Sentences with phrase «indian ocean analysis»

More recently, the Indian Ocean analysis by Funk and a colleague, A. Park Williams, along with other studies, points to drying — and a contribution from human - driven global warming.

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An analysis of satellite data yielded further clues about the plane's final movements, indicating it went down in the Indian Ocean
March 28, 2014 • Further analysis of how fast Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was flying has led investigators to think it went down in the Indian Ocean closer to Australia than previously thought.
Analysis of radar images and some communications data have focused the search on an area of the southern Indian Ocean about 1,100 miles west of Perth, Australia.
Regional reports on climate finance from the OECD Creditor Reporting System for 2010 to 2015 in the Pacific and the Caribbean, and recent analysis for Indian Ocean and African SIDS show that, with the exception of the Pacific, there is no dramatic increase of flows from developed to developing countries in SIDS regions.
Our analysis further shows that how the ENSO related teleconnection to the Indian Ocean region differ under warm and cold phase of PDO.
Unfortunately, regression analyses do NOT pick up the step changes in the East Indian and West Pacific Oceans caused by significant El Ninos that aren't suppressed by volcanic eruptions.
Uses the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS, version v03r03) analysis during satellite era (1986 — 2010) and determines the trends of intensification of tropical cyclones (TC) over all the global basins, except the North Indian Ocean
I need to download data for currents in case of salinity, temperature, density and current velocity in order to analysis the Thermohaline currents in the Northern part of the Indian Ocean.
A full understanding of the relationships of the fauna of the ESR vents with those elsewhere will only be realised with complete analyses of the fauna collected at 56 ° S and 60 ° S at the ESR, and the location and documentation of further hydrothermal vent communities at high latitudes in the Southern Ocean and southern Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
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