Sentences with phrase «issued by governments around the world»

Issued by governments around the world, gold bullion coins are a popular choice for investors.

Not exact matches

They are issued by governments and corporations around the world to finance new projects, maintain ongoing operations, or refinance other debts.
My reading of the episode is that the extraordinary financial events of September and October 2008 — several large financial failures, large - scale rescues of major institutions, enough incipient systemic concerns about banking systems to lead governments to issue guarantees, investor panic on share markets — were all observed in real time by households and businesses right around the world.
Global bond funds invest in a wide variety of bonds issued by various public and private entities around the world, including sovereign governments, international agencies, state and local authorities, and private corporations.
The portfolios we build have up to 19 differentiated and global asset classes, such as stocks from a variety of sectors from around the world, bonds issued by governments and corporations, and gold.
They are issued by governments and corporations around the world to finance new projects, maintain ongoing operations, or refinance other debts.
the non-committed lip service paid to this issue by the various governments around the world is a clear hint that the case for CAGW is not persuading policymakers
The Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World newsletter, published by Library and Archives Canada (LAC), highlights issues pertaining to government and recordkeeping practices in the public and private sectors around the world.The May 2018 issue has just been published.It includes: news it... more&Around the World newsletter, published by Library and Archives Canada (LAC), highlights issues pertaining to government and recordkeeping practices in the public and private sectors around the world.The May 2018 issue has just been published.It includes: news it... more&around the world.The May 2018 issue has just been published.It includes: news it... more»
Three things strike me about international law in the work of a government lawyer today: first, it is all - pervasive; second, the questions that arise and the context in which they are considered are extraordinarily complex; and, finally, I am struck by the intense scrutiny these legal issues are subjected to by states and courts around the world, academics and the public.
The Global Legal Group called for our contribution to the 2015 edition of the reputed Global Legal Insights — Mergers & Acquisitions publication, which contains 27 country chapters drafted by leading practitioners from around the world and is designed to provide general counsel, investment bankers, government agencies and private practice lawyers with a comprehensive insight into the realities of M&A — practical issues, policy issues, strategic issuesby jurisdiction, highlighting market trends and legal developments as well as practical and strategic considerations.
-- more frequent communication with my immediate family — more connectedness with colleagues across the country (and in some cases, around the world)-- becoming acquainted with colleagues from around the world — finding people who have similar experiences for the purpose of mutual moral support — sharing photos with a lot more people (before digital cameras I did not take photographs since it was too expensive)-- distance learning via the web (courses)-- learning about subjects of interest in more depth, especially from papers by others — learning from conferences I was unable to attend in person (through papers posted, blog posts, conference wikis, and photos on Flickr)-- more readily available consumer information — more readily available government information — learning more about basic health issues — more creative cooking since I have more access to recipes — feeling more connected to my favourite musical groups / musicians since they now have extensive websites, email notification services, and blogs — better organization of the various groups I belong to
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