Sentences with phrase «japanese games convention»

With TGS 2015 coming soon, it appears the game has been leaked to be shown at the Japanese games convention for the very first time.
Tokyo Game Show Does anybody honestly believe that the Japanese company made all of their announcements already and do not have anything left for the Japanese game convention?
What matters is that Bayonetta is an action game bursting at the seams with enthusiasm, a game that celebrates Japanese game conventions — with ample nods to both Sega's and Capcom's back - catalogs in particular — and then pushes them to their breaking point.

Not exact matches

Its combination of various types of analog styled gameplay and Japanese role playing game conventions has proven to be an intriguing concept, but is it enjoyable to play?
I've attended conventions that had japanese demos of games that ended up not coming over.
There's not a lot of Japanese games at this Swedish convention, but I did manage to find a few.
Their latest title fittingly marks the final exclusive game for Nintendo's Wii U in 2015, and it's easily the most impressive Japanese - developed RPG to release in years in terms of breadth of content, the sheer scale and scope of its large in - game world and its deviation from usual conventions.
But instead of the dungeon RPG mechanics featured in those games, they're trying their hand at a strategy RPG mixed with some of the conventions one would expect out of a Japanese - developed RPG.
[In his latest «Sound Current» column for GameSetWatch, Jeriaska visits a Japanese music fan convention to discover the most interesting, often unofficial game music - related CDs and merchandising on sale there.]
[Taking a look at the Japanese fan - based Comiket (Comic Market) convention and its gigantic cache of video game music - inspired cover albums and even books, Jeriaska continues his «Sound Current» series for Gamasutra by interviewing many of the intriguing Japanese musicians selling their unofficial tributes to classic and modern game soundtracks.]
I'm looking specifically at the Japanese version here and some of the naming conventions of the games contained within will differ outside of Japan.
In many ways this return shares much in common with a follow - up to Shadow Of The Colossus in that, although the two games couldn't be more diametrically opposed, they similarly broke with conventions to offer a new take on classic Japanese game design conventions.
While western publishers obsess over widening the appeal of games, mainstreaming design, ironing out the atavistic wrinkles, it seems many Japanese companies are doubling down on rich traditions and conventions.
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