Sentences with phrase «indigenous health division»

To be confirmed - Co-Chair IPAG, First Assistant Secretary, Indigenous Health Division, Department of Health

Not exact matches

Samantha Palmer, first assistant secretary for the Indigenous and rural health division in the Federal Department of Health, told the conference that analysis of national key performance indicators to be released in May will show that CQI is «one of the fundamental factors of difference between services that are doing very well and services that are not doing so well&rhealth division in the Federal Department of Health, told the conference that analysis of national key performance indicators to be released in May will show that CQI is «one of the fundamental factors of difference between services that are doing very well and services that are not doing so well&rHealth, told the conference that analysis of national key performance indicators to be released in May will show that CQI is «one of the fundamental factors of difference between services that are doing very well and services that are not doing so well».
Responsibility for the ACCHSs continues to reside in the Department of Health (formerly the Department of Health and Ageing) in a new Indigenous and Rural Health Services Division (that replaces the former Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health).
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