Sentences with phrase «keep an upright torso»

Keep an upright torso while front squatting; this helps you avoid dropping your elbows, which creates unnecessary strain on the wrists.

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With abs tight and hands clasped in front of chest, lower down, looking straight ahead and keeping torso upright, chest out, and butt tucked in (left).
Keeping your core tight and torso as upright as possible, descend down by flexing the knees, making sure that your knees stay aligned with the feet.
Try not to rely on the back of the chair to keep your torso upright; use your back and abdominal muscles instead.
Keep torso upright and press forward into the hips.
Repeat the movement, keeping torso upright and core engaged the entire time.
Then, keeping your torso upright, reach your elbows side - to - side, bringing your right elbow to your right knee, and left elbow to your left knee.
For maximum triceps activation, keep your torso upright.
I recommend women try placing a pillow or two under their pelvis and having their partner keep their torso more upright.
Finally, keep your torso upright with a raised chest and maintain a slight arch in the lower back all through the movement.
If you have poor hip mobility, you can work on improving it by starting with an easier variation like the Goblet squat that allows you to squat lower while keeping your torso upright.
Keep your torso upright, arms up or out for balance.
The one with a longer torso and shorter femurs would be better at high bar squats, squat very deep and keep an upright back with relative ease, while the one with a shorter torso and longer femurs would prefer low bar squats, squat just below parallel and constantly lean forward.
Step forward with one leg, around two feet or so from the foot being left stationary behind, and lower your upper body down while keeping your torso upright and maintaining balance.
That being said, a narrow grip with an upright torso will keep most of the focus on the triceps, but a wider grip with the weight shifted forward will target your chest muscles and help you achieve massive growth.
Keep your torso upright and your hips and shoulders as square as possible.
To shift emphasis to the lower lats, keep your torso upright.
By leaning the torso forward and letting your elbows flair out to the sides, you can force the chest muscles to take over the work, while remaining upright and keeping the elbows tucked will better target the triceps.
Keeping your torso totally upright with good posture, throw the medicine ball directly downward at the ground as hard as you can (b).
Keeping your chin off your chest, lift your torso up until you reach an upright position before slowly lowering your body back down to the starting position.
Prisoner squat: With your hands behind your head, your feet shoulder - width apart, perform a body weight squat for 60 - seconds, focusing on keeping your weight in your heels, your torso tall and upright.
For rowing movements: Keep your torso a bit more upright (around 45 degrees) and pull the bar at an angle toward your waist and not your stomach.
Basically, they try to keep their back as vertical as possible and are hesitant to «bend over», perhaps because they've taken the general advice to keep one's back «flat» while squatting, as opposed to flexed, to mean that they should try to keep their torso as upright as possible.
Strengthening your back — your posterior chain — can help you increase definition in your abs, protect you from injury in your training, lift your glutes (if you're looking for that result) and keep your torso upright and chest from collapsing.
Watch your knee alignment, it should be lined up with your front toe, and if your torso is upright you'll be able to keep it just over or slightly behind your big toe.
Hold a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell (shown) in both hands and, keeping the torso upright, bend the knees into a squat.
Bend at the knees while hinging backward at your hips, lowering your torso as far downward as you can while keeping your spine upright.
This shortens the range of motion and keeps the torso more upright, which reduces the amount of shearing force placed on the spine.
Work on keeping your torso as upright as possible.
This will help prevent your torso from collapsing and will keep your body upright.
Keep your torso upright and back straight throughout.
Holding the dumbbell using the goblet hold forces you to keep your torso upright and get your form in check immediately.
A few other factors contribute to APT - first is scapular protraction / strong pressing muscles combined with weaker scapular retraction, which forces even more lower back arch to keep the torso more or less upright and head over the hips.
Keep your torso upright.
Keep your torso upright and knees in line with your toes throughout the movement (b).
To achieve maximum back development, keep your torso nearly upright during the entire movement — it should not move forwards or backwards more than 10 degrees.
Keep your balance, your head up, and your torso upright.
Keep your chest up, eyes forward and torso upright for the movement.
You can take an ultra wide stance, keep the torso very upright and eliminate any angle change at the bottom.
The goal is to keep the torso upright when doing the squats.
Keeping your torso upright, lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor.
Take a deep breath into your belly and twist your feet into the ground (imagine screwing them down without actually moving them) and squat, keeping your torso upright.
By keeping your elbows down you can maintain an upright torso and more efficiently transfer force from your lower half into the bar.
In either case, try to keep your torso relatively upright.
Keeping your torso as upright as possible (you don't want to hunch forward with the weight of the bell), squat down, trying to get your bum lower than your knees.
By sitting upright, you limit your range of motion and you'll feel your core engage to keep your torso straight while lifting and lowering the leg.
Step down with the right leg, lowering into a squat and keeping the back straight, the torso upright and the abs in.
Due to the placement on the front of the shoulders instead of on the back, the front squat is more quad dominant, but also requires you to be able to keep your torso much more upright than with the back squat (both versions).
Due to the placement of the bar on your back, this version of the squat will require you to keep your torso more upright, so if you really struggled with this on your bodyweight squat, you will probably struggle keeping your chest up here.
If you keep your torso upright while lifting stones, I think it would put a great deal of pressure on the bicep attachments, and could cause a tear.
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