Sentences with phrase «jesus do»

Ask yourself... what would Jesus do.
Fasting and abstinence are not a matter of «what would Jesus do
You see those bumper stickers «What Would Jesus Do?».
For the majority of American christians i have a message for you, the next time you think what would jesus do?
You always hear people say, «what would Jesus do
It's interesting to see how people will find their own truth, dig in their heals and be blind to any other idea... What would Jesus do is an interesting question... I consider my self a Christian and a spiritualist... because I believe it's just not as black and white as one religion or another thinks... there is way more grey area... but a fundamental truths that are a good rule to live life by, wether you are christian or not... treat others the way you want to be treated... do unto others... I am my brothers keeper... all apply.
«What Would Jesus Do» is a valid question no matter what your theology says about him.
The absolute WORST misunderstanding and the TERMINAL CANCER in Christianity is the idea that you don't have to change and become Chris - like yourself, you just have to let Jesus do all the work — hanging like a sack of dead meat so you can keep on sinning...
Without a relationship with Jesus you do not enter Heaven, im sorry if you think me bigoted, narrow minded or unenlightened but that is the truth, you know, the kind of truth that the rabble have a propensity for crucifying those who speak it?
The simple question is — what would Jesus do?
What would black Jesus do?
If he was hand picked by Jesus don't you think Jesus knew what his role would be?
What would a fisherman Jesus do?
What would skinny Jesus do?
So what would Jesus do for health care?
What would albino Jesus do?
What did Jesus do while on this Earth.
What would female Jesus do?
This story is a perfect example of what would Jesus Do.
What would a blonde Jesus do?
What would farmer Jesus do?
The question is what would Jesus do.
The question should not be» What would Jesus Do» The question should be» What DID Jesus do».
Hmmmm... which side seems more moral and Godly... I think President Obama can sleep easilty by having responded appropriately to the question, «What would Jesus do
This is like asking «What Would Jesus Do».
That one's going into the files next to my favourite answer to «What would Jesus Do (WWJD)?»
I think it is evident that followers of Jesus do advance science.
When Jesus spoke to the man by the pool, Jesus did indeed say that phrase.
Read Luke 9 or Matthew 10, and tell me that short - term missions aren't biblical, that Jesus doesn't use discomfort and risk to teach His disciples how to rely only on God.
So all the blind people Jesus doesn't cure, he must hate.
A Prometheus fan might even say that Jesus didn't really know what suffering is.
It would make even more sense that some tribal fable was written down, and that your Jesus didn't even exist.
(I don't see Jesus doing that.)
Jesus did not leave any doubt about this truth.
Just because Jesus did not agree with people's lifestyles, does not mean that he hated them or cut them down.
= > not even Moses or Jesus did that...
Isn't that kind of what Jesus did whenever He spoke, especially to the religious leaders of the time?
Jesus did what he needed to do for then... but we need to do what we need to do for now, so we just have to move on with the times, tell everyone just how wonderful they are, and have a world class drama team, and maybe start an online church where you can click on a button to accept Christ.
Isn't that what walking in the Spirit (which Jesus did 24 - 7) looks like?
Jesus did not challenge theology.
Now we know that Jesus did not come to condemn or judge the world but to save it.
Jesus does the same thing, right?
They really need to THINK FOR THEMSELVES and THNK FROM THE HEART, like Jesus did, it would be a better world.
Jesus didn't preach wealth redistribution.
For a guy that showed up and gathered 12 followers, Jesus did pretty well for God given the last 2000 years passing.
Last I checked, Jesus didn't say «be good cause otherwise God will be mad.»
As such it would seem that you are either claiming Jesus doesn't support the Bible or you are being disingenuous by claiming that Jesus did not speak those words but did support the same concept.
Jesus doesn't disappear because there are unbelievers.
And I now realize that Jesus doesn't either.
It's entirely possible that a man named Jesus did exist.
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