Sentences with phrase «jesus teaching»

The Jesus teaching is that we must love because God loves all, the good and the bad alike.
That is how they understood the Jesus teaching and call of God in the Old Testament.
An essential and indispensable aspect of Jesus teaching is love and unselfish service to the poor, the disinherited, the oppressed, the aged, the sick and the imprisoned.
Salvation would have to be interpreted in terms of the Jesus teaching of this - worldly love of neighbour, especially the outcastes and marginalized in the context of global apartheid.
Would they act like a Christian as Jesus stated or as a Capitalist and reject all of Jesus teaching regarding wealth and the treatment of the poor, the sick the disabled, immigrants and those in prison.
I am just really taken with Jesus teaching about hurting children.
Willl you convert to Jesus teaching?
Since that is impossible in the human experience, it seems to me that Jesus teaching on not judging another is spot on.
This shows me again how different our faith, maturity, and understanding of Jesus teaching in the fallen world.
The lack of love, the cold heartiness is not what I would imagine Jesus teaching.
I think the separation of the letters into chapters, paragraphs and sentences stops the flow of the letter, this separation causes us to see things as headliners of Jesus teaching.
They tell you what Jesus taught, what he said, all the things that right - wing conservative «Christians» (in name only) ignore completely.
It invites us to discover the ancient, non-violent ways of the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus taught it.
If the Pope is preaching what Jesus taught, where did Christ ever delve into government policies?
It is God's will for all of us to be saved, but only those that believe in Him, obey His will, and folllow Jesus teachings will reach salvation.
Thank God that Jesus taught us to love our enemies because Muslims, especially extremist are definitely that.
Instead of following what Jesus taught, these Baptists make a mockery out of Christians.
This particular Pope is preaching what Jesus taught.
As you know, Jesus taught that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Susan, get a clue, girl, Jesus taught us to be kind and the truth is «in the end only kindness matters»!
Second, if you can't understand the lessons Jesus teaches in the Bible, you have issues you need to admit and learn to resolve them by what Jesus teaches us on any and all issues.
Jesus taught that the way to God was thru your heart.
people cant look at god threw your religion when most Christians cant live what Jesus teaches, love your neighbor as yourself.
We can point to scriptures that should help others realize that their actions are contrary to what Jesus taught.
Jesus taught His disciples that the way they treated the oppressed was not only a direct reflection of how they treated him, but also an indication of whether they were true followers (Matthew 25:31 - 46).
Jesus taught love, but he also got angry.
See Jesus taught us a long time ago not to tempt GOD the first time satan asked for ridiculous requests.
It's really easy for people to turn there back on someone (let's say the pastor / priest) because that person has failed to meet their expectations, but what Jesus teaches us to do is to pray for that person who fell, make yourselves available to that person, support them in getting back up, and forgive them!
None of us are worthy... you saying Jesus taught us something we could not live up to?
Wait a minute - I thought the Ten Commandments was a Jewish thing, and Jesus taught a new law?
Instead, Bessenecker says, would - be activists should start with the posture Jesus teaches in the parable of the good Samaritan.
Mormons teach what Jesus taught.
And as to Jesus He taught us to love one another, help the poor, give to the needy, and stand up for justice.
Jesus brought us all the rules of the Mormon church, but people killed Him and the rules Jesus taught were lost for 19 centuries until Joseph Smith, Gods new appointed savior, could find the golden plates (that nobody ever saw and all 6 people who claimed to see them later recanted and said they were lying).
Funny how your Jesus taught compassion, acceptance, love and tolerance... and you christians teach and practice the exact opposite for anyone that doesn't believe or act the way you view as acceptable.
Then we can toss the rest of the commandments because margot hasn't a clue to what Jesus teaches.
People may believe that Mormon is «Christian» simply because they may be ignorantly non-resistant to the mormon mental suggestion that it is the ONLY Christian church and for the fact that most folks don't know what the amazing Jesus taught and stood for.
Republicans spend 6 days of the week conflicting directly with what Jesus taught.
I'm skeptical of both groups, especially when they are such a questionable example of what Jesus teaches / what the Humanists proclaim they value.
I want it to build a consistent picture of a deeper more genuine relationship with Christ as they match how we love them with what Jesus taught.
Nothing Jesus taught says «The Bible» supersedes any scientific knowledge.
Think more self - lessly to get at what Jesus teaches.
This article is wrong to take Jesus teachings and apply them to how we as a nation reacted to the death of bin laden.
I rather like most of what Jesus taught, but I see little of this teaching being put in practice by non-moderate Christians.
When Jesus taught, he didn't say «judge the poor, and then feed those who are worthy», he said, «feed the poor».
(Luke 8:1) They teach that the «kingdom» will be earthly, whereas Jesus taught that it is a heavenly government.
Only a mature, paschal faith — an Easter faith — can perceive who Jesus is, understand what Jesus taught, and grasp what Jesus has accomplished by his obedience to the Father.
Jesus taught forgiveness and love; however, he didn't teach people as they please and he also taught there was right and wrong.
I don't want to be the type of person that justifies slavery with something like what Jesus teaches or what science shows us.
What did Jesus teach about marriage?
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