Sentences with phrase «jesus christ alone»

I'm trusting the blood of Jesus Christ alone to save my soul from hell.
If you believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, you are saved!
BUT if she has REJECTED truth, that doesn't change the fact that her faith is in God's promise of giving everlasting life to the one who believes in Jesus Christ alone for it.
The AoG is a Pentecostal and evangelical denomination holding, among other things, the Divine inspiration of the Bible, the Trinity, the Deity of Christ, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as the believer's empowerment for witness and service, speaking in tongues as the evidence of that baptism, sanctification through the work of the Spirit, a church on mission, Divine healing for the sick available to believers, the return of Christ and a final judgment.
The message of the Bible is that all who look to Jesus Christ alone as having taken on Himself the penalty for mankind's sin and paid for our sin debt in full through His sacrificial death on the cross, will be reconciled to God and spend eternity with Him.
They believe all of this, but most of them have not believed in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.
I like using the EE formula phrase «trust in Jesus Christ alone for you salvation» it is important to ask them what are they trusting in to get them to Heaven the unbeliever will always use a works answer
Eternal life is received by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.
Finally, it would also be important to mention one of the main things that separates us from all other religions and cults, which is the foundational Christian teaching that eternal life is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, apart from works.
We enter into the family by receiving God's life, eternal life, by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.
If these new Catholics were properly catechized before their baptism or reception, they were also prepared for the Christian reality of failure, which the Church calls «sin:» they would have come to understand that every one of us lives by the divine mercy alone; that we are all «worthless servants» (Luke 17.10); and that we are, finally, saved by the merits of Jesus Christ alone.
Over and over again, we read that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life, gets it.
This gift can be received by trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.
Only faith in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone can save us now.
Another is the recognition that it is inadequate and misleading to define the church and the Object on which it depends in terms of Jesus Christ alone.
The only ones who will be accepted by God are those who believe in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.
There are never (to my knowledge) any parables which hide the truth about receiving eternal life by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.
While it is appealing to say that eternal life is by grace alone and nothing else, the cry of the Reformation and the center of the Gospel message in the Bible is that eternal life is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.
Now, of course, one of the truths of the Word of God is the truth that people can receive eternal life through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, so in this sense, the parable of the four soils does apply to those who hear the truth about how they can receive eternal life.
I believe that justification is based 100 % on faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, plus absolutely nothing.
Well, yes, if someone relies on their own works, then they are not believing in Jesus Christ alone, and hence, do not have eternal life.
If you understand that eternal life is by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, plus nothing (not even this course!)
Make sure you have believed in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.
Yes, that is a person who is looking to good works for assurance of salvation, when instead, we must be looking to Jesus Christ alone!
It is not big government, but Jesus Christ alone who «has a solution for the mess into which man has got himself.
If you drill down and peel back the layers you will see that Seventh Day Adventism and Anglicanism both do not hold to salvation in Jesus Christ alone.
There is only one way to God, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ alone to save.
We repent of our sins and trust in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation.
It's not about what motivates our response here as much as it's about obedience in pledging allegiance to Jesus Christ alone.
We are supposed to be loyal and faithful to Jesus Christ alone, but this does not mean we can not make other pledge and promises as well.
Many Christians believed that since Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, and it is to Him alone that we must swear fealty, then any such oath to a flag, or a human ruler, is idolatry (cf. similar concerns raised by Greg Boyd in The Myth of a Christian Religion).
We have gone so far away as a nation from the truth that Jesus Christ alone has the power to save you.
If, like Peter, you believe in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.
No, since it's God's heaven, I think he gets to make the rules on how to enter, and according to what He has written, anyone who just believes in Jesus Christ alone, has eternal life.
There is a tremendous difference between being able to say that our peace and rest is in Jesus Christ alone, and that our faith and strength is in God alone, and another thing entirely to find yourself having to live it out.
Yet in an even greater way, Jesus Christ alone brought God's gift of kindness to many people.
And in the area of how to get to heaven, God's Word says that all you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life (John 3:16).
We become Christians, as I shared last week, by placing faith in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.
This is not eternal life by works; this is eternal life by grace along through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.
They pursue their own interests at any cost, or they try to dominate others; or they may tend to be cruel and so they create inhumane situations; or they are obsessed with power and pride; etc. if we believe that Jesus Christ alone is Lord and Savior, then we should not be astonished or scandalized when such things happen.
So if baptism saves us, how can it be true that eternal life is received by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, apart from works?
I don't disagree (if I am understanding you correctly), but we must make sure we understand the difference between how to receive eternal life (believe in Jesus Christ alone for it), and the logical and theological foundations for that truth (deity of Jesus, death and resurrection of Jesus, sinfulness of humanity, etc., etc., etc.).
The Lord Jesus Christ alone is the image of the invisible God.
A believer is someone who has believed in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.
But if a person truly did believe in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life, and later fell away, I believe they still have eternal life, and God is actively working to restore such a person into fellowship with Him and other believers.
But we must differentiate between how to receive eternal life (faith alone in Jesus Christ alone), and how to live out our eternal life (through ongoing faithfulness and discipleship).
A hospital chaplain should tell the dying that there is one way to God, and that is through Jesus Christ alone.
Our hope is found in the Ultimate Sufferer: Jesus Christ alone.

Not exact matches

He is God and Lord alone and he (Jesus) will love you for all eternity whether you choose to go to heaven with him or to hell with the devil, its up to you, but I guess if you don't believe in Jesus Christ then I guess you don't believe that Satan exist either.
So as Chirstians when we ask Mormons if they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, that they believe Jesus died and rose again on the third day to take away our sins and they say yes, they are not saying that they believe by confessing this that they automatically will live in the mansion where God the Father and Jesus Christ are and when they acknowledge our faith they don't believe that we will automatically be there based only on the blood of Jesus alone either.
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