulties that undermine the possibility for real accomplishment at the first Pan-Orthodox council in centuries, now scheduled to be held in Crete in June.
Perhaps mormonism will replace christianity as it fades out in the centuries to come.
Not to put too fin a point on it, but not a single Christian was killed in those centuries for the simple reason that there were no Christians until about the middle of the 1st Century AD (CE).
An effort to analyze the authority of the ministry as this was exercised and recognized in the early and medieval Church and in the centuries immediately after the Reformation would lead us deep into social history and psychology, into theology and political science.
In the centuries after, Christians were known for their love and their willingness to die for Christ.
Buber has spoken of Kierkegaard and Dostoievsky together as the two men of the nineteenth century who will, in his opinion, «remain» in the centuries to come.
Theological disagreement has been one of the ostensible reasons for division in the church in centuries past — perhaps even a primary reason.
Even now initiates are preparing for their winter dancing rituals in the centuries - old secret Seyouwin societies that flourish on the western coasts of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.
The foundations for our judgments and explanations may be in centuries past, but however timelessly truthful we are convinced they are, we are irremediably inhabitants of a postmodern, 21st - century world.
It seems more than likely that, in centuries past, some priests who have been canonized as saints would meet today's criteria as having a «homosexual orientation.»
Since ascending the throne of Saint Peter, Pope Francis has shown more than any pope in my life time (I am 68 years old and a Roman Catholic) that he follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and he is the biggest breath of fresh air the Catholic Church has seen in centuries.
With variation, but in essential correspondence of members of the plot, it happened of course throughout the spreading human family in the centuries and years, perhaps even months or days, preceding; and it has most assuredly continued to happen, in its significant essence, with persistence and always accompanying human carnage down to our own time and decade and, who knows, even day and hour.
... Reminds me of what Frederica Matthewes - Green says here about the differences that developed between the eastern churches and western Christianity in the centuries following the great schism.
For the latter reflect the history of the Christian era and all that has happened in the centuries since Christianity came into being.
History shows that plainly in the centuries it was read only in Latin.
Is it not a scandal how few of the clergy and professors of theology decide to devote their lives directly to the study of the natural order — as more of them did in centuries past to the world's everlasting benefit?
So, for the next few years the Ordinariate may not be very big, but if we are talking in centuries, I think it will be huge.
For what may be the first time in centuries, Protestants no longer make up the majority of Americans.
Judaism, in the centuries between the Exile and the coming of Jesus, was inextricably identified with a special race and a special national state.
His Holiness further commented that the decision to include Western science was the most significant change to the monastic curriculum in centuries.
Events of great consequence for the world took place in these centuries: the fall of the Persian empire; the conquests of Alexander the Great and their dissolution after his death; the long struggles between the Greek dynasties of Syria and of Egypt; and the advance of Rome as residuary legatee of them all.
And the other anniversary is of 1978 — the election of Pope St. John Paul, the first non-Italian Pope in centuries, the first Slav Pope, and the beginning of a more confident and authentic affirmation of what Vatican II really taught.
However, we should not allow us to be totally seduced by this Victorian version of the season, and recall that in the biblical stories, and in centuries past, this was a time when the world turned upside down.
The structure of Christian belief received its normative character in centuries dominated by two intellectual movements that were radically dualistic and distrusted the materiality of humankind.
Sullivan, on the other hand, insists that his homosexuality is a matter of great public moment, and demands a radical change in centuries of family law to accommodate same - sex «marriage.»
... to the point where land masses should be produced in centuries, not millenniums.
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