Sentences with phrase «kickstarter project backers»

We love to see these Kickstarter projects coming to us because their initial inventory typically goes to fulfill the «backorders» from the Kickstarter project backers.

Not exact matches

And according to an analysis of 47,188 randomly selected backers of successfully funded projects 9 percent of the time a Kickstarter campaign has reached its funding goal, the project creators did not deliver the reward that was promised.
Kickstarter's terms make it clear that project creators must «refund any backer whose reward they do not or can not fulfill.»
This is not to say that Kickstarter is not concerned with the security of its backers, since all projects are screened rigorously before being eligible for funding, but that when it comes to a more long - term relationship between investor and entrepreneur, heightened regulation for equity crowdfunding is necessary.
It's unfortunate to see Kickstarter respond to media scrutiny by limiting its users, opposed to seeking a solution that informs backers and empowers project creators to make better decisions.
The project's backers hope that this will help kickstart a new era in lunar exploration, while creating a legacy for the way space missions are funded.
Michael Fassbender has signed on for a rather unlikely project, as the star of Kung Fury, which is a sequel to a 30 - minute viral short produced with the aid of Kickstarter backers.
I'd like to see (Kickstarter) create a built - in tool that allows project owners to tick off tasks and rewards as they complete them, so that backers can be kept up to date even when the project owner is too busy to write a full update.
You will have to get in line behind 440 people at the moment that would be in front of you that originally helped back the project on indiegogo so you would not get it very fast as they tend to ship them to the lowest numbers to the highest numbers in kickstarter and indiegogo campaigns as it's first come first serve and usually the original backers get their's first and the longer you take to pledge the longer delay you will have.
If you were a Kickstarter backer, your EasyEdit program was a reward for backing our project, so you do not need to pay for your license.
My base was small as well, but I successfully funded two of my own projects through Kickstarter, and have advised several others (all successful so far) To be sure, doing a Kickstarter campaign is a ton of work before, during and after, and you would be well advised to do your homework and have as much of the project done, and your target backers scoped out and ready to contact before you start the clock ticking.
Kickstarter's Terms of Use say that creators «must complete the project and fulfill each reward» and, if they can't, to «make every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to the best possible conclusion for backers».
With more than a week remaining, hundreds of backers have already contributed three times the project goal, and there's still time to join the Kickstarter project for Out of Print's ebook covers.
Thank you so much to Aw Yeah Comics for hosting this incredible event, to Art and Mike for being gracious hosts, to the amazing and incredible fans that came and participated in our workshop and checked out the book — some for the very first time — and to you, our Kickstarter backers, for your support on this project.
That means that backers will have more creative say over each project than in some other Kickstarters.
Assuming her Kickstarter hits its goal, the backers will have a high level of involvement in the project.
While many like to claim that there is a legal case for a refund if a project never comes to fruition, the fact is that Kickstarter only state that project creators must legally provide all rewards promised to their backers, not the actual project itself.
That $ 150,000 was spent directly fulfilling physical rewards for Kickstarter backers, packing and shipping the rewards, covering marketing expenses — including the booth at E3 2012 — and supporting the project over close to three years.
The last name rolled across the screen and then the message, «Super special thanks to all of our Kickstarter backers... this project happened because of you.»
The only real legal backing that users of Kickstarters have is, «Kickstarter's Terms of Use require creators to fulfill all rewards of their project or refund any backer whose reward they do not or can not fulfill.»
Labyrinth's Kickstarter campaign was successfully finished on July 15th with more than 1,365 backers who pledged $ 156,781 USD to help bring this project to life.
As a backer of various kickstarter projects, it's important to remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
We are very aware that Kickstarter projects often come with a certain level of risk for the backer, but we want to reassure you that this game will get done no matter what happens during this campaign.
Double Fine Adventure is the largest project in Kickstarter history by pretty much every metric, including dollars pledged and number of backers.
Projects aren't fighting over a finite pool of Kickstarter dollars or backers.
We have spent hours going through the Kickstarter comments and researching all of the project materials, and I feel the backers have made one thing clear — we need to focus on the original single player game and Matsuno's design that was promoted during the campaign.
Over 90,000 backers on Kickstarter funded the project, and the game will be available later this year for PC, Mac, and Linux.
Metrics: — The Kickstarter campaign hit its initial goal in less than an hour and raised more than $ 1 Million in the first 24 hours — More than 36,000 people have backed the project so far — The average pledge per backer is over $ 65 (compared to Shadowrun Returns «average pledge of $ 48)
Anyone who is actually a backer or slackerbacker has access to quite a lot of information about the development and plans, and I think Double Fine has realised that one of their greatest mistakes about that project was to not make it entirely open, only opening it to actual Kickstarter backers and slackerbackers.
The game was funded through Kickstarter, and the project gained massive media attention and over # 2 million which equates to almost $ 3 million USD from backers.
Created by and for role - playing fans by Obsidian Entertainment, masters of the RPG genre, Pillars started as a Kickstarter project, where it shattered all funding goals and pulled in more than 75,000 backers.
If you purchase the game through this kickstarter project, you'll get a exclusive backers only in - game features.
This is something however that we as the backers of projects on Kickstarter must realize, we are not guaranteed anything this is a risk we take to hopefully make a mutual dream come true.
All Kickstarter backers of the project will receive the DLC for free, as well as any retail version (seemingly an incentive to combat piracy).
We Kickstarted our other projects, reached our goals, shipped our rewards, and successfully delivered on what we promised in a timely fashion while keeping our backers fully in the loop.
This email was sent to all Kickstarter backers of the Apex project.
Recently established, middle - ranking London developer Slightly Mad Studios even resorted to funding it on Kickstarter, but thanks to amassing a community of fans via games like GTR and Need for Speed: Shift, it found tens of thousands of backers, who then got deeply involved in Project Cars» development process.
From crowdfunding to global publishing, the journey of 2 Texan «indie» studios on how to live up to backers» expectations after an extraordinary kickstarter success; keep focus in the project and move to global publishing with the collaboration of a Bavarian publisher.
Cloud Imperium Games and Chris Roberts kickstarted their project and let backers support directly through their website.
Since its launch in 2009, Kickstarter has seen more than eight million backers fund more than 81,000 projects with over $ 1.6 billion in the fields of film, music, art, fashion, and gaming.
10 % to Kickstarter fees and taxes, 10 % towards backer rewards, 30 % for our programmer and level designer, 25 % artists, 5 % for the amazing soundtrack 15 % for our project manager, 5 % for conventions!
Just in case people have forgotten already: This isn't the first time this Kickstarter has angered its backers by announcing core changes to the project after securing their funds.
They revamped their rewards — perks backers get for funding the project — from physical to digital; stripped out the features that weren't necessary to the story; and set a new goal: to make the game within the budget reached by the first Kickstarter campaign.
If Konami had their way, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night would never have left the drawing board; this seems odd for a Kickstarter project that raised $ 5,545,992 with 64,867 backers (one of the highest amounts of Backers in Kickstarter history) however as Koji Igarashi explains it, Konami wanted nothing to do with the project, which led him to strike out on his own, reaching out with Kickstarter in order to fund the pbackers (one of the highest amounts of Backers in Kickstarter history) however as Koji Igarashi explains it, Konami wanted nothing to do with the project, which led him to strike out on his own, reaching out with Kickstarter in order to fund the pBackers in Kickstarter history) however as Koji Igarashi explains it, Konami wanted nothing to do with the project, which led him to strike out on his own, reaching out with Kickstarter in order to fund the project.
I don't think Kickstarter funding will be scuppered by such failed projects but, eventually, I would guess we'd see some funding contraction as backers harden their scepticism.
From music to film, if there's a project that needs funding, Kickstarter helps connect the backers to the creators so these projects can get off the ground.
Last year saw crowdfunding come into its own, with 27,500 backers on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter donating a total of $ 1.7 million to comic book projects, resulting in 267 projects that reached their funding goals in 2011.
To help fund the project (a 300 - page book and nine CDs), the institution raised nearly $ 370,000 from more than 2,800 backers on Kickstarter
The Collaborative Tiny House Project is offering backers of the Kickstarter campaign at the $ 20 level a copy of the digital blueprints for constructing a 250 square foot tiny home, with backers at the $ 40 level receiving blueprints for the 328 square foot Dream Tiny House, and those pledging $ 50 and up will get access to the full tiny house building tutorial series.
Gamers are also Kickstarter's most frequent backers: people who first back a Games project have backed 2.43 projects on average, compared to 1.78 projects for all other backers.
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