Sentences with phrase «index strategy performs»

With bonds, the Fundamental Index strategy performs best when the market is reassessing and reining in the valuations of the most deeply indebted companies.
It's analogous to the story within stocks that the Fundamental Index strategy performs best when value is winning, and not so well when growth is winning.
In addition and of more practical use, the study also found that 13 alternative indexing strategies all performed better than the market - capitalization indexes.

Not exact matches

In my experience, a dividend growth portfolio strategy seems to be performing better as an investment than owning a home, in my honest opinion, I would rather rent in a great area than own a home in that area, jeez if I were able to get a lease agreement for 10 years indexed at inflation or at 2.5 % increase annually I would take it and take my down payment and invest it in my portfolio, and continue to contribute the max in my 401K, HSA, and Roth IRA, while enjoying living in a low tax bracket because of my contributions.
Of course there will be times when equities like an S&P 500 index fund will strongly outperform the 50/50 allocation to the S&P and NEARX combo, but George and Karen's story is one example of how these two investment strategies have previously performed.
In contrast, enhanced index funds can weight undervalued stocks more heavily, include a larger proportion of securities in higher - performing sectors, or use other investment strategies to try and achieve a better return than the index it tracks.
Not only are index funds cheaper, they've repeatedly proven to perform much better than active investing strategies.
Year - to - date returns of strategies with higher yielding stocks performed worse than their lower yielding counterparts, although the S&P Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend Index proved to be the slight exception.
I keep applying my strategy, because over the long run it will out perform indexes.
Energy was the weakest - performing group for the broad index, and the Strategy's names performed in line.
I wanted to perform my own analysis on how often a buy and hold strategy on the S&P 500 index is making new equity highs.
The «alpha» or excess return above the benchmark index, is the component of a portfolio's performance that arises from the fact that a expert investment strategy selects better performing stocks than those available in the benchmark index.
It was a huge undertaking, but I think it will provide index investors with a reasonable idea of how the strategy performed over the last 15 years (from 1997 through 2011).
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