Sentences with phrase «jewish scholars»

Christian and Jewish scholars have performed high - quality science for centuries.
Or if Jewish scholars or artists might similarly feel out of place in countries where vilifying Israel is a norm, if less so than in other Arab countries.
Upon finding extended descriptions of color in the Sefer ha - Zohar, the Book of Radiance, and other works of Kabbalah, she was inspired to study the ancient texts, seeking a dialogue with contemporary Jewish scholars to deepen her investigations.
As Jewish scholars since the time of Maimonides have recognized, fostering positive attitudes and behavior toward animals contributes to the development of a more humane society and an improved quality of life for all living beings.
In her later years, Gracia settled in Constantinople and continued her charitable work by funding hospitals, synagogues, schools, Hebrew - language printers, and Jewish scholars and writers.
While Christians often mention Zolli as an example of an observant Jew who found Christ, some Jewish scholars contend that Zolli's conversion was a result of having been ostracized by the Jewish community following the Holocaust, rather than a spiritual awakening»
Speaking only for ourselves» an inter denominational group of Jewish scholars» we believe it is time for Jews to learn about the efforts of Christians to honor Judaism.
In anchoring Jesus firmly in the religion of first - century Judaism, Vermes is part of a growing circle of Jewish scholars whose work makes it possible for modern Judaism to reclaim Jesus as one of its own.
It would have been surprising if the forms of Christian theology that developed between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries a.d. did not influence the questions and methods of Jewish scholars, as those of the latter certainly influenced Christian scholars.
I hope you know the Bible, (Genesis anyway), was appropriated from Sumerian myths, where, (according to Jewish scholars), it's really about Chaos and Order.
Furthermore, most Jewish scholars have not participated in Old Testament theology, choosing instead to live with the tensions of traditions that have shaped different expressions of Judaism.
Today Protestant, Catholic and Jewish scholars are united in the historical - critical study of the Bible and the use of the comparative method, which has given us a vastly enlarged understanding of the Bible, its background and its meaning.
The foundations of Hebrew philology and biblical exegesis were laid by Jewish scholars in the early Middle Ages, and carried forward by Christian scholars from the Renaissance to the present.
I can imagine a different but equally significant consensus, about covenant and Christian supersessionism, emerging out of the new participation of Jewish scholars in New Testament study.
Jewish scholars had surveyed the Torah, counted carefully and discovered 613 commandments.
Jewish scholars had devised other summaries of Torah, but Jesus» summary is unique, and his assertion that the two laws are inseparable is also distinctive.
That began about a dozen years ago when some of us Christians used to sit around the edges of the Jewish Textual Reasoning Group, which brought together Jewish scholars and philosophers at the American Academy of Religion.
NOT miscarriage... I know SOME transkations say miscarriage... but most Jewish scholars say this is mistranslation and it is «bringing forth» merely causing borth... (THEN include the following..
The process took us two years, and I spent a good deal of that time talking with Jewish scholars, reading about Judaism, and reading the works of and finally interviewing candidates.
Earlier this spring, I visited Yeshiva University in New York for a dialogue between Jewish scholars and a group of Catholic bishops, cofounded some years ago by the late cardinal archbishop of Paris, Jean - Marie Lustiger.
The emergence of a large body of secular Jews who can only be classified religiously as theists raises anew a question that Jewish scholars have been debating for thousands of years.
This new wave of Messianic Jewish scholars is small, but it takes 0111)» a few to alter the terms of discussion considerably.
Hopefully, this contentious issue will be clarified by the joint efforts of Catholic and Jewish scholars who already began last December to review published Vatican archival material about World War II» an initiative that was first proposed by Cardinal Cassidy.
Proof of this change lies in the new or expanded departments of Jewish studies in over 100 major universities — staffed by an American - born and - trained new generation of Jewish scholars.
Dabru Emet («Speak the Truth») is a statement by more than 170 Jewish scholars issued in September 2000.
The majority of the Jewish scholars adopted an antagonistic position which was far from the benevolent attitude of teachers.
Nor can it be argued that Muhammad was influenced by Jewish teachings after he came to Medina, where he was in contact with Jewish scholars.
If such an unimaginable project had been accomplished, then, as Lipstadt says, «one could legitimately expect a powerful force like «World Jewry» to have seen to it that no discrepancies were allowed to creep into research by Jewish scholars» and others; moreover, amidst the mountains of supposedly forged documents, surely the conspirators would have placed a paper with Hitler's signature beneath an order to exterminate Europe's Jews.
Some Jewish scholars maintain that empirical evidence shows a deterioration of the human condition since the death of Christ, rather than an improvement.
Jewish scholars have shown that there is a considerable amount of rabbinic teaching which is markedly similar to that of Jesus in the gospels, which after all is what we should have expected.
By the time Christianity appeared, Jewish scholars in the Hellenistic world had begun to use the name «Pantocrator» for God.
Jewish scholars separate the prophets into two categories, the prophets and the writings, so that the entire Hebrew Bible was called the Tanakh (TNK, shorthand for Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim).
The scepter was widely known to Jewish scholars as capital punishment.
Jewish scholars say that they are not messianic passages.
It is unfortunate that some Jewish scholars still pose an antithesis between Christian and Jewish positions on this issue, claiming that Christian theology conceives of redemption exclusively as an event in the spiritual and private realm of a person's inner life, but unrelated to history.
Jewish scholars are able to give very strong evidence that these passages are not talking about the future messiah but about the nation of Israel, referred in the singular as, «Israel» or «Jacob».
One of the parties to inter-religious dialogue is the community of Jewish scholars.
Sorry, Christian scholars, but using good ol' common sense, I have to go with the Jewish scholars.
And Jewish scholars say that Christian translators deliberately mistranslated and distorted the Hebrew Bible to say things in the Christian Bible that is never said in the original Hebrew — for the purpose of inventing prophesies into which they can «shoehorn» Jesus!
His heroes in this respect are Jewish scholars such as Abraham Heschel, Franz Rosenzweig, Jacob Neusner, Lou Silberman, Samuel Sandmel and Emil Fackenheim.
(Jewish scholars, he thought, have by and large remained more faithful to the narrative tradition.)
At a recent gathering hosted by The Samuel Bronfman Foundation, which asked precisely that question, just about the only thing the group of leading Jewish scholars, writers, rabbis, and professors could agree on was that there is no longer one story, narrative, or idea that could hold the totality or even a majority of Jews together.
A few Jewish scholars are prepared to see that in Jesus there is a disclosure of God similar to that at Sinai, which is the bedrock of the Jewish experience of God.
Some Jewish scholars picture Jesus as a charismatic holy man or hasid.
The New York Timeswebsite reported on 12 April 2007 on the public battle between two American Jewish scholars over the Holocaust.
The interfaith study started after Christian theologians David Ford and Daniel Hardy attended the lively study sessions that Jewish scholars held at the American Academy of Religion in the early 1990s.
SR began over 20 years ago when Ochs and a group of Jewish scholars, including Robert Gibbs, Laurie Zoloth and Steve Kepnes, grew frustrated about the gap between scripture study and modem scholarship.
One of several Jewish scholars involved, his role as a New Testament scholar was to help the production stay faithful to the text but also «diminish as much as possible scenes or statements that could be construed as overly negative toward Jews and Jewish judgment.»
In fact, some Jewish scholars are now admitting that many stories from the Old Testament are either outright fabrications, or are stories that were partially true but were embellished and mythologized to create archetypal characters as Jewish heroes.
The interpretation from many Jewish Scholars and religious texts is that it means «Chosen to Serve God» not better than anyone else.
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