Sentences with phrase «intensive farming produces»

Intensive farming produces intensive cruelty, simple as.

Not exact matches

Their economies should be labor intensive rather than energy intensive; produce more durable goods to reduce waste; use local materials in building; consume locally grown foods; engage in organic farming; utilize organic garbage; depend on perennial polyculture, aqua - culture and permaculture; favor trains as well as human - powered machines such as bicycles; employ solar power and other on - site modes of producing energy; and in various ways operate on self - nourishing, self - healing, self - governing principles.
Farming is still labor - intensive work, so Inaba Produce employs about 200 to 250 people during peak harvest season, which occurs from April to November every year.
Chemically intensive farming methods can produce short - term benefits for farmers, but they result in the degradation of soil over time, increasing the susceptibility of plants to pests and diseases and requiring ever greater applications of fertilizer in the long - run.
Supermarket Coles» new standard for free - range eggs looks set to run foul of the national consumer watchdog with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission declaring that eggs produced at intensive farms do not deserve the label «free range».
It can be quite time intensive to go from the farm to a distributor to the store produce section.
Intensive farming and growing cities, which produce more sewage, are amplifying the problem.
«The real cause of food waste is a postwar, intensive farming and supermarket culture that has divorced us entirely from how food is made, grown, produced and should be eaten.
That is because extensive rather than intensive farming demands more soil, with higher levels of taint and pollution in the rivers and lakes, per unit of food produced.
Satzewich's brand of urban gardening is called SPIN — «small - plot intensive farming» — and it means renting the back forty from residential homeowners, ploughing their lawns under and then turning tens of thousands of dollars in profits selling the high - end produce cultivated by hand.
It provides internships and workshops to engage teenagers and young adults in producing healthy foods for their communities and provides intensive, hands - on training to those interested in establishing similar farming initiatives in other urban settings.
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