Sentences with phrase «jewish religious tradition»

In the Jewish religious tradition these purity rules formed a closely interlocking network which clearly marked off the sacred precincts of the Temple, the holy land of Israel, and the covenant people of God (or groups of the «separated» within the people), from the «profane» world peopled by the «demon - ruled nations» outside.
In this Jesus, with his radical redrawing of the purity regulations of the Jewish religious tradition had certainly led the way.
Since Jesus» teaching was closely related to the Jewish religious tradition and made use of its concepts, since he took for granted the fundamental conception of all Jewish religion, the eventual triumph of the will of God, and since his teaching is vitally concerned with the object of all prophetic hopes and predictions — in a word, since Jesus was Jewish — his religion was essentially «social.»
But it reached into Jewish religious tradition to insist that indirectly, some of its own government leadership was responsible.

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All in all, Gottlieb argues, «Mendelssohn's skill in showing how an enlightened, tolerant concept of Judaism can be drawn from Jewish sources provides an important model for how a premodern religious tradition can be brought into harmony with modern humanistic principles.»
The Conference examined the way sacred music has evolved in Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions, its different modes of expression, its contribution to deepening religious experience, and its place in wider musical and general culture of the three faith traditions.
Secularism was a necessary corrective to religious traditions, both Jewish and Christian, that had discredited themselves through their mutual hatred, their obscurantism, their spiritualist escapism.
In Human Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.»
A notable departure has occurred at the Claremont Colleges where, for several years, the three main religious traditions have been expressed in simultaneous «opening exercises» in separate locations, which are then followed by a common interfaith experience, with Jewish, Catholic and Protestant speakers in alternate years.
Thus support for human rights in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities follows a pattern: each group believes that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights standards established through international law derive authority from the teachings of its own religious tradition.
Their ways of doing this are most varied, ranging from a sense of acting in accordance with the «rightness in things» (as in much Chinese religion), through a mystical identification of the deepest self or atman with the cosmic reality or brahma (as in Hinduism), or a «blowing - out» of individual selfhood by sharing in the bliss of Nirvana (as in most varieties of Buddhism), to the sense of fellowship or communion with God found in our own Jewish - Christian religious tradition.
My own view is that it makes a great deal of difference which religious tradition a biblical theologian belongs to, so much so that I have argued in print that a common Jewish and Christian Old Testament theology is impossible.
Other religious traditions, generally speaking, with the exception of the Jewish faith which is the background of specifically Christian faith, do not seem to have this necessity of corporate worship as part of their very existence.
By the examples above taken from the Jewish reading of the Old Testament regarding ethical considerations towards peace and reconciliation, it is evident that there are learnings from the encounter with people of other religious traditions.
An impartial reading of the Gospels, apart from the conditioning of an excessively juridical and rationalistic theological tradition, makes it unmistakeably clear that it was not God who demanded the death of Jesus; but the Jewish religious leaders and the imperial Roman government whose hierarchial power was threatened by the Gospel Message Jesus was preaching.
«The metaphysical content of the religious tradition of the Bible, both Jewish and Christian, is utterly different from the metaphysical content or structure of the religious traditions of India, Africa, Oceania or Greece.»
Yes, this was evidence that God also was upset about what this man named Jesus was teaching, and had seen fit to make Him a public spectacle in the sight of all so that nobody would ever again seek to challenge the teachings of the religious leaders or the traditions of the Jewish people.
But after years of work on the poetic, metaphorical nature of religious language (and hence its relative, constructive and necessarily changing character), and in view of feminism's critique of the hierarchical, dualistic nature of the language of the Jewish and Christian traditions, my bonds to biblicism and the Barthian God loosened.
The 1MM (and the growth formula which it implements) expresses central, interdependent emphases in Jewish and Christian theology — and in other religious and humanist traditions, of course — the emphases on love, freedom, responsibility, and justice.
All three major religious traditions — Protestant, Catholic and Jewish — relied on their communal origins as they made their way into this country.
In this case, the Jewish rabbinic tradition constructed a categorical and non-falsifiable religious law that these texts about the Canaanites could be used only in just wars or in self - defense.
The Egyptian and the Jewish tradition are good representatives of religious beliefs on baptism, and pave the way for helping us understand the cultural, historical, and religious background to Christian baptism.
Such rites can be observed in many religious traditions and they are also present in the Old Testament, the Qumran community, Jewish baptismal sects and Judaism in general.
But, unlike the first approach, which viewed all religions through the window of the Jewish - Christian tradition, Wach insisted that Judaism and Christianity alike must be seen as parts of the «whole» religious experience of the human race.
The whole world may come to participate more or less imperfectly in the universal mission of Christ and the Church: the Eastern Orthodox churches, Protestant ecclesial communities, the Jewish people, Islamic monotheism, the great world religious traditions that are not always explicitly monotheistic, and even secularists through the workings of the moral conscience by which human beings are led to seek the true and the good.
Robert Lynn, retired vice-president of the Lilly Endowment, recently remarked, «We are not attracting religious leaders of quality in either the Christian or Jewish traditions
These Jews were shaped by the received Jewish tradition, but they often transformed the particularities of religious Judaism into political and philosophical universal aspirations.
I share Father Berrigan's repugnance toward those in high intellectual and religious places who apologize for or ignore gross historical evil, and I have insisted that Auschwitz bears a commandment to Jews also not to destroy their fellow human beings, that the necessity for Jewish survival, illuminated and commanded by the Holocaust, can not justify the principle that it is better to do than to suffer injustice — that this goes completely counter to the spirit and teaching of the Jewish religio - ethical tradition.
recognizing that religious commitment (here called «priorities») and «excitement» about the content of Jewish belief are only two factors that might motivate Jewish practice, others being family tradition, spirituality and community building.
Greg Liberman, Chairman and CEO of Spark Networks, the company that owns JDate, said: «In light of JDate's mission — to strengthen the Jewish community and ensure that Jewish traditions continue for generations to come — and place within the Jewish community, we realized we had a unique opportunity to remind Jewish singles of the cultural ties, not just the religious ones, that make dating, and ultimately marrying, someone else who is Jewish so special.»
The American Jewish community manifests a wide range of Jewish cultural traditions as well as encompassing the full spectrum of religious observance.
The most necessary job when searching for a peer is to understand the traditions and have belief in religious in the Jewish dating scene.
From to the Jewish dating site, J - Date, nearly all religious traditions have online dating sites marketed specifically to them.
Our reviewer writes, «Though the reader gets a taste of what the Iranian Jewish community was like, this is really a novel about the culture of women, from the ritual baths and other religious traditions to the gardens and distinctly gendered spaces of the home.»
Christian and Jewish themes are often depicted in her work as well; she combined elements of the classic religious Mexican tradition, which were often bloody and violent.
The Jewish art and life wing is dedicated to the history, traditions, culture, private and public life of the Jewish people across the centuries, the exhibition is composed of everyday objects, artworks, tapestries, clothes, manuscripts and religious objects.
It mixes scientific history with creation stories belonging to religious (Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, etc.), hermetic (Kabbalah, Freemasonry, etc.), and oral (Dogon, Inuit, Navajo, etc.) traditions in a joyous syncretism.
Even so, he managed to have a working library including many philosophical and religious books, including a couple of works on the Kaballah, the written and oral tradition of Jewish mysticism.
New Jewish center's art venue opens with elegant, stylized ritual objects that venture of the edge of religious tradition
«Unorthodox does not comment on Jewish religious orthodoxy or critique it, but takes its inspiration from the legacy of progressive Jewish thought, in particular the Jewish tradition of dialogue and debate,» said Jens Hoffmann.
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