Sentences with phrase «jesus graciousness»

they would still have the best chance of Jesus graciousness..

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As a willing Servant of God, a Grandchild of him, a disiciple of him and with the knowing I can trust in the good graciousness of our King himself and in our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ I stand straight and militant with our Family.
In the kindness and the graciousness and the love of Jesus we see God in action.
The divine drama of graciousness, focused in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, is unintelligible apart from its background in Israel and its continual unfolding in the life of those gathered, built up and sent forth in God's name.
The graciousness of God's saving work in Jesus Christ is summarized in the familiar passage John 3:16, which affirms that out of love for humanity and the world the Father sent the second person «of the Holy Trinity, the Son, to live, teach, heal, die and be resurrected for humanity's salvation.
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