Sentences with phrase «increased endogenous production»

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This means that increased levels of ZAG in patients may indicate a system - wide mobilization of lipids for energy production, particularly because these individuals lack endogenous insulin and can not rely on blood glucose (sugar) for their energy needs.
Hepatic IR ensues, increasing endogenous glucose production, hence elevating plasma glucose levels and stimulating further insulin secretion.
Tachyphylaxis may explain the lack of increase in glucose; however, it needs to be documented by determining the endogenous glucose production rate.
Alpha - lipoic acid, another powerful endogenous antioxidant, increases glutathione production in the body, as does the sleep hormone melatonin — which stimulates production of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase.
We speculate that the calming effects of the LDN upon microglia have reduced neuro - inflammation and allowed some impaired dopamine - producing neurons to partially recover, resulting in an increase in endogenous dopamine production.
Doses of 1.5 — 4.5 mg per day are usually recommended and have been reported to enhance immune function through increasing our endogenous endorphin production, reducing inflammation, promoting DNA synthesis, and slowing down motility in the GI tract to facilitate healing.
So, the increase in glucose disappearance effectively explained all of the increase in the glucose infusion rates, whereas endogenous glucose production did not change significantly.
Allick et al concluded that it was remarkable that, in the context of diabetes risk, 2 aspects of glucose homeostasis actually improved after consumption of the high - fat, low - carbohydrate diet: basal endogenous glucose production decreased, and insulin - stimulated nonoxidative glucose disposal increased.
Ben: Yeah, that's something that you do have to do with pro-hormones is you have to have to cycle them if you're gonna take them because it allows your body to return to its normal level of endogenous hormone production so anytime you're using testosterone or any of these testosterone pre-cursors, you're artificially increasing your testosterone levels, as a result your body generates far less, you know, if we're talking about testosterone, far less testosterone than normal, and so you know that's not really concerning when you're taking the pro-hormones, once you get off them though, you feel like crap.
In the past, I've recorded some very interesting podcasts with folks such as Darin Olien and Shawn Stevenson, in which we discuss specific foods and compounds that can increase one's own stem cell health and support endogenous production or proliferation of stem cells.
I start (and started) from the premise that the dramatic decline in crude oil prices that took place from August, 2014 ($ 96 / barrel), to March, 2015 ($ 44 / barrel), was due — on the one hand — to decreased demand, a function of slow economic growth in Asia, Europe, and elsewhere, endogenous, price - driven technological change leading to greater fuel efficiency, and policy - driven technological change that also has been leading to greater fuel efficiency, such as more stringent Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards in the United States; and — on the other hand — was due to increased supply, partly a function of the growth of unconventional (tight) U.S. oil production (a product of the combination of two technologies — horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing).
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