Sentences with phrase «kekes neglects»

With the popularity of online, some of these traditional forms get neglected.
One of the top areas of neglect for entrepreneurs is in financial statements.
It's something many entrepreneurs neglect, but try adding a vacation day to your calendar.
Many people have commented on the difficulty of knowing, in advance, what sorts of behaviours prosecutors are going to decide to take a swing at, whether in applying the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or deciding when CEOs have neglected their duties to shareholders.
These high achievers often get up early, proactively manage their health and practice mindfulness, as opposed to flitting from one electronic task to another while neglecting important human relationships.
Unfortunately, the company neglected to include an interactive demo to run on devices that were on display in stores.
In some cases, seniors were neglected by their own children, who assumed responsibility as caretakers and billed Medicaid for their services.
The IG report documents numerous cases of seniors neglected by care givers and allowed to go hungry or lie in their own excrement.
However, when social media gave neglected communities a voice, beauty brands were among the first to court and cater to them.
Over the years, though, the Warfield's surrounding neighborhood along Market Street saw a wave of crime, poverty, and neglect.
Give yourself permission to put you first, and figure out the areas where your needs are neglected.
As a result of social media, participants also admitted to neglecting their loved ones, driving recklessly, being humiliated while snapping selfies in public, and posting things that they would never otherwise say in real life.
Along with Slowe, another Reddit old - schooler is returning to pick up neglected tickets: software engineer David King.
With the popularity of online business, some of these traditional forms get neglected.
«Emotional neglect, exposure to violence, bullying and racism all impact your telomeres, and the effects are long - term,» Blackburn said.
While finding a comfortable bed that allows you to get enough sleep comes with obvious health benefits, don't neglect the rest of the furniture you use every day.
I neglected something I prize most: my relationships.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency overall continue to neglect these important stakeholder concerns.
They sometimes neglect their books for the more flashy parts of business.
Decades of infrastructure neglect are eroding centuries of economic progress.
I feel like small businesses neglect security and other technology that can significantly improve their business due to misunderstanding a topic or rather intimidated by the tech.
When you put first things first, you empower yourself and your team to enjoy every day of this beautiful journey and achieve heights that can't be reached by neglecting what is important in life.»
Worn seats and messy cabins left me feeling neglected.
But what about a digital health firm specifically focusing on one of the most neglected populations in the U.S. — the poor?
David Ceron, a special agent for the inspector general's office in Washington, told Kaiser Health News that «it's fairly common» for family members to be the ones neglecting or abusing seniors and the ones committing the fraud.
For example, if one partner has an obsession with detail and the other neglects this, or one is naturally assertive and the other is more passive, it could lead to frustrations.
Lexin Capital has been accused in the past of neglecting repairs to the town.
In late 2010, with PlayBook development in full swing, some executives worried that RIM was neglecting its core enterprise market — industry jargon for business users.
The hep C treatment is being developed by the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) in collaboration with Egyptian drug maker Pharco Pharmaceuticals.
No matter what type of employee that is hired, too many small business owners are making the same mistake over and over again... they are neglecting to perform professional background screenings on these employees.
And lastly, don't neglect the negative reviews.
Whether you are looking for ways to improve your planning or want to reach customers faster, don't neglect fleet tracking.
, endless stream of fine wines, and recently - released movies, as well as shows I'd neglected to binge watch over the summer, sleep seemed out of the question.
This is a commonly neglected question potential franchisees fail to ask themselves, Omholt says.
What is important is that you don't neglect this extremely important aspect of business operations, but also not to be discouraged and disheartened by the lack of funds.
It was a neglected market with all the focus on issuing more credit cards,» Isaacman says.
Ethiopian lawmakers likewise recently invoked the 2012 case of a neglected Ethiopian 13 - year - old girl who died of hypothermia and malnutrition in the U.S. to justify their new ban on international adoptions.
A non-communicative employee won't say anything, taking on the excessive workload until the damage is already done, possibly quitting or neglecting responsibilities.
In doing so, he adopted the belief of many industry activists that plastic waste is within our power to regulate and that we can address the lack of knowledge, poor waste management procedures, and societal neglect.
Once I made them a priority, I realized how much I had been missing them when I neglected them beforehand.
Montreal's historic but neglected Gare Viger train station and hotel made a perfect home for this growing e-commerce platform
Do the home's residents neglect to remove shoes?
And women, especially women in positions of power, too often neglect their own professional development.
«In this masterful study of urban warfare, DiMarco explains what it takes to seize and hold a city literally block by block and provides lessons for today's tacticians that they neglect at their own peril.»
A professional writer knows that one can't neglect any of them.
Of 60,000 adoptees from Russia to the U.S., only 19 have died from abuse or neglect in the last 20 years, according to The Christian Science Monitor.
After all, it is counterproductive to neglect your company's credit rating in favor of focusing on business outreach and development as that action would be hypocritical given that damaging the company's credit score would be detrimental to progress.
Because so many entrepreneurs devote themselves to their businesses and end up neglecting health, here are five wholesome habits to swap in for the New Year.
It's all too easy to let those bonds erode through neglect, and then discover to your surprise that an important customer has been lost.
We often neglect the power of public relations for small businesses.
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