Sentences with phrase «kapiti island population»

Mr. Lippman has been an advocate of reforming the bail system — Rikers Island is mainly a pre-trial detention facility, and many of its inmates are there because they can not afford to post bail — and of raising the age of criminality, two things that would both reduce the size of the Rikers Island population, which is already at an all - time low despite increasing violence there.
But between roughly 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, all except a few isolated island populations disappeared.
Here was an island population of dingoes which experts claimed were the least contaminated of their kind by cross-breeding with domestic dogs.
The study also shows that dispersing males connect the enigmatic brown bear population of the Alaskan ABC - islands to the North American mainland, and that the resulting movement of genes is substantial enough to maintain high genetic variability within this island population.
And it might even show how the practice may have been transferred between different island populations.
It's a cautionary tale about the vulnerability of island populations today.
Graham adds: «This research suggests that many island populations, not just in the Bering Strait but throughout the world, could be jeopardized by coming climate change.»
There are island populations that have allowed the discovery of recessive mutations that are rare in most of the world, but happen to be more common on a given island.)
The study revealed no size difference between mainland and island populations.
«By comparison, the Stewart Island populations have experienced a relatively stable history,» Dr Rawlence says.
We have ongoing bio-geography studies in the Philippines that look at live animals to see how the complexity of island populations evolves.
Dr Fry's team studied the venom of 16 tiger snake populations from across Australia including five island populations in the Bass Strait, and venoms from 11 other snakes in related genera.
An identity of a people is generally constructed in contrast to another external identity, but when a population resides on an island, a key question is the level of knowledge achieved by the island population of their outside world, in this case some 85 kilometers to the north.
Most mammoths went extinct about 11,500 years ago, but some isolated Arctic island populations of woolly mammoth persisted until 4,000 years ago.
The increase in animals killed — at least 1500 pantropical spotted dolphins, 159 spinner dolphins, and 15 bottlenose dolphins in 2013 — raises concerns about these small and genetically unique island populations and the animals» welfare, the scientists say.
They analyzed 15 different locations in the birds» DNA and found that it's likely that the Kapiti Island population, which at some 1200 birds is by far the biggest, is losing some of its precious genetic variation with every generation, for reasons that are unclear.
And although there is no direct evidence — like cut marks on monkey bones or monkey bones found in trash heaps — of humans hunting the monkeys for food, Cooke says that in addition to hunting, the clearing of land for farming and the introduction of invasive species can all put a deadly strain on native island populations, which are adapted to a very specific environment and have nowhere else to go.
Genetic analysis of modern humans is difficult, in part because the island populations were decimated by European diseases at the end of the 19th century.
(Ecologists have found that island populations close to continents are more easily replenished, while more distant populations more easily go extinct.)
The study of island populations is particularly valuable for detecting the effects of predators on local prey species, because of the relatively closed nature of island ecological systems (Blackburn et al., 2004; Swadling, 2010).
Before secondary contact is established, the island population consists of individuals of genotype AiAiBiBi.
138/6: 45 Whole genome sequencing increase the power to detect trait - associated rare variants shifted towards high frequencies in the Sardinian island population.
With the beginning of secondary contact, the island population receives migrants from the mainland.
While multiple studies on Pacific Island populations who get 30 - 60 percent of their total caloric intake from fully saturated coconut oil have all shown nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease.
That said, shouldn't we consider how certain populations, especially island populations (e.g. Pacific Islanders), might have * adapted * to coconut products.
Did you know that multiple studies on Pacific Island populations, who get 30 - 60 % of their total caloric intact from fully saturated coconut oil, have all shown nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease?
Such aggregate figures can typically be traced to small — often flawed — studies, the results of which are subsequently extrapolated from one habitat to another, conflating island populations with those on continents, combining common and rare bird species, and so forth.
The UNESCO designation was awarded due to the unique interaction between the eider duck and the island population.
The amount of within - population variation is lowest for the smallest island populations and highest for the mainland population.
Although some populations (principally the Farallon Islands population) have suffered steep declines since the early 1970's, the species is still numerous overall.
Each island population is recognized as a separate endemic or unique subspecies.
As European colonists began to settle along the coast, introducing new economic enterprises, exploiting the marine resources, and establishing Catholic missions, the native food sources were depleted, native economies were altered, and island populations declined even further.
The genetic variation between mainland skunks and those on the islands are enough to cause researchers to propose that the taxonomic classification of the skunks as S. g. amphiala, should be reconsidered and that each island population be considered a separate subspecies or even a new species separate from the mainland one.
A brown phase, with the grey and black fur of the body replaced by a sandy brown and a deeper brown, may occur in the San Clemente Island and San Nicolas Island populations.
[2] The inland, coastal, and Santa Cruz island populations of the (former) western scrub jay are now considered three distinct species, namely Woodhouse's, the California and the island scrub jays.
Like any small, isolated island populations, the island fox remains extremely vulnerable to any catastrophic mortality source, be it predation, canine disease, or environmental extremes (1).
Haplotype and nucleotide diversity in the island populations was markedly lower than in the mainland populations, with only one to five haplotypes per island.
For spotted skunks we found levels of genetic differentiation between the 2 island populations that were roughly equivalent to that between island and mainland localities, suggesting that island populations have been isolated from each other for about as long as they have been isolated from the mainland.
Also shown are separate entries for each island population (SR and SC, both considered to be S. g. amphiala).
A comparison in indices of sea otter health and condition between the declining southwest population in Alaska and the stable Commander Island population in Russia in 2004 - 05.
After eradicating the exotic species with the use of bait traps, as well as educating the community on island conservation, the island population of seabirds and lizards is finally making a comeback.
Future freshwater stress has important implications for vulnerable island populations, who must rely on climate adaptation scenarios for agricultural practices and seasonal water management.
Vulnerability of many island populations is also increasing due to climate change impacts.
If anything, the problems have only grown more complex and fundamental — there's now a growing island population that must learn to live sustainably with severely limited resources, and a bevy of threats from other invasive species remain at large.
And that is what is happening now with some island populations moving to mainlands.
Jonathan Rhodes, executive director of the LCJC, says that disasters of this scale have a unique effect on island populations.
Delivering excellent service, community referrals, collaboration and community development, the Immigrant Welcome Centre opens doors to welcome immigrants, refugees and their families to an increasingly diverse North Island population.
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Not exact matches

The Pacific nation of Vanuatu is preparing to permanently evacuate the entire population of one of its islands as thick ash spewing from a volcano kills crops, dirties water supplies and fouls the air.
More than 95 % of Newfoundland's population came to the island from western Europe in the mid-1700s, Gardner explains.
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