Sentences with phrase «indian populace»

This comes at a time when the cryptocurrency fever was catching up with the Indian populace even though the Indian government had not officially endorsed any digital currency as a mode of exchange.
This is indicative of the fact that, a vast majority of the Indian populace dream big but is as of yet unprepared to make some dreams a reality.
Given that the cyber laws are not very effective in India, the Indian populace on internet is highly exposed to this peril.
This lucrative affiliation was done in December, 1995 and since then these companies have given the Indian populace some very amazing cars.
Additionally, Rohingyas are ethnically closer to Benghali than average Indian populace (though who and what they are seems to be rather convoluted mix).

Not exact matches

Even though this populace consists of about 15 - 20 percent of the Indian community it is considered sub - or nonhuman; thus it is not included in the community's composition.
One fears for the Indian personnel who would be traversing this road under the gaze of a populace held prisoner in their own land.
But Bharara, an Indian - American, lacks a strong natural constituency and still suffers from relatively low name recognition among the general populace.
The Aakash project is spearheaded by the Indian Government with the aim of providing a suitable computing medium to the student community as well as the general populace.
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