Sentences with phrase «in court proceedings»

If you are involved in any court proceedings where physical representation is needed, what is the amount you would like us to payout?
We advise clients regarding the legal implications of those responsibilities and represent clients in court proceedings when intervention is necessary to permit them to render appropriate care or treatment.
Developed and wrote decision explaining ruling and informed interested parties of results; participated in court proceedings against claimants attempting to obtain benefits through fraud.
A recent Court of Appeal decision casts light on the historic rule that a company can only be represented in court proceedings by a...
Prepared reports of forensic findings and testified in court proceedings.
They are also responsible for correspondence and typing and proofreading specialized documents for use in court proceedings.
Finding a lawyer who is as adept in court proceedings as well as negotiation is vital.
This is a document that may be used later in court proceedings if the illegal behaviour persists.
In addition, spouses may agree to their divorce settlement while in court proceedings, and the court transcript may serve as a record of their settlement without requiring a separate document.
Any unresolved issues can cause a rejection of the documents or delay in the court proceedings.
We aim to promote the development of technology sophisticated courts that are a pleasure to work in for judges, judicial officers, court administrators, lawyers and other participants in court proceedings.
They would then want to use the recordings in the court proceedings to show the judge what is really going on.
In practice therefore, the court's discretion in arbitration proceedings is the same as in court proceedings save for the additional hurdles set out in s 44 and s 2 (3).
The convention in court proceedings is that the «loser pays», meaning the winner will usually get some portion of their legal costs covered by the losing side.
This has traditionally been done relatively easily in court proceedings.
Litigation documents filed in court proceedings can be an extremely useful research source.
These so - called self - represented litigants are becoming increasingly common in court proceedings.
Our seasoned traffic ticket attorneys are learned and knowledgeable in court proceedings.
The job description must indicate such tasks as assisting the attorneys during preparation for trials in every court proceedings.
The usage of formal letters is not only limited to the above mentioned processes as it can also be beneficial in court proceedings and other legal processes.
It is always best to be upfront with your history, then to have events come to light in the court proceedings.
Most family law court case results are predictable by an attorney who is active in court proceedings.
This may be recommended as part of a child protection plan or it may be ordered in court proceedings.
However, you can only claim interest on your compensation if your case becomes involved in court proceedings and the claim is served.
Follow up on investigations, make arrests, testify in court proceedings and develop communications with local business owners.
While in court proceedings, you may be asked to produce evidence to support the requests you are making.
Our work especially consists of explaining the Swiss liability law system to the client or the corresponding lawyer abroad, assisting in providing evidence, drafting of damage calculations, conducting negotiations with the opposite party and, if necessary, representing our client in court proceedings in Switzerland by our litigation department.
The Fifth Judicial Circuit is committed to providing qualified interpreters to limited - English - proficient and deaf persons in order to eliminate communication barriers that may prevent full participation in court proceedings necessary to ensure due process and equal access to the courts.
In Canadian courts, even though they are not litigants, third parties may have an interest in intervening in court proceedings because the court's judgment may affect them or others whom they represent.
He has represented clients in court proceedings relating to arbitration, including before the UK Supreme Court and courts of other Commonwealth jurisdictions.
In addition, section 2 of the Limitations Act makes it clear that the Act applies to «claims pursued in court proceedings».
You are expected to maintain a thorough record of every event that takes place in the court proceedings
Senator Charles Schumer (D - NY) has spoken out in defense of Apple and the publishers who are currently engaged in court proceedings with the Department of Justice over anti-trust violations.
As to divulging client confidences, the majority of the Court held that the First Amendment protects an attorney who disseminates information about a client, even where as here Mr. Hunter identified the clients by name, when the information has already been divulged publicly, including in court proceedings.
02.03.2017, Victory: Extension of legal aid to all parents in court proceedings whose children may be adopted
A new scheme to allow families of murder and manslaughter victims to have their own say in court proceedings has today been highlighted by the lord chancellor.
We successfully represented an individual client in court proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights alleging violation of a fundamental human right on the part of Latvian state.
This proposal is based on the assumption that the parties are already engaged in court proceedings and that diversionary measures have been exhausted.
The district court denied the request, ruling that by participating in court proceedings surrounding the plaintiff's claim both before and after her death, the defendant waived their right to compel arbitration.
Should negotiations fail, our experienced lawyers aggressively pursue our clients» interests in court proceedings involving property, parenting, and guardianship arrangements.
Mr. Huber also has significant experience in court proceedings relating to arbitration and multi-jurisdictional disputes, and has advised clients on commercial matters before the United States courts.
Civil Procedure / Language Rights: English Translation of French Court Documents Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie ‑ Britannique v. British Columbia (B.C.C.A., June 27, 2012)(34908) July 26, 2013 The B.C. legislature has exercised its power to regulate the language to be used in court proceedings by adopting two different legislative provisions which require civil proceedings, including exhibits attached to affidavits filed as part of those proceedings, to be in English.
Advised a jet charter company in court proceedings which included obtaining an interlocutory injunction against one of its brokers who had sought to solicit customers in breach of post termination restrictive covenants.
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