Sentences with phrase «just as the baby boomer»

Just as baby boomers took over business, politics, and the consumer economy during the 1980s and»90s, millennials currently in their mid-20s will make up the majority of jobs and big - ticket purchases such as houses and cars, Slok wrote in a recent brief, which was first reported by Axios.
Just as the baby boomer generation became associated with certain characteristics and marketers learned to adjust their marketing strategies accordingly, so do millennials.
Just as the baby boomers reach the age at which they might start using 55 - plus seniors housing, not only are they still...

Not exact matches

One recent survey found that 30 % of millennials (defined as ages 18 to 36) said they had discussed their pay with coworkers, compared with just 8 % of baby boomers (ages 53 to 71).
Unfortunately, what feels «just right» to today's button - downed male baby boomer male often feels «too cold» for women of any age because, as science has repeatedly shown, women get colder faster and more easily than men.
Just as the 50 - year boost to potential growth caused by baby boomers is ending, the forces acting today will unwind eventually.
As it turns out, he took charge just as the first wave of 78 million baby boomers began reaching retirement agAs it turns out, he took charge just as the first wave of 78 million baby boomers began reaching retirement agas the first wave of 78 million baby boomers began reaching retirement age.
The effect of denominational size, we know from other research, can be linked in turn to the effect of immigration to the United States, to competition among denominations and between Protestants and Catholics for members, and to the so - called «baby boom» that followed World War IL In other words, in the United States, sectarianism has been associated with demographic expansion in the world system, just as it appears to have been in Europe in earlier centuries.
Baby boomers and Gen X are also just as likely to check out the labels to ensure a clean product inside.
A recent study at the Ohio State University Center for Human Resource Research showed that baby boomers with average and low I.Q.s were just as good at saving money as those with high I.Q.s.
Individual meetups can prove just as deadly, ironically enough, by sparking off a short - term baby boom.
Don't forget that regular weight training has many health benefits which you may not appreciate yet at your age such as lowering of blood fats, prevention of osteoporosis, etc... There is plenty of baby boomers out there who just started training five years ago who have much better physiques than 20 year old genetically gifted individuals who have sedentary lifestyles.
UK.Dating over 50 is just the same as dating at 20 when it comes to how people think.For Seniors, Baby Boomers or older adults over 50 or 60 who have divorced or.Dating sites for 60 and over, diario del istmo coatzacoalcos online.
Despite only a few minutes of screen time together, the clear pairing of Broadbent and Alexander's characters acts as a subtle reminder to the, ahem, younger viewers that this film is just as much a foreshadowing of your mildly depressing future as it is a meditation on the mildly depressing present of the baby boomer generation.
Baby boomers, it seems, just haven't been jumping into Buicks the way their parents did, and even now that boomers are aging, many still seem to prefer the imports that sell for about the same as the LeSabre — such as the Toyota Camry, Lexus ES 300, Honda Accord, Toyota Avalon and so forth.
Heck, once upon a time we had a $ 100,000 lifetime capital gains exemption which most Canadian Baby Boomers were deprived of just as they were starting to build non-registered wealth.
A surprising new study reveals that the problem affects millennials just as much as baby boomers.
The Millennial generation (typically defined as people born between 1981 - 1997) just recently fully became a driving force in consumer spending, now outranking Baby Boomers as the largest living generation in the U.S. And as you will read in this month's cover story, which marries the latest market research into Millennials» spending habits with first - person accounts from retailers and pet owners themselves, it is a generation that has been very good for the pet industry so far and should be for years to come.
There is a bulge we are just now entering as the baby boomers retire, which our kids will have to pay for social services, but once they pass in the 20 years or so, that burden gets lifted while all of our competitors watch theirs grow.
First of all, the leading edge of the baby boom (1946 — 1964) has just turned 65 and there's quite a bulge behind it, as this graphic from Canadian demographer David Foot shows:
A Baby Boomer is just as interested as a Millennial when it comes to making the online buying process fast and easy.»
Baby boomers reached their peak earning years, becoming prime buyers of second homes, just as investors started looking more seriously at real estate.
Just as in the United States, Asia's baby boomers are coming into their own, and they are spending money as never before.
Meanwhile, the country's baby boomer generation is entering old age — and living longer — just as the cost of health care is skyrocketing.
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