Sentences with phrase «jewish philosopher»

At this time Schmidt and his colleagues discovered Simone Weil, a Jewish philosopher whose thought is coloured both by socialism and mystical Christianity.
,» said Marxist German - Jewish philosopher and theorist Walter Benjamin in his 1931 book, Unpacking My Library: A Talk About Book Collecting.
Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt (Unrated) Thought - provoking documentary revisiting the checkered career of Hannah Arendt (1906 - 1975), the self - hating Jewish philosopher who escaped Europe during the Holocaust only to later express sympathy for Nazi war criminals like Adolph Eichmann.
At least one Jewish philosopher explains the Holocaust as God's turning his face away.
Perhaps a Jewish philosopher and an ex-Christian agnostic are better able to judge who is or who is not a Christian and a Christian philosopher.
As the Jewish philosopher Hans Jonas has written, «We literally hold in our faltering hands the future of the divine adventure and must not fail Him, even if we would fail ourselves.
After Fadus, the next procurator was Tiberius Alexander, nephew of the Jewish philosopher Philo.
It is often suggested that John drew on the writings of Philo (an Alexandrian Jewish Philosopher, 25BC - AD50) to develop the concept of Logos as used in the Prologue.
As the Jewish philosopher Michael Wyschogrod has noted, «If the ontological proof is successful, then God would be one of the things that have being.
A contemporary of Jesus was the great Jewish philosopher Philo (c. 20 BC.
It was the Jewish philosopher Philo who first explicitly linked Sodom's sins to same - sex behavior, and his idea caught on.
Philo, the first century CE Alexandrian Jewish philosopher and biblical commentator, refers throughout his writings to women and female traits as examples of weakness.
Walter Kaufman, a Jewish philosopher, said this in an introduction to his translation of Buber's I and Thou:
As German - Jewish philosopher Franz Rosenzweig observed a hundred years ago, Jewish chosenness is not one of the thirteen principles of faith enumerated by Maimonides, although it is surely at the heart of Jewish life and consciousness.
Bultmann depends upon the metaphysical - phenomenological realism of M. Heidegger, known as Existentialphilosophie, Gogarten upon the historical realism of E. Grisebach, the author of the critical work entitled Gegenwart, and Brunner, partly under the inspiration of Gogarten, seems to give room to the ethical realism of the famous Jewish philosopher - theologian Martin Buber, author of a philosophical essay entitled I and Thou.
Today, as I write, the words of Rabbi Bahya ibn Pakuda, an eleventh - century Jewish philosopher, ring in my ears: «Meditation on creation is obligatory,» he said.
Moses Maimonides (1135 - 1204), the most famous Jewish philosopher of the Middle Ages, included the doctrine of the resurrection as the last of his Thirteen Principles of Faith — «I believe with perfect faith that there will be a resurrection of the dead at the time when it shall please the Creator.»
C. H. Dodd contends that the thought of the Evangelist has some affinity with that of Philo, the Jewish philosopher (c. 20 BC.
A disturbing footnote to the story of Zionism: Burge reports that Martin Buber, the great Jewish philosopher, mystic and prophet, was given a house owned by a prosperous Palestinian family which fled to Egypt seeking safety during the 1948 war.
It is no accident that the most studied Jewish philosopher of the last fifteen years has been Emmanuel Levinas» and no accident that what is taken from Levinas is a critique of totalizing logic that encloses all in a system of injustice due to its inevitable hierarchical character and his messianic hope in a future.
Spinoza Dutch - Jewish Philosopher, the Chief Exponent of Modern Rationalism Judaism; later pantheism / deism
was a Viennese Jewish philosopher and religious leader who translated the Old Tetament into German.
Although Reinhold Niebuhr considers Buber the greatest living Jewish Philosopher, he is, in contrast to Hammarskjold, highly critical of Buber's social philosophy.
The same basic idea is found in the contemporary Jewish philosopher, Martin Buber, who contrasts the «I - Thou» with the «I - It» orientation.
Solomon Ibn Gabirol (1021 — 1058) was the first Jewish philosopher in Spain, but medieval Christians knew him only by his Latinized name, Avicebron, and they assumed that he was either a Christian or a Muslim.
The seventeenth - century Jewish philosopher Spinoza (1632 - 1677) also affirmed the relationship between divinity and nature.
No Greek or Jewish philosopher or Roman legislator had spoken to women, children, and slaves directly like this.
In this perspective he was following a trail first blazed by a fellow Alexandrian a century and a half earlier, the Jewish philosopher Philo, a contemporary of Jesus who attempted to clothe the Septuagint in amenable patterns from Greek philosophy, particularly Platonism.11 His synthetic effort is echoed throughout the corpus of Clement's writings, which are far less systematic in approach than one would wish; the Stromata («Miscellanies») is less an orderly treatment of theological topics than a series of notes woven into a tapestry whose warp and woof are difficult to discern.12
God's Kindness Has Overwhelmed Us: A Contemporary Doctrine of the Jews as the Chosen People by jerome (yehudah) gellman academic studies, 120 pages, $ 59 As German - Jewish philosopher Franz Rosenzweig observed a hundred years ago, Jewish chosenness is not one of the thirteen principles of....
Philo of Alexandria — though not a theologian but a first century Jewish philosopher — also did not hold to young - earth Creationism.
Also «Good and Evil by Martin Buber, the Jewish Philosopher / Scholar who in Part II debunks Christianity and «salvation:, also Bart Ehrman PhD has a lot of good books.
The famous Rabbi Hillel was of Babylonian origin, whilst Philo, one of the greatest Jewish philosophers, lived in Alexandria.7 Many Jews lived at Antioch in Syria.
Kaplan became one of the most influential of American Jewish philosophers in part because he was willing to teach homiletics, which many of his colleagues on the faculty considered beneath them.
Even Maimonides, one of the greatest Jewish philosophers, ruled that «it is a commandment to destroy the seven (Canaanite) nations... If one of them comes into your hands and you do not kill him, you have violated a negative commandment.»

Not exact matches

We will always misinterpret Scripture if we forget that Jesus of Nazareth is a Jewish Rabbi, not a Greek philosopher.
The Colloquium is a group of Jewish and Christian theologians, ethicists, philosophers, and scholars that meets periodically to consider questions of morality, religion, and public life.
But truth is as badly stretched when one sees the fundamentally Jewish Paul as a Hellenistic or Stoic philosopher.
And the book also offers a deliberately wide array of approaches to trinitarian issues, including not only historical and systematic theologians, but biblical scholars and analytic philosophers of religion, writing from a variety of theological and communal points of view» Roman Catholic, Protestant, and, in one case, Jewish (the New Testament scholar Alan Segal, who contributes an instructive if somewhat technical chapter on the role of conflicts between Jews and Christians in the emergence of early trinitarian teaching).
Josephus; Tacitus (a Roman historian); Pliny the Younger (a Roman politician); Phlegon (a freed slave who wrote histories); Thallus (a first - century historian); Seutonius (a Roman historian); Lucian (a Greek satirist); Celsus (a Roman philosopher); Mara Bar - Serapion (a private citizen who wrote to his son) and the Jewish Talmud.
God of Abraham By L. E. Goodman Oxford University Press, 384 pages, $ 49.95 A sustained argument for natural theology by a first - rate philosopher who also knows the Jewish tradition.
Thus the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote with lucid distaste: Christianity would not exist without Paul, i.e., without «the confusions and thunderstorms of such a head; hardly would we have heard of a small Jewish sect whose master died on the cross.»
In his book A Politics for Enemies, Donald Shriver addressing this question, refers to the work of Hannah Arendt, a Jewish political philosopher.
In any case, it will be interesting to see if this Jewish rabbi can die with the dignity of a Roman philosopher.
In a June / July 2007 First Thingsarticle he acknowledges that «the argument that the God of Israel is in fact the one God conceived by the philosophers... was essential to the plausibility of both Jewish and Christian witness in the Hellenic world.»
That began about a dozen years ago when some of us Christians used to sit around the edges of the Jewish Textual Reasoning Group, which brought together Jewish scholars and philosophers at the American Academy of Religion.
Jesus was not a Greek philosopher He was a Jewish Rabbi.
When The Body of Faith appeared in 1989, it seemed profoundly unlike any work of Jewish thought published before, including that of Wyschogrod's teacher, the great Talmudist and philosopher, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik.
The contributors are philosophers and theologians, young and old, American and British, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish, and secular.
The depiction of Jesus as a Cynic philosopher with no concern about Israel's destiny, no connection with the concerns and hopes that animated his Jewish contemporaries, no interest in the interpretation of Scripture, and no message of God's coming eschatological judgment is - quite simply - an ahistorical fiction, achieved by the surgical removal of Jesus from his Jewish context.
It is an odd fate for a seventeenth - century Dutch philosopher who adopted an impersonal more geometrico style in his writing, one determined by the accident of his Jewish birth and his exodus, as a young man, from the Jewish community of Amsterdam.
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