Sentences with phrase «independent publishing requires»

After all, independent publishing requires an upfront investment of time and money with no guaranteed return.
Independent publishing requires no money up front and has distribution, but the earning potential is limited, as with traditional publishing.

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«In order to reassure the public about the way this decision has been taken I have sought and published independent advice at every step of the way, even when not required to do so by law.
According to the authors, «The results presented today and published simultaneously in this issue of JACC are unprecedented and extremely promising, but rigorous clinical investigation requires corroboration in an independent population.»
In a new study published in PLOS Genetics, led by Leif Andersson, Uppsala University / SciLifeLab, Swedish and French researchers report that two independent mutations are required to explain the development of the sex - linked barring pattern in chicken.
«Independent publishing» better reflects the fact that producing a high - quality book requires the participation of many professionals and subject matter experts beyond the author: the editor, the proofreader, and the book cover designer, to name a few.
Having an agent is not required to get a deal with a traditional or independent publishing house.
Independent publishing and taking control of your writing future requires an author to be able to switch «hats» when required, regardless of whether you write nonfiction, fiction or children's books.
In small independent presses, you don't require a literary agent in order to get published.
Being discoverable to readers requires the independent author to market themselves such that their publishing brand is accessible, attractive, engaging and recognisable across multiple platforms and in multiple formats.
But I think we might be a couple years away from breaching 50 % — which might require a technological advance like color e-Ink or foldable screens, or a game - changing event in the publishing world, such as superstar authors going independent and straight to e-books, big publishers embracing e-books, or lowering of e-book pricing (perhaps as a result of the agency model going away).
The checkbooks are shrinking, so they are having to rely heavily on their reputation, which requires elevating themselves above the independents by denigrating «self - publishing».
Convention sales, self publishing, digital and webcomic models favor independent creators, but they do require some entrepreneurship.
This isn't to say that independent publishing is easy; a vast amount of work is required by the author in order to succeed amongst the crowd.
The program allows independent developers to publish their own games directly onto Xbox One's and Windows 10's game stores via a simplified certification process and no concept approval required, albeit with some restrictions compared to full - scale releases.
Require all applicable principles of scientific forecasting Impose the discipline of only allowing AR5 to publish results of models that objectively meet ALL the Principles of Scientific Forecasting as verified by an independent panel (excluding only principles internationally recognized by ALL countries as inapplicable.)
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