Sentences with phrase «keep your puppy close»

An ideal house training tool, this airy, lightweight crate is easy to clean and moves from room to room to keep your puppy close by.
I suggest the kitchen or laundry room, or a family central area that keeps puppy close to the action but is is a carpet - free zone.
Do keep your puppy close to you, on - leash or tethered to you works best when you are at home.
A carrier sling or purse will keep your puppy close to you, where you both want to be.
Keep your puppy close to you outdoors by changing direction frequently so that you puppy has to keep coming to find you.

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When housebreaking, «keep your puppy under close supervision and take it outside more often than he needs to go,» says Miller.
It was the second time this particular woman had been cited for operating a puppy mill and Farnan will be keeping a close eye on her.
* Meeting other puppies and dogs (Keep pup on your arms and under closed supervision).
At first you'll need to close the door to keep your puppy in his crate but eventually you'll be able to leave the door open and he'll retreat to his crate as his safe place.
You will use your timer (most smartphones have this app), to lengthen little by little the time you keep the door closed, making note of progress and rewarding your puppy for it.
Allow them to roam unhindered, though it's best if you keep a close eye on your Dachshund puppy in order to keep them from getting into any trouble.
Keep in mind that close supervision is still required in the event your puppy has to go potty during unscheduled intervals.
Most importantly, keep a close watch of your puppy especially within 2 weeks after the last shot was given since this is the window of vulnerability stage.
Similar to babies, most puppies do best with a schedule for eating, playing and eliminating waste, and keeping a close watch on your puppy lessens the chance of accidents occurring in your household.
I try to keep a close relationship throughout the puppy's life.
If your puppy has diarrhoea, it's important to keep a close eye on them, especially if they're very young.
One option is to restrict the puppy to a certain room in the house where you can keep a close eye on him.
When the puppy starts to understand this concept, you should remove the news paper altogether, and you should keep a close eye on your puppy and watch for signs that your needs to go out and use the bathroom.
If you do purchase a puppy while you have younger children, you will need to keep both the kids and the puppies under close supervision when they are together.
Keep a chew toy close at hand and when the puppy starts to show signs of nipping, give it a toy before it can latch onto any skin.
In order to keep your puppy near you when he is not crated, you can also use baby gates, close doors to bedrooms, use tethers or an indoor dragline and the like to restrict his access to your house and make it easier for you to supervise him.
Once your dog or puppy learns to relieve himself on these highly absorbent training pads, just keep moving the pee pads closer to the door, and then outside.
Any time you can not keep a close watch on the puppy, kindly place it in its crate.
The puppy chewing days... noting is safe during that time So important to provide safe appropriate chew toys and keep a close eye that puppy doesn't chew anything that can be hazardous.
If you are taking your puppy outside of an enclosed space, make sure to use a 6 - foot leash to keep them close to you, so you can keep an eye on them.
Keep watch that your puppy is comfortable before moving closer.
By keeping the puppy in the room you are in, while completing other tasks, you are able to keep a close eye on the pup, reprimanding or redirecting when necessary while allowing curiosity and developing self - confidence.
Give your puppy a few more weeks to get used to the larger confinement area before you start giving him free reign of the room where his area is — simply close the door or use a baby gate to keep him in the room when you can't watch him.
Plus, these regular vaccination visits allow the vet to keep a close eye on the overall health and growth of your puppy.
Keep treats somewhere close to the toilet area, to be sure that you can reward the puppy every time she eliminates.
Having your puppy on - leash keeps them close enough for you to either pick them up or encouraging them by gently pulling on the leash to the outside allowing them to eliminate outside and receiving 3 wonderful treats and praise, praise, praise for doing so.
Keeping the lure close to your puppy's nose, slowly move it upwards and backwards over the pup's muzzle towards his eyes.
Living with a puppy of any breed is a challenge and requires an owner to keep very close watch while the puppy is running around the room.
Dixie fed and kept a careful watch over her puppies — but was frightened of people, not letting anyone get close.
Let puppy drag the leash around on his own but keep a close eye on him so that he doesn't tangle or get hurt.
We banned cockfighting, made dogfighting a felony offense, passed licensing and regulatory control of puppy mills, increased penalties for neglect and abuse, covered birds under cruelty statutes, regulated the keeping of large carnivores, preserved local regulations on farm animals, and most recently, we helped pass the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act which has closed down over 1,200 puppy mills.
You will want to keep your puppy on a leash at all times unless in a confined area — puppies that have stayed close to their owners or have come when called may fail to do so at this stage.
The rule of thumb with puppy socialization is to keep a close eye on your puppy's reaction to whatever you expose him to so that you can tone things down if your pup seems at all frightened.
If you keep a close eye on your puppy and watch for signals, in most cases they will indicate when they need to go outside.
She was also one of the most caring and nurturing mothers, always keeping a close eye on her puppies and tending to them whenever they started to fuss.
It will keep both from developing close, strong bonds to individuals in the human family, which then interferes with each puppy's response to training and control.
If they're properly socialized and trained when they're still young puppies they can learn to get along with others but keep a close eye on them if you find yourselves in the wild.
Keep toilet lids closed (puppies can drown or drink the water which contains chemicals and other toxins)
Keep watch that the puppy is comfortable before moving closer.
Another example is keeping the crate door closed Ipreventing freedom) until your puppy stops pawing at the door or trying to charge through the door.
«If you ask to see their property and they say, «Let's meet in a parking lot,» you're likely dealing with a puppy - miller,» says Kathy McGriff, a reputable ex-breeder of clumber spaniels who kept a close eye on her trade while she was breeding.
If you're going to be using a blow dryer, keep in mind that many puppies might find the noise scary — turn it on several feet away to allow your dog to get used to the noise, bring it slowly closer while feeding lots of treats, and keep it on a warm setting to keep your pup comfortable.
It still requires you to keep a close eye on your puppy as he learns, using positive reinforcement when your puppy does well, and takes consistency on your part.
A few helpful tips for these pee trips is to keep clothes and your puppy's leash close by so you're ready when it's time.
One way to be proactive about this is to keep the puppy's crate close to your bed at night so you can hear when they wake up or cry to go out.
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