Sentences with phrase «instead of being»

the Israelite prophet Ezekiel deplored the fact that Jewish women in Jerusalem were «sitting and wailing for Tammuz» instead of being loyal to the God of their fathers.5
If instead of being religious they would Trust in God and in Jesus Christ God's Only Son they would not be in such a State of Panic.
Instead of being definite eternal objects, however, which can be modified only by being replaced by other definite eternal objects (or selected from an infinitely dense array of eternal objects), it could be an indefinite, partially vague form by which creativity was instanced.
Instead of being dissatisfied that you don't have a partner, enjoy the time God has given you.
Each entity, instead of being self - enclosed, is seen as fragmentarily containing all the others.
Instead of being about moral precepts and the exotica of the phenomenology of religion, assemblies and RE should be consciously addressing the moral, metaphysical and spiritual questions raised in the study of history, biology or civic affairs: indeed, the whole of the syllabus.
Instead of being ignorant and believing everything you read, maybe actually find out what the LDS church is about before you people run your mouth.
But instead of being a female hologram, Cortana will be an animated dot on your phone.
Instead of being a point of position to say, look, look at all the differences, it is a clear open view as how to get and make things right.
Learn some truth instead of being conditioned by lies.
Many years later, Comstock believes that his son should have been killed instead of being taken off of life support:
From a Christian standpoint such an existence (in spite of all aesthetic) is sin, it is the sin of poetizing instead of being, of standing in relation to the Good and the True through imagination instead of being that, or rather existentially striving to be it.
Instead of being determinative of its interpretation, culture can serve the church by being the occasion for renewed reflection and debate.
Instead of being outcast and marginalized as they should be, they are now elements to the Great American Freak Show.
If they could get grieving loved ones to pay for a certificate of redemption their loved one could go straight to heaven instead of being stuck in Limbo or Purgatory, or heaven forbid in Hell.
Speaking after a judge decided to halt Brunson's trial for three weeks and keep him in custody, the centre's chief counsel Jay Sekulow said: «Instead of being returned to the prison where he had been held most recently, the judge ordered Pastor Andrew to be taken back to an overcrowded and extremely grim prison where he was held initially.
The ultimate reality, instead of being, as in Jewish apocalyptic, figured as the last term in the historical series, is conceived as an eternal order of being, of which the phenomenal order in history is the shadow or symbol.
But instead of being overwhelmed by stress or guilt I just feel loved.
We often say that space and time are composed of points and instants; these should be defined as systematic abstractions from empirical facts instead of being accepted as volumeless or durationless entities.
I would hope that people would get out there and do something else worthwhile instead of being tied to their computer.
But there is danger that the lover and the enthusiast may swerve out of the true course and aim perhaps for the impressive instead of being led to the Good.
Instead of being left to rely on deductive theoretical formulations about the economic or political interests served by ideologies, we are offered attempts to spell out a credible set of social factors that relate the actual producers and disseminators of ideas with their social environment, with interested audiences, and with sequences of action that put ideas into effect.
You are evil because instead of being angry with those fakers, you keep saying mean things to me.
This conception of war also has as its villains the states who engage in it, so that states, instead of being potential sources of human good, are recast as the agents of massive evil.
You have no scientific proof to discredit a creator, so why not respect someone else's hypothesis, instead of being pretentious.
I also think that instead of being pierced by the spear of Longinus, he was actually pierced by Longinus» spear... if you know what I mean!
I do that so people can decide for themselves instead of being told by someone what to think.
And instead of being known for great teaching or music or a building, we were known for our huge capacity to love?»
I think Jesus would think differently, especially since Mary Magdalene was one of his most devout apostles and instead of being lauded, the Church demonized her for centuries and still does.
Instead of being ashamed of what our Muslim countries are doing, we are stubborn to deny the academic and judicial strength of America.
How many of you are still afraid to reach accross the aisle and grab a white person or black person's hand in friendship and truly love them instead of being afraid or angry at them for no reason at all?
Or are you simply like many other sheep and instead of being a good moral human, you follow a leader / shepherd?
The movie will be set in the Star Wars universe, populated with Jedi knights and all, but instead of being the much - hyped Episode VII that will follow the ongoing adventures of the Skywalker family, it will be based on Akira Kurosawa's 1957 masterpiece, Seven Samurai.
Thus, the traumatic event (s) become «stuck» in a person's body instead of being stored as a normal memory.
And, on the other hand, it sickens and dies when it is enslaved by its past instead of being disciplined by the new beginning which it must always make in the Scriptures....
I thought instead of being defensive, someone would shed a light on that verse (Quran 9:5) not for me but for the muslim radicalists who use it as their inspiration for murdering innocent people.
I thought instead of being defensive, someone would shed a light on that verser not for me but for the muslim radicalists who use it as their inspiration for murdering innocent people.
If the church would have stood up against the greed long ago instead of being part of it, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Deleuze (1994) 14 - 15: «When the consciousness of knowledge or the working thought of memory is missing, the knowledge in itself is only the repetition of the object it is played, that is to say repeated, enacted instead of being known... the less one remembers, the less one is conscious of remembering one's past, the more one repeats it.»
We observe that at the lowest level of the evolutionary process, time is contingent in the sense that electronic and atomic radiations are short - lived, measured in millionths of a second; the movement is chaotic, diffused, haphazard, indeterminate as shown in the cloud chamber or the Brownian movement of molecules; the time is transient because entropy takes over; the movements are lost instead of being collected in the thing and perfective of the thing.
For me I figured that if there is a God out there who does who does actually have a plan for us and if part of that plan is to not be made known but would rather have us develop faith, and if the reason for why we need to have faith is to see if we are going to follow God because we choose to instead of being made to have to follow, and if the reason for all of those commandments is to somehow be for our benefit, and if I really want to and need to know, which I did, and that this supposed God wanted for us to find out through study, prayer and trying to practice those teachings to see for ourselves and then make our choice, then I figured to do just that and find out for myself.
I think our response as the Church should be to love and listen to those who are angry, instead of being offended that they dare to challenge something we hold sacred.
What you have to offer confirms your own bias instead of being a thing of discussion.
A recent Pew study has found that instead of being at war with Christmas, Americans love it.
Instead of being a passing phase of the social group, individual, personal life was progressively gaining a distinct and profound value of its own, and the higher personality thus rose in ideal, the farther it could fall by comparison.
I'm not any other Christian on this site writing His truth so that you open your eyes to see and hear His truth instead of being blinded by the lies of satan.
And as a lamen I would like to ask... with gravity, Einstein's not Newtons, the concept is that mass bends space, so instead of being pulled around the sun we are falling around the sun.
and if the reason for why we need to have faith is to see if we are going to follow God because we choose to instead of being made to have to follow,...»
If he had a sense of humor, wouldn't we all be laughing, instead of being the sticks - in - the - mud that he requires us to be?
Then she'd say, «Why didn't he just say that instead of being so scary.»
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