Sentences with phrase «in normal relationships»

In normal relationships guys in Ukraine don't give any money to women, they simply pay bills during the short courtship stage and then quickly start hanging together at home, which is basically free.
I strive to never being in a normal relationship
It's not that it is not required in a normal relationship, but it's even more important in a bisexual relationship.
Sometimes this can't be achieved in a normal relationship and that can be where sugar mommas come in.
And make sure you get to know your sugar daddy really well (just like you would in a normal relationship) before getting really serious.
In a normal relationship it might seem odd to be asking important, big questions right away.
In the normal relationship.
They believe that their insecure partners are exhibiting behavior that is to be expected in any normal relationship, even if it is dysfunctional.
In a normal relationship, we may actually take turns adopting one role or the other.

Not exact matches

All the things you work on during a normal relationship will need extra effort for in a long distance relationship
Prince Mohammed and Kushner have forged a close relationship, which has at times come under criticism in Washington for circumventing normal diplomatic channels.
The company describes its decision simply, saying the company «chose to manage employees in line with our values and beliefs and to engage governments, communities and other corporations in our effort to change, even if our efforts were unpopular or disruptive to normal business relationships
We do not include clearance flips in our measure of flipping since our goal is to estimate the relationship between prices and flipping in a relatively normal, non-distressed housing market.
Another point to remember is that swings in commodity prices can affect the normal relationship between the total inflation rate and the core measure of inflation that we use as an operational guide.
Lastly, for your still - married clients at any age, consider suggesting to them that investing in the relationship is a normal part of the advising relationship.
In the normal things that trouble everybody — meeting new people, crowds, shyness, human relationships — I haven't made much progress at all.6
Experiences during this process include feelings of unreality and shock, physical distress, preoccupation with the image and memory of the lost one, pouring out of grief, idealization of the deceased, guilt feelings, anger, loss of interest in usual activities, the unlearning of thousands of automatic responses involving the deceased, relearning of other responses, resumption of normal patterns of living, and the establishment of substitute relationships.
You have no clue what you're talking about especially since homosexual relationships have been documented in over 1500 other species and the experts around the world have stated that being gay is natural and normal.
It is a normal thing in any relationship to be sensitive to the other party, especially if you love them!
There is a common impression that something must have gone wrong in the mother - child relationship if a young man or a young woman is not «normal» according to the criteria of «the family pew.»
When normal life events like teen - parent alienation, marital stress, mid-life crises, and decisions about elderly parents are hidden behind superficial relationships in a congregation, conversations that will encourage families to minister to one another are not likely to happen.
Gay or straight or pluralistic or whatever — those relationships are not my business in the normal course of things.
It's just a facade and I get tired of being around people who want to embrace crazy and call it normal whether it's in the church, family relationships or friendships.
In marriage and premarriage enrichment events and in crisis counseling it's important to help couples become more skillful in handling the conflict and anger that are normal in any close relationshiIn marriage and premarriage enrichment events and in crisis counseling it's important to help couples become more skillful in handling the conflict and anger that are normal in any close relationshiin crisis counseling it's important to help couples become more skillful in handling the conflict and anger that are normal in any close relationshiin handling the conflict and anger that are normal in any close relationshiin any close relationship.
The position of the Government and of such campaigners and many other cultural icons in our society is that the rights of active homosexuals to be unimpeded in having their relationship treated as normal trump the rights of Christians not to so cooperate.
Normal people can recognize that the pursuit of the purely physical in relationships does pall after emotional maturation is achieved.
And the relationships that have meant the most to me, that have brought me closer to the Table, have been those in which we talk to one another like normal people, employing the language of our shared faith tradition when it illuminates the truth, but not when it obscures it.
If you are looking at the way most relationships function in our society it's become normal for people to have s - ex with anyone they want, and if they aren't having s - ex to engage in s - exual fantasies to satisfy their emotional needs.
This abrogated numerous Rabbinical warnings about foreign or Samaritan women, as well as the familiar prohibitions against talking with women, especially sinful women, in public, and opened the door for a more normal and natural basis for relationship.59
Lord Fowler was Margaret Thatcher's health minister in the 1980s when she introduced Section 28, which stopped teachers referring to gay relationships as «normal».
«Regretfully, I suspect that we will need a change of government, potentially in both countries, to restore a normal balance and commercial relationship
In May Muller said: «It's no secret that Louis van Gaal and I have a relationship that goes a little beyond the normal relationship between coaches and players.»
The things that people in a normal long term relationship do.
«In a physiologically normal breastfeeding relationship, the volume of milk produced can vary daily.»
«We are passionate about supporting parents and helping them learn how to stay emotionally connected with their children through the inevitable conflicts and differences of opinion that are normal in close relationships.
Grounded in the wellness and holistic models of pregnancy and birth, birth centers believe that birth is a normal experience and seek to build relationships, offer education, and empower the families they serve.
Positional plagiocephaly, or plagiocephaly without synostosis (PWS), can be associated with supine sleeping position (OR: 2.5).113 It is most likely to result if the infant's head position is not varied when placed for sleep, if the infant spends little or no time in awake, supervised tummy time, and if the infant is not held in the upright position when not sleeping.113, — , 115 Children with developmental delay and / or neurologic injury have increased rates of PWS, although a causal relationship has not been demonstrated.113, 116, — , 119 In healthy normal children, the incidence of PWS decreases spontaneously from 20 % at 8 months to 3 % at 24 months of age.114 Although data to make specific recommendations as to how often and how long tummy time should be undertaken are lacking, supervised tummy time while the infant is awake is recommended on a daily basiin awake, supervised tummy time, and if the infant is not held in the upright position when not sleeping.113, — , 115 Children with developmental delay and / or neurologic injury have increased rates of PWS, although a causal relationship has not been demonstrated.113, 116, — , 119 In healthy normal children, the incidence of PWS decreases spontaneously from 20 % at 8 months to 3 % at 24 months of age.114 Although data to make specific recommendations as to how often and how long tummy time should be undertaken are lacking, supervised tummy time while the infant is awake is recommended on a daily basiin the upright position when not sleeping.113, — , 115 Children with developmental delay and / or neurologic injury have increased rates of PWS, although a causal relationship has not been demonstrated.113, 116, — , 119 In healthy normal children, the incidence of PWS decreases spontaneously from 20 % at 8 months to 3 % at 24 months of age.114 Although data to make specific recommendations as to how often and how long tummy time should be undertaken are lacking, supervised tummy time while the infant is awake is recommended on a daily basiIn healthy normal children, the incidence of PWS decreases spontaneously from 20 % at 8 months to 3 % at 24 months of age.114 Although data to make specific recommendations as to how often and how long tummy time should be undertaken are lacking, supervised tummy time while the infant is awake is recommended on a daily basis.
We help bereaved parents deal with their grief, as well as assisting them in understanding and coping with changes in their marital and other relationships and helping them find their «new normal
We have been helping bereaved parents deal with their grief, assisting them in understanding and coping with changes in their interpersonal relationships and helping them find their «new normal
Haslam SZ, Shyamala G. Effect of oestradiol on progesterone receptors in normal mammary glands and its relationship with lactation.
Haslam SZ, Shyamala G. Progesterone receptors in normal mammary glands of mice: characterization and relationship to development.
Men wanted reassurance that everything in their relationship would return to normal once the baby was born; however, this topic was seldom discussed because men's needs were rarely acknowledged or supported (Donovan, 1995; Pastore et al., 2007).
And as it turns out, periodic clinginess is very normalin fact, it's a sign that you and your child have a healthy relationship.
Reactive Attachment Disorder is a rare but complex condition in which teens struggle to develop normal attachment and relationships due to poor connections formed in infancy.
Fighting is normal and inevitable in even the healthiest relationships, but it's also just as normal and inevitable that parents worry about how fighting in front of their kids can affect them later in life.
If you're being abused in any way (emotionally, verbally, physically, financially, or otherwise) there's nothing «normal» about the way sleep - deprivation is impacting your relationship.
However, it might also be a normal adjustment to a new stage in your breastfeeding relationship and that's important to note as well.
Adoptive families have different circumstances and relationship equation; however, this does not mean that they are not normal in a familial sense.
In animal models, exposure to cigarette smoke or nicotine during fetal development alters the expression of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in areas of the brainstem important for autonomic function, 28 alters the neuronal excitability of neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius (a brainstem region important for sensory integration), 29 and alters fetal autonomic activity and medullary neurotransmitter receptors.30 In human infants, there are strong associations between nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and serotonin receptors in the brainstem during development.31 Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke attenuates recovery from hypoxia in preterm infants, 32 decreases heart rate variability in preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDIn animal models, exposure to cigarette smoke or nicotine during fetal development alters the expression of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in areas of the brainstem important for autonomic function, 28 alters the neuronal excitability of neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius (a brainstem region important for sensory integration), 29 and alters fetal autonomic activity and medullary neurotransmitter receptors.30 In human infants, there are strong associations between nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and serotonin receptors in the brainstem during development.31 Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke attenuates recovery from hypoxia in preterm infants, 32 decreases heart rate variability in preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin areas of the brainstem important for autonomic function, 28 alters the neuronal excitability of neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius (a brainstem region important for sensory integration), 29 and alters fetal autonomic activity and medullary neurotransmitter receptors.30 In human infants, there are strong associations between nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and serotonin receptors in the brainstem during development.31 Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke attenuates recovery from hypoxia in preterm infants, 32 decreases heart rate variability in preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin the nucleus tractus solitarius (a brainstem region important for sensory integration), 29 and alters fetal autonomic activity and medullary neurotransmitter receptors.30 In human infants, there are strong associations between nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and serotonin receptors in the brainstem during development.31 Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke attenuates recovery from hypoxia in preterm infants, 32 decreases heart rate variability in preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDIn human infants, there are strong associations between nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and serotonin receptors in the brainstem during development.31 Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke attenuates recovery from hypoxia in preterm infants, 32 decreases heart rate variability in preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin the brainstem during development.31 Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke attenuates recovery from hypoxia in preterm infants, 32 decreases heart rate variability in preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin preterm infants, 32 decreases heart rate variability in preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin preterm33 and term34 infants, and abolishes the normal relationship between heart rate and gestational age at birth.33 Moreover, infants of smoking mothers exhibit impaired arousal patterns to trigeminal stimulation in proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin proportion to urinary cotinine levels.35 It is important to note also that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke alters the normal programming of cardiovascular reflexes such that there is a greater - than - expected increase in blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin blood pressure and heart rate in response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin response to breathing 4 % carbon dioxide or a 60 ° head - up tilt.36 These changes in autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDin autonomic function, arousal, and cardiovascular reflexes might all increase an infant's vulnerability to SIDS.
Expression of affection between parents is also important because it teaches a child what normal loving behavior between adults is and helps them to be well adjusted in their adult relationships as well.
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