Sentences with phrase «junior team members often»

Junior team members often come from graduate trainee programmes, having been talent - spotted during their first year or two as they make their way around the organisation.

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Residents perform many NICU procedures, such as intubation, placement of IV and arterial lines, lumbar puncture, and chest tube insertion Resident teams may be composed of members in varying years of their residency training; often senior residents will help supervise junior residents.
Managing e-discovery often serves as a proving ground for the junior members of a case team.
Unfortunately, in addition to higher legal fees, clients can often suffer as their matter may be transferred to a junior attorney, and legal representation can suffer if all members of the team are not operating under the same information about a client's matter.
Pola described a common misallocation of resources: «In some areas of law, like mergers and acquisitions, the stakes are high; missed clauses can have material impacts on the outcome of a transaction — and often this task falls to the most junior members of the team
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