Sentences with phrase «intact dogs also»

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The bills would also place an upper limit on the number of intact breeding dogs that may be housed in breeding facilities, to prevent our state from becoming a haven for inhumane puppy mills.
The dog must also be examined to be sure that the eardrum is intact.
Intact male dogs with an enlarged prostate may also develop pencil - thin stools because the enlarged prostate pushes against the bowel.
In the study, spayed and neutered dogs were also more likely to develop behavior disorders than intact dogs.
It might also be helpful for studies regarding joint diseases to evaluate whether or not there is a correlation between activity levels in neutered and intact dogs; i.e. do more neutered dogs participate in dog sports such as agility and flyball than intact dogs, increasing the occurrence of joint disease?
The study also showed that dogs which had been sterilized had a decreased risk of death due to infection, noting, «The relationship between sterilization and infectious disease could arise due to increased levels of progesterone and testosterone in intact dogs, both of which can be immunosuppressive.»
They want to chew on their dog toys but they also prefer to leave them intact.
It occurs in older intact female dogs, but can also occur in unspayed dogs of any age.
A male dog is either unneutered (also called intact) or neutered (also called castrated or de-sexed).
Their hormones may not subside for 6 months after their neutering which could also cause problems with their introduction and assimilation into a household with other intact dogs.
Also, most of our dogs come to us intact and we have them spayed or neutered.
Male dogs also run a health risk of prostate and testicular cancer in later life if they are left intact.
(All responsible breeders carefully place their dogs in new homes, but breeders of rare breeds are even more finicky about where their pups go because they are guardians of a small gene pool and need to make sure that all breedable dogs are kept intact and that buyers understand the consequences of owning a pet that is also the repository of genes from that limited pool.)
Finally, studies in dogs with transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder or prostate have also revealed an increased incidence in neutered dogs as compared to intact male dogs (Norris AM et al..
It also found similar differences with respect to cancer in intact vs. gonadectomized dogs.
Also, the dog must be examined to be sure that the eardrum is intact.
Also, as many as 2 in 3 intact dogs stop the behavior after neutering so this treatment is worth considering.
If he's still intact, that also could be a factor with his reaction to other male dogs but it sounds like you're on the right track with the training and hopefully by working together this will resolve soon.
Intact dogs are also more likely to run away from home in search of a mate, which increases the risk of your dog being hit by a car or meeting a similar terrible fate.
Also, after being involved with dogs for 45 - years, I have found most owners of intact male dogs do a minimum of basic obedience training with them.
In addition to its high fat content, you're also not supposed to give pistachio to your dog unshelled or with its shell still intact.
I am finding my intact bitch is taking more time to warm up to the puppy (also female), while my intact dog is warming up quickly.
Neutered dogs are also less likely to develop prostate problems, a common problem found in intact dogs as they age.
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