Sentences with phrase «japanese used them against»

The Japanese used them against the Chinese but that was pretty much it.

Not exact matches

The Japanese had been planning to seize Midway Island to use as a base for future attacks against the US in Hawaii and the Pacific.
In the twentieth century, the Japanese used this tactic against China, the Germans, against Poland, we Americans, against North Vietnam, and so forth.
However article 9 of the Japanese constitution prohibits Japan from using military force against another state for any reason, except in self defence.
I think you should update your question to address what ever mechinism you think should be used by the UN to address Japanese military action against a foriegn military asset.Though knowing china they are civilian drones trying to help build schools for children.
So Tesh first exposed hamsters to a broad range of flaviruses: dengue, the yellow fever vaccine, St. Louis encephalitis, a live vaccine against Japanese encephalitis (JE) that's used in China, or a killed JE vaccine licensed in the United States.
Such cross-protection is the case with cowpox and smallpox, and a vaccine currently in use for Japanese encephalitis protects some animals against the closely related West Nile virus.
Potential clinical uses: Japanese scientists have proposed that CRISPR / Cas be employed against HIV infection.
uses it's long running time to contrast the Japanese preparations against the many missed opportunities provided to the Americans that might have changed the course of the war.
[11] San Clemente Island was used to train the Navy's first amphibious force to prepare for Pacific combat against the Japanese in World War II.
Hopefully the footage of the attempted murder now rocketing around Youtube will be used in the coming legal action against the Japanese, helping halt this horror, and also bring that individual who tried to assassinate Paul Watson to justice.
To help safeguard against bitcoin's volatility, many members use Uphold to instantly move between bitcoin and into one of the more stable fiat currencies, such as the U.S. Dollar or the Japanese Yen.
Aikido is a Japanese martial art that relies on using the opponent's strength against him defensively.
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