Sentences with phrase «in healthy people however»

In healthy people however, other studies have shown memory improvement no matter the age.

Not exact matches

More disturbing than the incidence of cardiac arrest in fairly healthy people, however, are the variations in survival rates, which can swing from as low as 3 % in some US counties to as high as 20 % in others, The New York Times reports.
However, a healthy work culture is often seen as a «nice to have» and not a must have — but our movement's people are its most valuable asset, so investing in a culture that sustains them is critical.
However, the assumption of the psychotherapist is that irrational behavior can be brought under rational control by re-educating the person in healthy interpersonal relationships.
I was cut off cold; however, like you predict, the people I have in my life now are authentic, healthy relationships.
Not everyone, however, has a healthy adjustment to these emotions, and in a more neurotic person, the hostility can become strange and destructive.
Healthy Christians, however, leave sick church communities that deny such problems; abusive pastors are those who keep people sick by foregoing mental health concerns in their communities as a way to control people or keep them from fleeing to healthier churches that speak to, or recommend resources for dealing with mental health.
I do however work in the healthcare profession and over the last 15 or so years have seen COUNTLESS people with multiple healthy problems due to diabetes.
However, research has also consistently shown that people can overcome poor attachment in childhood to develop healthy romantic relationships as adults.
In new situations, healthy people tend to use goal - directed control; however, under conditions of stress, they frequently select habitual learning.
However, people with H. pylori infection had lower amounts and fewer types of bacteria than seen in healthy people, while those with autoimmune disease had higher amounts of bacteria and equal diversity as seen in healthy people (but with different types of bacteria dominating the community).
However, although people are living longer, they are not necessarily healthier than before — nearly a quarter (23 %) of the overall global burden of death and illness is in people aged over 60, and much of this burden is attributable to long - term illness caused by diseases such as cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disease, musculoskeletal diseases (such as arthritis and osteoporosis), and mental and neurological disorders.
Two of the most recognized causes of sudden death during an endurance race are arrhythmic death, sudden death usually caused by undetected heart disease in a young and seemingly healthy person, and heat stroke; however, the authors noted sudden death from an undetected heart condition often receives more attention from the medical community and the media.
However, the new findings suggest the possibility of treatments that would prevent neuronal damage by restoring the healthy balance of phase separation in the cells of people with ALS / FTD mutations.
In fact, people are less happy and healthy alone than when they are in a group — of kin, of countrymen or indeed of anybody with whom they can identify, however fleetinglIn fact, people are less happy and healthy alone than when they are in a group — of kin, of countrymen or indeed of anybody with whom they can identify, however fleetinglin a group — of kin, of countrymen or indeed of anybody with whom they can identify, however fleetingly.
However, research has shown that people who eat a healthy breakfast lose weight much faster, enjoy better overall health and build more muscle mass in less time.
Recent studies, however, have shown that in the long term, a high protein diet has almost the opposite effect on healthy people.
There is not much out there in the scientific world to date, however, to make the claim that healthier people are more spiritual, but the science that points to the benefits of having a spiritual life and outlook is compelling.
However, as early as 1913 (5), it was reported that the ingestion of egg white protein in a single - meal study did not result in an increase in the blood glucose concentration in healthy persons.
However, I do think that for healthy people the potential harms from very low - carb are greater than the potential harms from excessive carb consumption, so it is perhaps safer to advise eating in the upper end of the range, since a large number of people will deviate from their target.
The exact causes of fibromyalgia are unknown, however people suffering from this condition have lower levels of serine in their blood compared with healthy people 8.
For the average person, however, who just wants to stay trim, active, and healthy, they might not need the extra protein boost found in powders, such as whey, soy, and casein.
However, if that person is heavier due to muscle mass, they may actually be healthier, rendering the BMI useless in their case!
In a small 1998 study, healthy people given vitamin D supplements during the winter reported greater positive feelings than people given no D. However, a larger study in women over 70 found no significant mental health benefiIn a small 1998 study, healthy people given vitamin D supplements during the winter reported greater positive feelings than people given no D. However, a larger study in women over 70 found no significant mental health benefiin women over 70 found no significant mental health benefit.
However, with careful medical and psychiatric supervision, a ketogenic diet rich in healthy fats can be potentially very healing for people with anorexia, as it can restore proper body and brain composition, naturally regulate appetite and weight, and eliminate carbohydrate cravings.
I eat very healthy just because I like it that way, I have never enjoyed junk food but once in a while a eat french fries, pizza or veggie burger... however I have been having problems with acne since I was 18 and for some reason the mayority of vegetarian or vegan people that I have known have acne.
I've been supporting people in living happier and healthier lives for the past 10 years, however it became my true passion after I got sick in 2008.
However, the question is whether DHA status is important or is it just a marker of a healthy lifestyle (as seen in people who tend to eat fish — they are typically healthier in other respects, so confounding by healthy user bias).
However, most people shop for healthy foods but also have unhealthy foods still in the house.
Opting for whole wheat bread may seem like a healthy choice; however research suggests that as many as one in five people have a gluten sensitivity.
People with iodine deficiency - induced hypothyroidism may find that goitrogens cause further suppression of thyroid activity, however, most patients with Hashimoto's do not have an iodine deficiency, and the goitrogenic mechanism in these otherwise very healthy vegetables is not of particular concern to Hashimoto's.
However, in cases of hypothyroidism, amounts of these nutrients a person needs to maintain healthy levels are much different than the person without thyroid disease.
In healthy people with normal kidney function, however, we don't have evidence to show heightened risk of this set of events.
However, in this country the only Blue Zones people were the Seventh Day Adventists, and among those, the ones who eat no animal foods at all were healthier than their vegetarian friends who eat some dairy and / or eggs.
However, I agree that it can easily be done unsafely even by healthy people — if they roll up with their legs straight and the pelvis in a posterior tilt, which would likely place too much compression on the anterior aspect of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar spine (as you illustrate above).
Some people point to HbA1c being an unreliable measure due to the fact that red blood cells live longer in healthier people, however, Dr Baker's blood sugar values correlate with the HbA1c values.
However, a recent research of 10,000 people in UK has found that married women didn't show profound health benefits, as compared to single ladies, while married men were healthier than the ones living on their own.
However, there are plenty of viable credit card options for young people who want to build up their credit history in a healthy way.
When it comes to feeding your hamster, most people just buy a mix of seeds and grains you can get from the small animal section in any superstore, however this allows your hamster to pick out the pieces that taste the best, but leave behind the healthy pieces.
However, «people food» is often too high in fat for your pet to metabolize properly and it may actually cause your pet to become a more finicky eater who will refuse to eat its more healthy pet food.
However, the most important person in keeping your cats healthy is you!
SNAP (Spay / Neuter Assicance Program) is designed to help people in our community who want to do what is healthy for their furry companion; however, are not able to afford it.
However the disease can also be transmitted when a healthy dog's nose or mouth comes in direct contact with bodily secretions from an infected dog (such as nasal discharge or saliva) or with contaminated items such as food or water bowls or people's hands.
However, we don't plan to go the indies route with just a few people on a team making a game, so it'll be somewhere in the middle, looking at probably about 20 people on the staff making the game, so that'll still be a healthy [size].
However, the older you get, the more expensive your premiums cost — even a healthy person in his or her 50s can expect to pay between three to six times as much per month than in his or her 20s.
However, young people are in the best position to lock in a low rate on a permanent life insurance policy while they are still healthy.
However, because it is much less expensive to lock in rates while you are still young and healthy, some young people choose to buy a policies early in order to plan for their futures.
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